SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) – Inside Utah Politics continues this week with campaign coverage and a look at Utah’s economy.
We talk with Senate candidate Josh Randall (Elect Josh Randall | US Senate Race 2024). An accountant by trade, the economy and the national debt are two of his biggest concerns. Randall explains his position on America’s debt, rapidly rising interest payments on that debt, and where he feels the solution lies. Randall explains his alternative plans for certain entitlement programs.
Economist Phil Dean will also join the program this week. Mr. Dean studies economic issues at the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute at the University of Utah (Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute | David Eccles School of Business). Working in collaboration with the Utah Economic Council, Mr. Dean presents interesting projections on Utah’s economy. He discusses expectations for the year ahead and the particular risks Utahns face.
We also turn our attention to Washington, where a trial in the Senate for Homeland Security Secretary Alajandro Mayorkas has been delayed. Mayorkas has been a lightning rod for criticism, particularly from Republicans, over his handling of the border crisis. While he was impeached in the House, his potential conviction in the Senate is very much in question.
We are also following developments in Baltimore, Maryland, weeks after an out-of-control cargo ship brought down a key bridge. Maryland’s leaders are lobbying congress for more support, but not everyone is onboard with the ask. Our Washington D.C. correspondent has a look at the issue after President Biden promised the feds would pay for the rebuild in full.
Inside Utah Politics airs Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. on ABC4.