Utah Local News | ABC4 https://www.abc4.com Utah's First TV Station and your destination for news, sports, weather and more across Utah Tue, 16 Apr 2024 04:25:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.5 https://www.abc4.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/10/cropped-android-abc4-News-512x512-1.png?w=32 Utah Local News | ABC4 https://www.abc4.com 32 32 Remembering the history of the Utah State Capitol as cherry trees are in bloom https://www.abc4.com/news/wirth/history-utah-capitol-cherry-trees/ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 04:23:28 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809892 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- With the cherry blossoms in full swing at the Utah State Capitol, its grounds remain busy. But according to ABC4's Craig Wirth, when admiring the blossoms, one should take a moment to admire the historic building behind them as well.

The first cherry trees at the Utah State Capitol bloomed more than 90 springs ago -- but faded into the past, as most of the trees you see today are from the third set of cherry trees planted after the capitol building got remodeled 15 years ago.

The history of the Utah State Capitol

Legislators and visitors have been using the Utah State Capitol building for more than 100 years of lawmaking sessions.

The state broke ground in December 1912, on land that was given to them by the city.

It was quite the deal -- there was a steam shovel with all its noisy gears, pulleys, and chains -- and with the governor, mayor, and architect there for support.

In 1914, the then-governor gathered everyone once again to lay the cornerstone, which was reportedly very well-attended. You couldn't miss it.

According to Emmy Lou Manwill, the location for the building was very intentional, as it could be seen from several locations.

"They liked that it was prominently placed on a hill overlooking the biggest city in Utah, and that it could kind of watch over the state," Manwill said. "I think it was more than people could have imagined. The amount of intricate details in this building is really, really incredible."

Man tortures, kills wolf in Wyoming -- now activists are seeking harsher penalties https://www.abc4.com/news/wyoming-wolf-harsher-penalties/ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 04:16:03 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809754 DANIEL, Wyo. (ABC4) -- Animal activists are outraged and are calling for stiffer penalties after a new video shocked the internet.

The video, obtained by ABC4.com from Cowboy State Daily, shows a man toying with an injured wolf before torturing and killing it.

Wyoming Game and Fish cited Cody Roberts, 42, of Daniel, Wyoming, for keeping a live wolf back in February. He was fined $250 and, at this time, it is unclear if he will face more penalties.

According to Cowboy State Daily, Roberts captured the wolf after running it down with a snowmobile. He then took the wolf to a bar in town, teasing it and showing it off.

Nick Gevock of the Sierra Club Utah Chapter said what this man did was "atrocious."

"We see efforts in Idaho where they're aria gunning wolves. Montana has passed gross laws where they are trying to kill as many wolves as they can, as fast as they can and in Wyoming, it's legal to do what this guy did ... and run a wolf over with a snowmobile. I think that's atrocious," Gevock said.

Wolves are designated "predatory animals" across 85% of Wyoming, which makes them exempt from the standard limits on killing under state wildlife management principles.

Here in Utah, wolves are still considered a protected species -- even within the small portion of northeastern Utah where they are not currently listed under the endangered species act.

The Division of Wildlife Resources said it is still not legal to hunt wolves in Utah.

"The states that have shown they are just terrible at managing wolves; that they are ill-suited to do this and they don't share the conservation groups of the larger United States. And thus we believe that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service should step in and restore federal protection for them," Gevock said.

Utah chub illegally introduced at Millsite Reservoir, puts bluehead sucker population at risk https://www.abc4.com/news/central-utah/illegally-introduced-fish-puts-others-at-risk-millsite/ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 03:59:58 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1810012 EMERY COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources said the illegal introduction of Utah chub at the Millsite Reservoir has put another fish species at risk.

The DWR said the species at risk is called the bluehead sucker, which lives in the Millsite Reservoir. The DWR called the bluehead sucker "a species of greatest conservation need" in a social media post.

"The illegal introduction happened in the past few years, as we found several age classes in our sample," the DWR said.

According to the DWR, officials have been working to ensure a "healthy balance" in the ecosystem at the Millsite Reservoir that supports both recreation and the conservation of the bluehead sucker.

"The illegal introduction of Utah chub has put it at risk," the DWR said.

In its post, the DWR reminded Utahns that moving fish between bodies of water in Utah is illegal -- especially because those introduced fish may prey on other species, including native or endangered species.

"Bucket biology could also introduce disease into the waterbody because the fish and any water introduced have not been certified disease-free," the DWR said.

What is the Utah chub?

Utah chub is the common name for the species Gila atraria, and are often found in freshwater areas -- such as lakes or creeks, according to the website FishBase.

The fish are said to have a "deep, compressed body" with large eyes and a short snout, FishBase said.

"Introduced populations often reach great abundance and become serious competitors with sport fish, especially trout," according to a USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species fact sheet.

Utah officials have said the illegal introduction of the Utah chub at the Millsite Reservoir has put the ecosystem of the reservoir at risk.

What is the bluehead sucker?

According to the DWR's Utah species field guide, "bluehead sucker" is the common name for the species Catostomus discobolus, which is native in parts of Utah, Idaho and several other states.

The fish is said to have a modified mouth that helps it scrape algae from the surface of rocks, as it dwells at the bottom of the bodies of water it is found in.

"In Utah, bluehead suckers have been reduced in numbers and distribution due to flow alteration, habitat loss/alteration, and the introduction of nonnative fishes," the DWR said in its guide.

Utah officials said the main cause of population decline for this species is alteration to and loss of its habitats.

Why is moving fish illegal in Utah?

The DWR has asked that Utahns "Don't ditch a fish," and has also encouraged Utahns to know the law regarding moving fish.

The most important things to note are that introducing fish into Utah waters is illegal, and transporting live fish between waters is a violation of state law.

Additionally using live baitfish while fishing is illegal in Utah, and releasing any species of fish into a body of water in the state is illegal.

The DWR has an updated guidebook with the most recent fishing regulations available online.

Utah couple arrested, indicted after allegedly defrauding customers out of more than $600K https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/utah-couple-indicted-allegedly-defrauding-600k/ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 01:41:15 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809923 ST. GEORGE, Utah (ABC4) -- A Utah couple is being charged with financial crimes after they ran a gun and ammunition business that they allegedly used to defraud customers and financial firms of more than $600,000, according to the Department of Justice.

The federal court in St. George unsealed an indictment on Monday after the couple was arrested in Utah County, according to the Department of Justice.

John Earl Donaldson, 31, and Carlie Elizabeth Winters, 29, are being charged with wire fraud conspiracy and money laundering conspiracy and first appeared in court on April 14 at the U.S. District Courthouse in St. George.

Court documents claimed the couple conspired together between December 2021 and January 2023 to obtain money from their customers. The couple reportedly obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations that were supposedly meant to benefit first responders in Ukraine.

"Through false pretenses, Donaldson and Winters allegedly lied about Urban Armz’s inventory and ability to procure goods for which customers paid," the Department of Justice said in a press release. "Additionally, Donaldson and Winters fraudulently obtained money from financial firms through false pretenses."

According to the DOJ, Donaldson allegedly claimed to be able to sell large amounts of ammunition at "competitively low prices."

In December 2021, a customer reportedly paid $90,000 to the company Urban Armz -- after which the DOJ said the ammunition was never delivered and the couple spent the money on things like credit card payments and shopping.

Other instances include a Detroit company ordering $300,000 worth of body armor to donate to first responders in Ukrainian war zones in April 2022. According to the DOJ, Urban Armz never delivered that body armor.

In June 2022, a nonprofit for supporting Ukrainian refugees and immigrants in the United States spent $217,098.98 on "night vision goggles, thermal optics, and other equipment for Ukrainian first responders serving in war zones," the DOJ said.

The nonprofit did not receive the equipment and Donaldson and Winters reportedly used those funds for other unrelated activities.

Furthermore, the company's website claimed there was an office in St. George, which the DOJ said was false. The company's website also allegedly claimed some of its clients included the FBI and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.

The Salt Lake City Field Office of the FBI is investigating the case.

More than 900K Utahns to participate in this year's Great Utah ShakeOut -- are you joining? https://www.abc4.com/news/local-news/900k-utahns-to-participate-great-utah-shakeout/ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 01:39:48 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809815 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- While Utah is no California when it comes to earthquakes, officials say 90% of Utah's population lives in an active earthquake zone.

Every year Utah officials host The Great Utah ShakeOut, a day dedicated to refreshing Utahns' earthquake safety skills. So far, 900,000 people have pledged to participate this year, which is 20,000 more than last year.

On Thursday, April 18, people at school, work, or home are going to perform earthquake drills and review emergency plans as part of what officials say is the largest earthquake drill.

The Wasatch Fault typically has a major earthquake every 350 to 400 years, according to an official video depicting what could happen in a major Utah earthquake. The video notes the last earthquake was more than 350 years ago.

This, coupled with the recent report from the U.S. Geological Survey saying the Wasatch Front has a greater than 50% chance of seeing powerful earthquakes over the next century, makes the ShakeOut event particularly relevant.

However, the ShakeOut website says many Utahns discount the earthquake threat because there has not been a major earthquake since the pioneers settled in the area in the mid-1800s.

"Comparing the average recurrence interval with the amount of time since the last large earthquake indicates that the next large earthquake is becoming increasingly likely on certain parts of the Wasatch fault," the website reads.

For those wishing to participate, there are several resources on shakeout.org for all kinds of organizations, including businesses, schools, healthcare facilities, parks and libraries, and at home. Officials say those participating should register to be "counted in the largest-ever earthquake drill," the website says.

Earthquake safety tips

The Utah ShakeOut site links out to several other organizations with tips to refresh your earthquake safety skills, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Earthquake County Alliance (ECA).

As simple as fire safety's "stop, drop, and roll" mantra, in an earthquake, officials say to drop, cover, and hold on.

Dropping to your hands and knees protects you from falling or being hit by flying objects, according to ECA. Cover refers to covering your head and neck and seeking cover under a sturdy desk or table, or, if none are available, next to an interior wall. ECA officials say to remain bent over on your knees to protect your vital organs.

Finally, hold on. If you are under a desk or table, hold onto it and move with the shelter if necessary. If there is no shelter, hold onto your head and neck area with both arms, ECA says.

If you are unable to drop, cover, and hold on due to health issues, check out the ECA site for specific recommendations. For tips on how to prepare for an earthquake ahead of time, see here.

Spring storm moving through https://www.abc4.com/utah-weather/spring-storm-moving-through/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 23:58:46 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809850 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Happy Monday, Utah! We are starting the workweek completely differently compared to what we had this weekend weather-wise.

A storm system moving through will bring widespread valley rain and mountain snow showers today through the evening before wet weather potential drops tonight.

The best chance of wet weather will be in northern and central Utah, but even southern Utah will have a chance of seeing isolated showers. A few rumbles of thunder can't be ruled out either! 

Snow levels today will mainly range between 6,000 to 7,500 feet, with the bulk of the accumulations expected to be above 7,000 feet. We do have winter weather advisories in place from the southern Wasatch Mountains south through the southern mountains.

These will run through 9 p.m. tonight. The southern Wasatch Mountains could see between 8 to 16 inches with locally up to 20 inches while the central and southern mountains could see 6 to 12 inches with locally up to 15 inches.

For most mountains south of I-80 it's more likely we see five to 10 inches with locally up to 18 inches. For the Wasatch Mountains north of I-80, one to four inches will be possible with maybe up to six inches in spots.

Mountain valleys and high benches could see some minor accumulations with maybe upwards of three inches for places like Park City. Most valleys will see mainly rain. Outside of any wet weather skies will be partly sunny to mostly cloudy.

For most, highs will range in the 40s and 50s. Southern and easternmost Utah will be exceptions with a few 60s like in Moab and Lake Powell while St. George could see a high of 70. By tonight, we'll see lows drop into the 30s and 40s for most while the chance of wet weather comes to an end outside of the high country by the overnight.

With our storm system gone, tomorrow will bring a mix of sun and clouds and a pretty quick warm up. Highs tomorrow will be about five to 10 degrees warmer than today which will be good for most to land pretty close to seasonal norms.

For the middle of the week, a weak system will clip northern Utah and could bring a few spotty showers. This system will help keep temperatures status quo from what we get tomorrow while southern Utah continues to warm.

By the end of the week, we'll settle into a fairly quiet pattern as the warming ramps up to end the week and move into the weekend. 

Stay up-to-date on our 4Warn Weather forecast both on-air and online. We are Good4Utah!

Laufey, The Marías and Jungle among 2024 SLC Twilight Concert Series headliners https://www.abc4.com/news/everything-utah/2024-slc-twilight-concert-series-headliners/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 23:51:12 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809620 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Music festival season has officially kicked off -- with the first weekend of Coachella wrapping up -- and, here in Utah, there are plenty of opportunities for fans to experience big names onstage at a fraction of the price.

On Monday, the lineup for the 37th Twilight Concert Series in Salt Lake City was announced -- featuring artists like Laufey, Jungle and The Marías, just to name a few.

Season passes go on sale beginning Tuesday, April 16, at 10 a.m., while tickets for individual shows go on sale starting at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 17.

Season passes for general admission are expected to come out to around $80 after taxes and fees (for an average cost of about $13 per show) while VIP season passes will be about $275 after taxes and fees (for an average cost of about $46 per show).

Service fees are shown on the ticket website, but taxes are not shown until going through the ticketing process, so the prices may differ slightly. All shows will take place at the Gallivan Center except for The Marías, who will perform at Library Square.

Performance dates, individual ticket prices and more information about the performers are all included below.

Friday, June 21 -- Laufey, Grace Enger, Anna Beck

The SLC Twilight Concert Series is scheduled to kick off with a bang -- with the first performance of the series being Grammy-winning international pop and jazz sensation Laufey. Laufey is a multi-instrumentalist singer, composer and producer based in Los Angeles.

"As a musician, my goal is to bring jazz and classical music to my generation through a more accessible road," Laufey said on her website.

One of her most popular songs is "From The Start," and several of her songs have hundreds of millions of plays across streaming platforms.

Grace Enger has been supporting Laufey on The Goddess Tour. One of Enger's most popular songs is "The Neighborhood," which has several million streams. Several of her other songs have hundreds of thousands of plays.

Anna Beck is a local Utah singer who performed at Kilby Court earlier this year.

Individual tickets for Laufey will start at $20 before taxes and fees when purchased in advance.

Thursday, June 27 -- Thee Sacred Souls, The Mañanas, Jazzy Olivo

Thee Sacred Souls is a band that plays what their website calls "Southern California sweet soul."

Their song from 2020 "Can I Call You Rose?" has taken off in 2024, being featured in several videos across various social media platforms. The band aims for a more old-school sound -- taking inspiration from the '60s and '70s eras of music -- and has performed on several late-night shows and toured across several countries.

The Mañanas is a band from Denver, Colorado. The band released their debut album in 2021 and one of their most popular songs is "Don't Think Your Love Has Given Up."

Jazzy Olivo is a singer-songwriter from the Dominican Republic who is now based in Utah. One of her most popular videos is of her singing "El Circo."

Individual tickets for Thee Sacred Souls will start at $15 before taxes and fees when purchased in advance.

Friday, July 19 -- Watchhouse, TBA, Branson Anderson

Watchhouse is a folk duo made up of Andrew Marlin and Emily Frantz that first started out with the name Mandolin Orange. After they had a child together, they went through a lot of changes -- both with their music and their lives.

Despite the change in band name, traces of the former name still exist, as Watchhouse changed their artist name on platforms like YouTube and Spotify, but "Mandolin Orange" still shows up in the text of some music videos and album covers.

One of their most popular songs is "Golden Embers" and they have hundreds of millions of streams on several of their songs.

One of the opening acts has yet to be announced, but Branson Anderson is another local singer. Anderson is from Nevada and spends most of his time in Nevada, Utah and Wyoming.

Individual tickets for Watchhouse will start at $15 before taxes and fees when purchased in advance.

Wednesday, August 7 -- Jungle, BALTHVS, The Plastic Cherries

Jungle is another band that has become quite popular on social media, with their song "Back on 74" taking platforms by storm and inspiring users to recreate dancers' moves from the official music video.

BALTHVS is described as "a Colombian psychedelic funk trio" that combines elements from genres including disco and Middle Eastern music. BALTHVS has reached millions of streams worldwide and played at Colombia's largest music festival.

The Plastic Cherries hail from Utah and often perform in the Salt Lake area and states surrounding Utah, according to their website. Their most popular song to date is "Lovers On The Run."

Individual tickets for Jungle will start at $15 before taxes and fees when purchased in advance.

Friday, August 16 -- The Marías, Automatic, Homephone

The Marías is a Grammy-nominated band that has collaborated with the likes of Bad Bunny and Tainy.

The Marías are set to release their sophomore album, "Submarine," at the end of May. The band released the album's lead single "Run Your Mouth" in March. One of their most popular songs is "Cariño," and they have hundreds of millions of plays on several songs.

Automatic is joining The Marías on their North American tour, including the stop in Salt Lake City. One of their most popular songs is "Too Much Money" and they just released their latest album "Excess" in 2022.

Homephone is a band based in Salt Lake City, and their song "More Than Chemical" has earned tens of thousands of streams.

Individual tickets for The Marías will start at $15 before taxes and fees when purchased in advance.

Wednesday, August 21 -- Alex G, julie, Cannibal Queen

Alex G is a Philadelphia-based musician who has several songs with hundreds of millions of streams. He started out writing and recording music in his bedroom as a teenager and later worked with Frank Ocean.

Alex G is known for songs like "Mary" and "Sarah" and released his latest album "God Save The Animals" in 2022.

There is not much information online about the band julie (stylized in all lowercase letters), yet it has managed to amass quite a large following on social media. One of their most popular songs is "flutter," but one of their most popular music videos is for "pg.4 a picture of three hedges."

Cannibal Queen is a local Utah artist who has opened for artists including Neon Trees and The Aces. Cannibal Queen has been making music in Salt Lake City since 2016 and has continued on that journey, playing at Kilby Block Party in the past and now at the Salt Lake City Twilight Concert Series.

Individual tickets for Alex G will start at $10 before taxes and fees when purchased in advance.

Venue and event rules

When buying tickets, a warning at the bottom of the page reads, "All events are held rain or shine. Artists subject to change."

Everyone entering the venue -- including children -- needs to have a ticket. There will be free water stations, as well as food trucks and beverage stations.

There are no refunds (even if a specific artist cancels) and there is no re-entry into the venue. Weapons, firearms, backpacks, large purses and pets (excluding service animals) are also not allowed.

Umbrellas, blankets, chairs, coolers, outside food/drink/alcohol/liquids, drones and professional recording equipment are prohibited.

PETA offers to fix Panguitch Lake Dam — for an ad placement https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/peta-ad-fix-panguitch-lake-dam/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 22:11:52 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809681 GARFIELD COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- As officials continue monitoring the massive crack at the Panguitch Lake Dam, PETA offered to fix the issue -- for an ad placement encouraging residents to go vegan.

PETA sent a letter Monday to Allen Hernie, president of the West Panguitch Irrigation and Reservoir Company, offering to contribute to the considerable costs of fixing the crack -- if the company agrees to place a PETA advertisement on the dam.

ABC4.com reached out to the West Panguitch Irrigation and Reservoir Company for comment, but has yet to hear back.

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk said the animal rights organization is eager to "shore up the dam and the health of Panguitch residents with this win-win offer," as, according to Newkirk, going vegan can lower risks of cancer, heart disease, and other deadly illnesses.

In the letter to Henrie, Newkirk said PETA has more than 9 million members and supporters globally, including thousands in Utah.

"We’ll contribute to the cost of repairing the Panguitch Lake Dam if you’ll allow us to place an eye-catching public interest message on it reading, 'Give a dam about your health. Go vegan,' Newark offered in the letter.

The letter states that "every person who goes vegan after seeing our ad would prevent nearly 200 animals a year from suffering on factory farms."

"I hope you'll agree that our offer holds water," the letter states. "We'd be happy to provide delicious vegan snacks for everyone to enjoy at the ad's unveiling."

NHL executive committee approves Arizona Coyotes' move to Utah https://www.abc4.com/sports/nhl-hockey/nhl-executive-committee-approves-arizona-coyotes-move-to-utah/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 20:58:47 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809616 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- The National Hockey League has moved one step closer to bringing the Arizona Coyotes to Salt Lake City.

On Monday, the NHL's executive committee approved the move, according to Sportico. The relocation vote will now go to the entire Board of Governors, which comprises all 32 teams.

Sportico said the league has yet to respond for comment.

When the deal is completed, Sportico reports that Arizona's hockey operations department and players will be rebranded and relocated to Utah in time for the 2024-25 season.

Over the weekend, ESPN reported the NHL brokered the deal to move the Coyotes to Utah, where they will begin to play at the Delta Center, home of the Utah Jazz. The NHL and the Smith Entertainment Group, owners of the Jazz, have yet to make any official announcement, but one is expected to come later this week.

However, sources told ESPN that the NHL has made it clear to the Smiths that a hockey-specific upgrade is needed at the Delta Center in order for the arena to become the team’s permanent home.

Smith already has government support. A bill was passed in the Utah State Senate to help fund a renovated entertainment district downtown in anticipation of an NHL franchise. The bill already has approval from Utah Gov. Spencer Cox.

Bodycam footage released in SLCPD officer-involved shooting from earlier this month https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/bodycam-footage-released-in-slcpd-officer-involved-shooting-from-earlier-this-month/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 19:35:26 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809517

This post may contain graphic images or details. Reader discretion is advised.

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Salt Lake City Police have released bodycam footage of the officer-involved critical incident from Tuesday, April 2, that left a man dead.

The incident occurred on the 800 block of South State Street. Police received a 911 call from an employee working at a Chevron gas station.

The employee reportedly told police that the suspect, later identified as Cameron Ammon Cloward, 36, had a knife and tried to stab him through a window. Based on the employee’s statements, police believe Cloward may have committed an aggravated robbery by using — or threatening to use — a dangerous weapon during the commission of a robbery or attempted robbery.

Officers arrived at the scene at around 2:30 a.m., finding Cloward walking in the parking lot while holding a knife. Cloward reportedly began walking north from the gas station on the east sidewalk of State Street. Cloward allegedly turned around, faced officers, and started walking back into the gas station parking lot.

Bodycam footage from one of the officers on the scene captured the officer telling Cloward to stop walking toward the gas station.

The footage then shows Cloward holding his knife with the blade positioned under his chin. Officers gave Cloward commands to stop and get on the ground, but he refused to comply, repeatedly saying, "I don't care."

One SLCPD officer reportedly requested a "less lethal shotgun," before four officers then fired shots, resulting in Cloward's death.

No officers were injured during the incident. The knife found at the scene matched the description provided by the store employee as a pocketknife. The blade of the knife was found extended, police said.

The four SLCPD officers who used deadly force have been placed on standard paid administrative leave.

The videos released today captured the incident from the body-worn cameras of six SLCPD officers.

"Any loss of life is tragic, and the use of deadly force is a traumatic event for our officers. This situation unfolded very quickly and involved safety risks to our community and officers. Our officers are trained to perceive, interpret, and respond to a person’s actions. The body-worn camera footage released today shows our officers urging, and ordering, Mr. Cloward to put down his knife and to stop walking toward them. Maintaining the safety of our community can be full of risk and unpredictability," a press release from SLCPD states.

Here are links to the six bodycam videos, provided by SLCPD:

No further information is available at this time.

New name? New arena? What would the NHL's Coyotes in Utah look like? https://www.abc4.com/sports/nhl-hockey/new-name-new-arena-what-would-the-nhls-coyotes-in-utah-look-like/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 19:30:04 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809199 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- It's all but official that Salt Lake City will be the new home for the Arizona Coyotes.

Over the weekend, ESPN reported the NHL brokered the deal to move the Coyotes to Utah, where they will begin play in the 2024-25 season at the Delta Center, home of the Utah Jazz. While the NHL and the Smith Entertainment Group, owners of the Jazz, have yet to make any official announcement, that is expected to come later this week.

So what will it look like to have the Utah Jazz and Utah's future NHL team sharing the same stadium? Will the Delta Center undergo renovations to accommodate the two teams? Can Utahns expect the Coyotes to go under a new name?

Sharing an arena?

The NBA and NHL seasons run at the same time, stretching six months from October to April, not including pre- or post-season. If the two do end up sharing the Delta Center, it would mean the two leagues will have to juggle scheduling 82 games between basketball and hockey.

While that sounds like a titan of a task, it's not impossible.

Currently, there are 10 arenas across the United States and Canada shared by both NHL and NBA. Most of the time, the two teams will mirror one another. While one team is on the road, the other plays at home. However, that's not always the case.

Earlier this season the New York Rangers played hockey at Madison Square Garden on Oct. 16 and Oct. 19. The New York Knicks took over for one night on Oct. 18.

Thankfully, it doesn't seem to take long to convert an arena from basketball to hockey and back again. The United Center in Chicago, home of the Chicago Blackhawks and the Chicago Bulls, takes a little more than two hours to make the swap, according to reporting from the Chicago Tribune.

So while there won't be much of a scheduling conflict for both the Jazz and the Coyotes, there is the question of will the Delta Center be ready.

Delta Center renovations?

Utah Jazz owner Ryan Smith has proven hockey games can be played at the Delta Center. In 2021, Frozen Fury — a preseason series between Las Vegas Knights and Los Angeles Kings — was exclusively hosted in Salt Lake City. But that doesn't mean Smith wouldn't want a few upgrades.

If there were to be some renovations, the initial ones likely wouldn't be very extensive — just enough to make the center playable for both leagues easily. There is only a six-month off-season to facilitate work on the arena, after all. However, some Salt Lakers are already groaning about the Delta Center's unfavorable NHL configuration.

Depending on where you sit during an NHL game, the entire rink may not be visible. Either the far end is blocked or the space directly below is out of sight, according to commenters online. But Smith has a vision.

Earlier this year, Smith shared a render that showed a new look for Salt Lake City's downtown. At the heart of that render was a brand new arena, presumably to be designed to host the two leagues with ease.

The proposed arena has been at the center of some controversy, however, as the Utah legislature passed a bill that could see Salt Lake sales taxes by up to 0.5%. The bill passed with landslide success in both houses and was signed by Utah Gov. Spencer Cox. Meanwhile, some Salt Lake City residents have complained about funding a multi-million dollar project with taxpayer funds.

There is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding a new arena in Salt Lake City but rest assured ABC4 will follow those developments as they happen. Another area of uncertainty is what a Utah NHL team would be called.

Coyotes getting a new name?

While it seems the Arizona Coyotes players and staff will be moving to Utah, they might be doing so without their signature colors or logos. Chris Johnston with The Athletic reported that Coyotes owner Alex Meruelo will hold on to the rights to the Coyotes brand as part of the deal to relocate the team to Salt Lake.

This means the Utah NHL team will need a new name and — while this is speculative — it appears the Utah Yeti is the clear winner, if social media fans have their say.

Last week, Ryan Smith put the feelers out on different names for a potential Utah-based NHL team. While fans were quick to offer up suggestions, Yetis rose to the top as the popular choice. One astute person on Twitter noticed the website "utahyeti.com" was purchased over the weekend. Fans who attended Saturday's Real Salt Lake game, which Smith also has part ownership of, may have also noticed a standee with cartoonish yetis in the plaza of America First Field.

While these developments don't necessarily guarantee the Coyotes will rebrand into the Yeti, it does seem to be the favorable option.

More information is expected to come out in the next week. National Hockey League officials are reportedly expected to announce the move at the end of the regular season, according to ESPN.

Utah Tech hosts free admission day at St. George Children's Museum https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/utah-tech-hosts-free-admission-day-at-st-george-childrens-museum/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 18:05:08 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809347 ST. GEORGE, Utah (ABC4) -- Kids and families can plan for a day of fun at the St. George Children's Museum free of charge, thanks to Utah Tech University.

The children's museum will be partnering with Utah Tech to offer free admission on Saturday, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Children and families will be able to enjoy everything in the museum including interactive exhibits and added activities provided by Utah Tech University students.

Throughout the day, Utah Tech students will host several activities for families of all ages, including dance lessons, a scavenger hunt and bingo with plenty of prizes to give away.

"I'm excited for Utah Tech Day because it's a great opportunity for students to volunteer in the community while also representing their school and what they are most passionate about," said event coordinator and Utah Tech Student Association youth support service leader Baylie Booth. "It also helps students connect with the future generation of trailblazers to spread the trailblazer spirit."

Located at 86 South Main Street, the St. George Children's Museum occupies the building where Utah Tech University was initially housed.

"The St. George Children's Museum holds a special place to us as the original home of Utah Tech University," said Utah Tech Vice President of Marketing and Communication Dr. Jordan Sharp. "As a thank you for all our community does for our students and institution, we invite everyone to come to experience the Trailblazer Nation room and all the museum has to offer."

To learn more about the event, including a schedule of events, visit the event's Facebook page, here.

Utah beavers killed by human-spreadable disease in 'unusual' event https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/utah-beavers-killed-by-human-spreadable-disease-in-unusual-event/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:58:32 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809150 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Nine beavers were found dead in the last few weeks throughout Summit, Wasatch, and Utah counties due to a disease spreadable to humans, according to the Division of Wildlife Resources.

The beavers reportedly tested positive for a disease called tularemia -- also known as rabbit fever, hare plague, and deerfly fever -- which is caused by a bacteria. The disease is fatally infectious to rabbits, hares, and other rodents, including beavers, according to the DWR.

It can be transmitted through the bite of a tick or deerfly, by direct contact with blood or tissue from infected animals, or by ingestion of contaminated water or undercooked rabbit or hare meat from an infected animal.

The disease killed nine beavers in the state over the last few weeks in what the DWR calls an "unusual" circumstance.

"The bacteria that causes this infection is known to be in the environment in many parts of Utah; however, it is unusual to see this many animals die from it at once," DWR Veterinarian Ginger Stout said. 

The deceased animals were found in the following areas:

  • Five dead beavers were discovered near the Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter by preserve staff between March 23 and April 2. All five beavers shared one beaver lodge at the preserve. 
  • One dead beaver was found near Midway on April 5 by a DWR fisheries crew. 
  • Two beavers and a vole were found dead near the Jordanelle Dam on April 8.
  • One dead beaver was discovered in the Birdseye area of Utah County on April 10.

Humans are, in fact, susceptible to tularemia, though human cases usually result from the bite of a tick or deerfly in the summer "or when someone handles infected animals harvested during hunting or trapping seasons," according to the DWR.

The disease can reportedly be life-threatening for people if not treated quickly, however, most infections can be treated with antibiotics.

"There is a concern about the possibility of tick-borne or fly-borne diseases, so it’s advised to take the necessary precautions by wearing protective clothing, using appropriate insect repellent and checking for ticks after being in brushy areas," Stout said.

The DWR advises that if you see a dead rabbit, beaver or other rodent, you should not touch the carcasses and should report them to their nearest DWR office.

The last confirmed case of tularemia killing wildlife in Utah was in 2017, according to the DWR, with a cottontail rabbit in the Kanab area.

For more information on the disease, visit the Dept. of Health and Human Services website here.

Chad Daybell Trial Liveblog Day 3: Detectives testify about Daybell's behavior when bodies were found https://www.abc4.com/news/national/vallow-daybell-trial/chad-daybell-trial-liveblog-day-3-first-full-week-begins/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:37:43 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1809059 UPDATE: 12 p.m.: BOISE, Idaho (ABC4) — The first full week of the Chad Daybell murder trial kicked off with patrol car and body cam footage of the day two bodies were found on the Daybell property.

Prosecutors brought more detectives to the stand in the morning portion of the trial as they attempted to paint a picture of Chad Daybell's behavior while law enforcement officers investigated his property on June 9, 2020. On that day, investigators discovered the bodies of Joshua “JJ” Vallow, 7, and Tylee Ryan, 16.

Finding JJ and Tylee's bodies

Prosecutor Rocky Wixom called Rexburg Police Department Det. Eric Wheeler to the stand. Wheeler's main job on the morning of June 9 was crowd control, traffic control and security at the Daybell property. He testified that he kept an eye on Daybell throughout the morning.

As investigators combed Daybell's property, Chad Daybell was allowed free rein to move about as he chose. Wheeler testified that Daybell spent a large portion of the morning in his vehicle. Some of that time was spent on the phone, but Wheeler testified that Daybell "awkwardly" kept looking toward the fire pit where Tylee Ryan's remains were found and a pond where JJ Vallow's body was discovered.

Wheeler testified that later in the morning, Daybell drove next door to where his daughter, Emma, lived. Chad Daybell spent around two hours in Emma's home before he got back into his vehicle and drove off.

Wheeler testified that at the same time Chad Daybell left, detectives had discovered JJ's remains. They instructed Wheeler to intercept Chad Daybell, which he did near the Fremont County and Madison County lines.

Wheeler testified that he felt Chad Daybell sped away from the scene, but defense attorney John Prior noted that Daybell was leaving the scene to meet his lawyer. Body cam footage shown to the jury showed that when Wheeler pulled Daybell over, detectives informed Daybell that he could have his lawyer come to the property instead.

That traffic stop appears to be the first time anyone had told Chad Daybell that bodies had been discovered on his property. Wheeler testified that Daybell was handcuffed and placed in a patrol car but was not placed under arrest at that time.

An in-car camera in the patrol car showed Chad Daybell speaking to his daughter Emma, instructing her on how to handle certain finances. Prosecutors seemed to attempt to paint the picture that Chad Daybell knew he was caught at this time, as he mentioned that he "wouldn't be coming back," even though he hadn't been arrested yet.

Prior, meanwhile, countered with the idea that Chad Daybell was nervous because over two dozen law enforcement officers were combing his property. Also, he noted that being pulled over by police is a natural reason to be nervous.

A portion of Wheeler's testimony was focused on times Chad Daybell looked over his shoulder while in the patrol car. Prosecutors pushed to say that Daybell was looking at the areas where the bodies were found, while the defense countered that he was simply looking over his shoulder as his daughter walked away.

Tammy Daybell's death

The court called Lt. Joe Powell, of Fremont County Sheriff's Office, to the stand. They asked him questions regarding his decision to exhume the body of Tammy Daybell after the death was originally determined to be from natural causes.

Prosecutors asked Powell what his reasons were to reopen the investigation into Tammy Daybell's death. He pointed to medical records saying she didn't have any serious medical conditions and didn't go to the doctor often.

The defense, however, challenged that by having Powell read a document from the time of Tammy Daybell's death that says she had anemia, noting anemia can become serious, and was having fits and seizures at the time of her death. The document said she had vomited prior to going to bed that night.

The document also says she did not like the doctor and preferred to use home remedies and essential oils. It ruled Tammy Daybell's death as natural saying it was due to a "cardiac event and pulmonary edema." The defense noted that the medical records said Tammy Daybell's dad had a history of heart issues. 

“You didn’t take that into consideration when you decided to dig up Tammy Daybell, did you?” Prior said.

The prosecution then combated the defense pointing out that much of the information in the document came from Chad Daybell. Wixom also asked if other reasons besides her medical records prompted him to exhume Tammy Daybell's body.

Powell said the death of Charles Vallow and Lori Vallow Daybell's brother Alex Cox being implicated in an attempted murder contributed to his decision to exhume the body. Prior countered that by noting that Chad Daybell was not implicated in Charles Vallow's death or the attempted murder incident.

The court is on recess and will return shortly.

How a 7-year-old's stolen scooter turned into a kindness initiative https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/stolen-scooter-kindness-initiative/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 04:39:13 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808718 HERRIMAN, Utah (ABC4) -- Seven-year-old Lincoln Neff recognizes many days as “the best day of his life.” 

Recently, he’s gone through a bit of a tough loss for a seven-year-old: One of his prized possessions went missing.

“My sweet boy got a scooter for Christmas just a couple months ago,” Lincoln’s mother Nicole Neff said. “I took him to an appointment and we forgot that he had the scooter at school.” 

When the Neffs got back, Lincoln’s beloved scooter was gone. 

“I was crying for like maybe the next half-hour of school,” Lincoln said. “I was super sad.”

Nicole posted on Facebook to see if anyone had seen the missing scooter. After that, she received a message from another woman in the Herriman Facebook Community page. 

“She sent this message saying that her son had passed away in 2022 and she had a scooter that’s been in the garage ever since and she would like to give it to my son Lincoln because it was time for a kid to enjoy that scooter,” Nicole said.

So, Nicole and Lincoln went to meet the woman. When she gave him the scooter, Lincoln had a message to share with her.

“I felt bad for her,” he said. “I said, ‘I’m sorry about him. I’m sorry about what happened,’ and she said, ‘It’s fine.’” 

Now, thanks to an act of kindness from a stranger, Lincoln has a new scooter -- and a few new tricks. 

“I do know some tricks, like a tailwhip,” he said. 

The Neffs are hoping to pay that kindness forward by doing one kind act a day. 

“So, we’ve been doing kind acts every single day of April, trying to hopefully make a little bit of influence on our kids to just be kinder and spread goodness,” Nicole said.

A seemingly simple act, bringing a child joy every day with a new used scooter.

Families reunite at Hill AFB after airmen return from months-long deployment in Japan https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/families-reunite-at-hill-afb-after-airmen-return-from-months-long-deployment-in-japan/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 02:39:50 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808535 DAVIS COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- On Sunday, nearly 300 airmen from the 388th and 419th Fighter Wings returned to Utah after being deployed in Japan for almost five months.

Hundreds of family members, friends and loved ones were at Hill Air Force Base, welcoming the airmen home with open arms after a morning of anticipation.

Cori Carey was one of many wives waiting at Hill AFB to welcome her husband back.

"I’m nervous, but excited all at the same time," Carey told ABC4.com. "It’s been nerve-racking, having him gone and having the three kids at home and trying to maintain life without him."

Carey said her husband missed their son's first Christmas and his first birthday, but she is interested to see how her husband will react to how much their son has grown after coming home.

"It's gonna be nice to have him home and be a family again," Carey said.

Allyson Kinder was also at Hill Air Force Base to welcome her husband home.

"It's very scary," Allyson Kinder said. "I'm anxious constantly, but I think it really strengthens our relationship -- just having that distance, that 16-hour time difference trying to make it work and communicating."

United States Air Force Deputy Commander Col. James Buessing said the airmen spent time at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, and had been there since November.

"They worked with our partners and allies, mostly to deter any kind of instability that could happen in the Pacific region," Buessing said.

Buessing shared about his own experience with combat deployment and acknowledged the high amount of anticipation from both family members and military members.

"Definitely no sleep the night before, anxiously cleaning the house, making sure everything is good to go," Kinder said.

While awaiting their return at Hill AFB, some families found out about the return sooner than others -- for Carey, she said found out about her husband's return the week it happened.

"He kept it a secret until just a couple days ago," Carey said.

On that windy Sunday, friends and family were standing in line and holding signs as the time ticked by, the wheels touched down and the reunions could begin.

Families got to experience the long-awaited hug and kiss that they said was well worth the 149 days.

Returning airmen said that returning felt surreal, some said it brought relief and others said it felt great to be with their families once again.

"It’s an awesome opportunity just to see all the families and friends that come back to an open our airmen with open arms," Buessing said.

'Stranger' arrested for kidnapping, rape after picking up victim near train tracks in Salt Lake City https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/stranger-arrested-kidnapping-rape-picking-up-near-slc-train-tracks/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 00:27:46 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808570 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- A man was arrested Thursday for the alleged kidnapping and sexual abuse of a female victim he had picked up and refused to let out of his car, according to Salt Lake City Police.

Arnold Gonzales, 69, was arrested on object rape (first-degree felony), aggravated kidnapping (first-degree felony), two counts of forcible sexual abuse (second-degree felony), and obstruction of justice (class-A misdemeanor).

On April 11, SLCPD was notified of a possible kidnapping after the victim had texted friends saying that she was in a stranger's vehicle and did not know where she was.

The victim's family reportedly found the victim's phone location and waited until police could conduct a traffic stop.

Upon stopping the vehicle, police found Gonzales in the driver's seat and the victim in the passenger seat. Detectives then separated the two so that they could conduct individual interviews.

During the interview, the victim told police "she did not know [Gonzales] and when she walked past his vehicle, she was dizzy and did not know how, but she ended up in his car," according to the probable cause statement. "The victim stated that once inside the vehicle [Gonzales] made her smoke marijuana and he touched her [...] more than once."

The victim reportedly continued to describe forcible sexual abuse, claiming that Gonzales would not stop his actions and drove her around for close to an hour.

"The victim stated that she tried getting out of the vehicle multiple times and Arnold would not let her and would make her smoke more marijuana," the affidavit states. "The victim shared the texts she had sent to her friend that said she was lost and in a vehicle with a stranger and that she was scared."

During the interview with Gonzales, he reportedly told police that he saw the victim, whom he did not know, walking near train tracks and offered to give her a ride to "help her out," the affidavit states. Gonzales denied trying anything sexual with the victim, and that when the victim asked him to get out of the vehicle and walk, "he told her not to and that he would continue to drive her home because of the dangerous area they were in."

After his arrest, Gonzales was reportedly observed trying to hide potential evidence relating to sexual abuse. Police did not disclose information about the victim's age, but Gonzales reportedly told police that she was 18.

Gonzales was booked into Salt Lake County Jail on the charges previously stated.

Charges are allegations only. All arrested persons are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

SLCPD investigating shooting in Liberty Wells, suggest connection to drug deal https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/slcpd-investigating-shooting-in-liberty-wells-suggest-connection-to-drug-deal/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 00:00:18 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808618 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- A shooting in the Liberty Wells neighborhood of Salt Lake City is being investigated by the Salt Lake City Police Department.

According to police, the investigation began just after 3 p.m. on Sunday after officials received calls about a shooting on East Kensington Avenue.

"Based on preliminary information and evidence found at the scene, officers suspect the shooting may have stemmed from a drug deal," a press release from SLCPD said.

When officers arrived at the scene, they began looking for victims, in addition to suspects and evidence. However, police said there were no patients on the scene, but they "did identify a small amount of blood on the ground," according to the press release.

The Salt Lake City Police Department said one homeowner reported finding a firearm on their property near South Roberta Street, and officials with SLCPD's Crime Lab Unit processed and collected the weapon.

"As the on-scene investigation concluded, officers received information from a person claiming to be with the injured party," SLCPD said in the release.

The person also reportedly "declined to provide further details about themselves or the injured person," but police said the person who made the report told officers it was a "graze wound" and said the injured person did not need medical attention.

Police asked that anyone involved in the situation call Salt Lake City Police directly. Anyone with information is urged to call 801-799-3000.

The shooting is still under investigation and officers will refer the case to detectives with the Salt Lake City Police Department.

There is no further information at this time.

22-year-old arrested for allegedly shooting at apartment building while intoxicated https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/22-y-o-arrested-for-allegedly-shooting-at-apartment-intoxicated/ Sun, 14 Apr 2024 22:55:19 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808554 LAYTON, Utah (ABC4) -- Just before 3:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, officers with the Layton Police Department arrested a man after neighbors reported he was shooting at an apartment building on N Main Street, according to arrest documents.

Isaac Wixom, 22, was arrested on seven charges, including four counts of felony discharge of firearm (in the direction of a building), two counts of carrying a dangerous weapon under the influence of alcohol/drugs and one count of intoxication, documents said.

At the scene, documents said officers found two guns -- one of which was said to be a rifle and and the other which was said to be a handgun -- in addition to four bullet casings and the same number of "possible bullet holes" in one of the apartment's balconies.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, the rifle was found on the ground near where Wixom was standing, and the handgun was found at the scene slightly northeast of where the rifle was found.

Multiple witnesses reportedly confirmed Wixom was the individual who was firing several rounds.

"One witness even saw the muzzle flash," documents said.

Wixom reportedly told officers that "he meant to fire his rifle into the air knowing that the rounds would strike or fall down and strike the habitable structure instead of hitting a person," according to the affidavit.

One of the tenants in the apartment complex told police Wixom was firing at their balcony, and when officers looked at that tenant's balcony, they found the "possible bullet holes."

According to the affidavit, Wixom was initially described to dispatch as being intoxicated because he stumbling. Documents said Wixom admitted to being "heavily intoxicated" and consented to a blood draw.

Wixom was booked into the Davis County Sheriff's Office on the seven charges above.

Charges are allegations only. All arrested persons are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

MISSING: 15-year-old girl out of Box Elder County https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/missing-15-year-old-girl-out-of-box-elder-county/ Sun, 14 Apr 2024 17:33:15 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808407 BOX ELDER COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- A 15-year-old girl is missing out of Box Elder County, according to the Box Elder County Sheriff's Office.

Elizzibeth Rose Lanphear, 15, of South Willard, was reportedly last seen on the morning of Friday, April 12, at Box Elder Middle School in Brigham City.

Courtesy of Box Elder County Sheriff's Office

Police said Lanphear did not return to her home in South Willard after school.

She is described as 5'6", 124 lbs, with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes.

Police consider Lanphear to be a runaway at this time.

If you have any information regarding Lanphear's whereabouts, please contact the Box Elder County Sheriff's Office at 435-734-3894.

No further information is available at this time.

Person stuck in Mountain Green creek after being swept 200 feet downstream on ATV https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/person-stuck-in-mountain-green-creek-after-being-swept-200-feet-downstream-on-atv/ Sun, 14 Apr 2024 16:27:55 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808341 MORGAN COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- A person was riding an ATV in Mountain Green Friday when they were swept around 200 feet downstream by fast-moving current, causing Mountain Green Fire personnel to conduct a rescue, according to the Mountain Green Fire Protection District.

"A jaunt on a 4x4 ended with a response by the Fire Department to assist getting a person out from the middle of Dry Creek in Mountain Green tonight," Mountain Green Fire stated on social media.

The person was reportedly riding a 4x4 when they attempted to cross a "shallow creek crossing," but was instead swept around 200 feet downstream while still on the 4x4. The creek is full of water this time of year due to snow melt, according to Mountain Green Fire.

When the 4x4 came to rest in the middle of the stream, the driver was reportedly uninjured but also unsure of the depth of the water and the stability of the vehicle. Instead of attempting to get out of the creek on their own, they "wisely called for help in getting to shore," Mountain Green Fire stated.

Fire units from Mountain Green Fire, Weber Fire, and Riverdale Fire responded to the scene with water rescue technicians. Upon arrival, crews found the person stranded in the creek and assisted them to shore using rope.

"Our thanks to all responding agencies and Weber Area Dispatch 911 & Emergency Services District for providing a positive outcome to a potentially dangerous situation," Mountain Green Fire stated.

The individual was determined to be uninjured in this incident.

No further information is available at this time.

Our next spring storm moves in Sunday night https://www.abc4.com/utah-weather/our-next-spring-storm-moves-in-sunday-night/ Sun, 14 Apr 2024 15:02:12 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808306 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Happy Sunday, Utah! Mostly clear skies and above normal temperatures are in place this morning as strong southerly flow remains.

The pattern will begin to change this afternoon as moisture is introduced into the state ahead of a strong cold front. We'll see cloud cover increase this afternoon and evening with a chance of isolated showers. Highs today will reach the upper 60s along the Wasatch Front with similar temperatures for St. George, a high of 70 degrees is forecast. A trough of low pressure will move east into the state tonight with widespread impacts into Monday. 

As the storm system moves into the state through Monday, expect widespread rain in the valleys Sunday night with mountain snowfall. Showers will become more scattered on Monday behind the cold front with snow levels generally above 6,000 feet throughout the storm cycle. Snowfall amounts of 4-8" are expected along most mountain ranges with the Upper Cottonwoods seeing 8-12". Most northern mountain valleys will see rain initially, but as colder air moves in on Monday, 1-3" are expected. The northern valleys will see a good amount of rainfall with this system, anywhere from 0.25-0.50" is expected. Now would be a great time to fertilize the lawn, if you haven't already. Temperatures will drop back down below average on Monday with daytime highs in the 40s and low 50s for northern Utah. In southern Utah, highs mainly in the 50s and 60s are expected. 

Wrap-around moisture from the exiting system will linger in the region late Monday night into Tuesday morning with improving conditions statewide Tuesday afternoon. Temperatures will rebound to near seasonal averages Tuesday afternoon with continued warming in southern Utah throughout the week. In northern Utah, a weak system will graze the far northernmost portion of the state and keep partly to mostly cloudy skies in place. There's a slight chance of an isolated shower on Wednesday as the storm passes, otherwise, little impacts are expected. Partly cloudy skies will remain over northern Utah through the end of the week with a gradual warmup to the upper 60s and low 70s into the weekend.  

Bottom line?! A strong spring storm will blow into the state tonight through Monday, widespread valley rain and mountain snowfall expected. 

Stay up-to-date on our 4Warn Weather forecast both on-air and online, we are Good4Utah!

Inside Utah Politics: Josh Randall, Phil Dean https://www.abc4.com/news/politics/inside-utah-politics/inside-utah-politics-josh-randall-phil-dean/ Sun, 14 Apr 2024 14:30:00 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807969 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) – Inside Utah Politics continues this week with campaign coverage and a look at Utah’s economy.

We talk with Senate candidate Josh Randall (Elect Josh Randall | US Senate Race 2024). An accountant by trade, the economy and the national debt are two of his biggest concerns. Randall explains his position on America’s debt, rapidly rising interest payments on that debt, and where he feels the solution lies. Randall explains his alternative plans for certain entitlement programs.

Economist Phil Dean will also join the program this week. Mr. Dean studies economic issues at the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute at the University of Utah (Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute | David Eccles School of Business). Working in collaboration with the Utah Economic Council, Mr. Dean presents interesting projections on Utah’s economy. He discusses expectations for the year ahead and the particular risks Utahns face.

We also turn our attention to Washington, where a trial in the Senate for Homeland Security Secretary Alajandro Mayorkas has been delayed. Mayorkas has been a lightning rod for criticism, particularly from Republicans, over his handling of the border crisis. While he was impeached in the House, his potential conviction in the Senate is very much in question.

We are also following developments in Baltimore, Maryland, weeks after an out-of-control cargo ship brought down a key bridge. Maryland’s leaders are lobbying congress for more support, but not everyone is onboard with the ask. Our Washington D.C. correspondent has a look at the issue after President Biden promised the feds would pay for the rebuild in full.

Inside Utah Politics airs Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. on ABC4.

Fatal crash in southern Idaho involving two Utah drivers, one Idaho motorcyclist https://www.abc4.com/news/idaho/fatal-crash-in-southern-idaho-involving-two-utah-drivers-one-idaho-motorcyclist/ Sun, 14 Apr 2024 03:57:41 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808075 FRANKLIN COUNTY, Idaho (ABC4) -- One person is dead following a collision between a motorcycle and a car Saturday in southern Idaho, according to Idaho State Police.

Around 2:30 p.m., police say two occupants from Fruit Heights, Utah were driving a BMW northbound on U.S. 91 in Franklin County when a motorcyclist also traveling northbound struck the BMW while slowing down to make a turn.

Police say the 60-year-old male motorcyclist died on the scene. The two occupants in the BMW did not receive substantial enough injuries to be transferred to a hospital.

The identity of the motorcyclist has not been released. Police say he is from Preston, Idaho.

There is no further information available at this time.

International Olympic Committee concludes tour calling Salt Lake City a future 'role model' https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/international-olympic-committee-concludes-tour-calling-salt-lake-city-a-future-role-model/ Sun, 14 Apr 2024 03:35:36 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1808030 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- The International Olympic Committee spent the past week in Salt Lake City, and committee members say what they saw exceeded their expectations.

IOC members from seven different countries toured past and potential Olympic venues in Salt Lake City and surrounding areas, wrapping up the tour with a press conference Saturday at Olympic Cauldron Park.

The tour was part of the committee's final visit to Salt Lake City before deciding which cities will host the 2030 and 2034 Winter Games.

Fraser Bullock, President and CEO of the Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games, said the tour went exceptionally well.

"When I look at how ... the last several days went on a scale of one to ten. It's a 15," Bullock said at the press conference.

Bullock continued to say IOC members told him that Salt Lake City "undersold [the venues] in the bid," as they were even better than the Utah Olympic Commission described them in the 5,000-page bid submitted prior to the IOC visit.

During the conference, committee members said they were impressed with the lasting infrastructure from the 2002 games and the venues' proximity to the Olympic Village, even going as far as to say Salt Lake City could serve as a model to the IOC in the future.

"Congratulations to Salt Lake City and Utah. You will become a role model also for the IOC," said Chairman of the IOC Future Olympic Games Karl Stoss.

The venue tour lasted four days, kicking off Wednesday morning and concluding Saturday. Many of the venues they visited have been maintained for 22 years since the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, such as the Olympic Oval and Soldier Hollow.

“We could feel the enthusiasm and the spirit of Utah,” Stoss said. “The spirit from the Games from 2002 is still here.”

That enthusiasm was just as impactful to some committee members as the venues and infrastructure itself.

"Personally, what surprised me most was the passion that still exists here for the Olympic Winter Games 22 years later, in the people, everywhere we went," said Jacqueline Barrett, the IOC Future Olympic Games Hosts Director.

The IOC will announce the locations of the upcoming 2030 and 2034 Winter Olympics Games during the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics. While the answer to whether Salt Lake City will be hosting another Olympics is still up in the air for a few months, it appears the IOC tour could not have gone better.

"This has been one of the best weeks of my life, it literally has been," Bullock said. "I started tearing up because it's been so fantastic and vulnerable, and feeling the power of the movement, we're just so lucky to be part of it."

Four killed after train hits pickup truck in southern Idaho https://www.abc4.com/news/idaho/four-killed-after-train-hits-pickup-truck-in-southern-idaho/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 23:15:58 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807904 CANYON COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- A train collided with a pickup truck in southern Idaho on Saturday, leaving four dead, according to Idaho State Police.

At around 8:20 a.m. on April 13, police responded to a vehicle vs. train collision near US 20 at milepost 17 in Canyon County, Idaho.

Four people in a Chevrolet Silverado were traveling on a private road that intersected with a railroad crossing, police said. The driver of the Silverado reportedly failed to stop and the truck was struck by an oncoming train.

The deceased victims include a 38-year-old man, a 36-year-old woman, and two juveniles, all from Nampa, Idaho.

All four individuals died on scene, police said.

Idaho State Police is working with the Canyon County Coroner regarding notification of next of kin.

This incident remains under investigation.

No further information is available at this time.

Salt Lake County GOP drops Natalie Cline, Bollinger to take her place on ballot https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/salt-lake-county-gop-drops-natalie-cline-bollinger-to-take-her-place-on-ballot/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 21:48:46 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807870 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Natalie Cline lost the Republican nomination to keep her seat after a vote Saturday.

The Salt Lake County Republican Party Nominating Convention wrapped up Saturday afternoon with a definitive answer to the future of the controversial board member Natalie Cline. Delegates overwhelmingly sided with her challenger, Amanda Bollinger, who took home 63% of the vote to Cline's 36.8%, making Bollinger the Republican nominee.

When declaring candidacy in January, Cline did not submit an intent to gather signatures. She will continue to serve on the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) until the end of the term.

Cline made her final case to delegates this afternoon, using the opportunity to defend her record.

"I have fought and I will continue to fight to my dying breath to protect the children of our state," Cline said. "I have made promises and kept them at great cost to myself."

Cline was elected as a USBE board member in 2020. During her time serving on the board, she faced pushback in several instances, most recently in February after posting on social media appearing to question if a high school student was transgender.

The incident led to the USBE condemning her behavior and several Utah officials calling for her resignation. At the time, Cline responded by removing the post and apologizing for "the negative attention my post drew to innocent students and their families."

However, a week after the incident she said she was being "harassed" by the USBE and "hardened criminals get better due process." She decided to seek reelection saying the incident was in an effort to destroy her reputation with voters.

Gov. Cox and Lt. Gov. Henderson, who at the time of the controversy said Cline had "embarrassed the state of Utah," donated to Bollinger's campaign. Cox donated $5,000 and Henderson donated $1,000.

Bollinger said the vote was a step toward getting people to trust public education again.

"It means that people care about kids and people are willing to trust me to put the trust of public education back into our system," she said.

ABC4 reached out to Natalie Cline for comment but has yet to hear back.

Bomb threat issued toward Provo bookstore over 'all ages drag story hour' https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/bomb-threat-issued-toward-provo-bookstore-over-all-ages-drag-story-hour/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 21:17:33 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807842 PROVO, Utah (ABC4) -- A bomb threat, which has since been cleared, was issued toward a Provo bookstore Saturday morning, according to Provo Police.

Shortly after 9 a.m., police received a report of a bomb threat toward the Mosaics Community Bookstore & Venue, located at 1500 North State St. in Provo.

Police said the threat was made in an email that was sent to the KSL news desk. The email reportedly stated "bombs will go off" and appeared to be regarding events held at the bookstore, including "all ages drag story hour."

Provo Officers responded and conducted a sweep of the area using their bomb detection K-9.

"No bombs or suspicious packages were found. Officers are continuing to investigate the source of the threat, and do not have a suspect at this time," Provo Police stated in a release.

The threat comes less than a year after Salt Lake City's The King's English Bookshop received a bomb threat during its monthly Drag Storytime.

Salt Lake City Council had this to say about the threat at the time: “There’s no room for the type of hate that occurred today. We stand with The Kings English Book Store, Tara Lipsyncki and all those spreading love, joy and visibility in our community [...] We see this as a crime rooted in hate."

No further information is available at this time.

Major Salt Lake City intersection to be impacted for over two weeks https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/major-salt-lake-city-intersection-to-be-impacted-for-over-two-weeks/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 16:53:37 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807564 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Roadwork will be done at the intersection of 2100 South and 900 West in Salt Lake City late April through early May, according to Dominion Energy.

The work is reportedly a part of the final phase of a system maintenance project along 2100 South, from Magna to Salt Lake. The project -- The Magna Natural Gas Pipeline Replacement Project -- has been in progress since 2021.

This phase of work is taking place Monday, April 15, through Friday, May 3.

Courtesy of Axis Maps/KTVX

Dominion Energy will be completing the installation of a new regulator station and tie it into existing infrastructure on 2100 S.

According to Dominion Energy, the completion of this project will require trench work in the road, causing traffic to be reduced to one lane in each direction on 2100 South. Additionally, no left turns from 2100 South onto 900 West in either direction will be possible during the construction.

All business access will still be available, however, crosswalks across 2100 South on the west side will be closed during the work. Detour routes for access to SR-201 will include the Redwood Road on-ramp.

"These improvements are necessary for Dominion Energy Utah to keep pace with growing customer demand for natural gas, maintain overall system integrity and continue providing safe and reliable service," Dominion Energy stated in a press release.

Customers and Salt Lake residents can find more information on the project and construction impacts here.

Changes arriving soon starting Sunday https://www.abc4.com/utah-weather/changes-arriving-soon-starting-sunday/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 15:02:46 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807498 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Happy Saturday, Utah! We have been treated to some gorgeous weather the last few days, but changes arrive today.

We won't have too many changes from what we saw Friday, it will just be a fraction cooler as the high pressure begins to weaken and move out of the way. Daytime highs will run about 2-5 degrees cooler than Friday.

Heading into Sunday, the low pressure to our west will begin to move our way. We'll see increasing clouds and our temperatures decline. By Sunday, we will see temperatures significantly cooler than what we have seen the last few days. By Monday, our next disturbance looks to be draped across the southern portion of the state. With that system, we will have some moisture with it.

We could stay unsettled through the first half of next week with a trailing system set to arrive from the northwest. Recent computer model runs have this system coming in between Tuesday and Wednesday, and it doesn't look as impressive. However, we'll still likely stay somewhat unsettled and cool before we begin to warm back up by next weekend. Stay tuned!

The bottom line? Cooler temperatures arrive over the weekend.

Stay up-to-date on our 4Warn Weather forecast both on-air and online, we are Good4Utah!

Who are the Arizona Coyotes, and what should Utah fans expect? https://www.abc4.com/sports/who-are-the-arizona-coyotes-and-what-should-utah-fans-expect/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 05:31:00 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807257 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4 Sports) - With the news that the Arizona Coyotes are going to be sold to Utah Jazz owners Ryan and Ashley Smith to begin play at the Delta Center this fall, before moving into a brand new arena in the future, the question around town is, who exactly are the Arizona Coyotes?

Well, while Utah fans are no doubt thrilled to get an NHL team, the Coyotes are far from contending for a Stanley Cup.

The Coyotes franchise started in Winnipeg, Canada in as the Winnipeg Jets. Their first season in the NHL came in 1979, when the team struggled to find victories. The franchise's worst season came in 1980-81 when the Jets won just nine games.

But the Jets went on to make the NHL playoffs in 10 of the next 12 years, but never advanced past the division finals.

Minnesota businessmen Steven Gluckstern and Richard Burke purchased the team with plans to move it to Minneapolis–St. Paul, which had just lost the Minnesota North Stars in 1993, for the 1996–97 season. However, in December, after they were unable to secure a lease at Minneapolis' Target Center, they opted to move the Jets to Arizona instead, where they became the Phoenix Coyotes.

The Coyotes toiled in mediocrity again, making the playoffs in five of the next six seasons, but never advancing past the Western Conference Quarterfinals.

The greatest hockey player of all-time, Wayne Gretzky, became the head coach in 2005, but the team struggled even more, failing to even make the NHL playoffs in each of Gretzky's four years as head coach.

The Coyotes' best season came in 2011-12 under head coach Dave Tippett. Arizona made it to the Western Conference Finals for the first time in franchise history, beating Chicago and Nashville along the way, only to lose to the Los Angeles Kings.

The Phoenix Coyotes became the Arizona Coyotes before the 2014-15 season.

Since that historic season in 2011-12, the Coyotes have made the playoffs just once, in 2020, when they fell to Colorado in the first round.

The Coyotes are wrapping up their fourth consecutive season without qualifying for the playoffs. With two games remaining in the season, Arizona has a record of 35-40 with five overtime losses.

Arizona's current coach is Andre Tourigny, and their leading scorer is Clayton Keller, who has 33 goals and 40 assists.

Nick Schmaltz, Nick Bjugstad and Lawson Crouse have all scored 22 goals this season for the Coyotes.

Connor Ingram has been Arizona's primary goalie this year, with 22 wins, 20 losses and three overtime losses.

Keller spoke about the team's move to Salt Lake City Friday before their game at Edmonton.

“We’ve just tried to focus on hockey and since I’ve played in Arizona, there’s always been a lot of rumors, so we try to do as best we can to try and focus on hockey,” Keller said. “It was definitely in our heads. You can say it’s not a distraction, but buddies, family, people are always texting and keep putting it in your head. Bear (Tourigny) said we had another opportunity to deal with the same thing and learn from our past mistakes.” 

“We saw it everywhere just like everyone, but we don’t know anything more than what everyone else is seeing," Crouse. "We’re just worried about tonight and controlling what we can control and that’s all we can think about."

The greatest Arizona Coyotes player of all time is Shane Doan, who played his entire 21-year NHL career with the Coyotes from 1996-2017. Doan scored a franchise-record 402 goals and 570 assists in his career with the Coyotes.

An official announcement about Arizona's relocation to Utah is expected sometime next week.

Arizona Coyotes players get word they're moving to Utah https://www.abc4.com/sports/arizona-coyotes-players-get-word-theyre-moving-to-utah/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 04:26:00 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807172 UPDATE, 8:13 p.m.: ESPN has posted on social media: "The NHL has facilitated a sale of the Coyotes to Ryan and Ashley Smith, owners of the Utah Jazz. The team will begin playing there next season. The move will be announced next week, at the conclusion of the NHL regular season, sources told ESPN."

Coyotes general manager Bill Armstrong met with the players ahead of their game against the Edmonton Oilers to confirm what had been rumored all week: that the NHL has facilitated a sale to Ryan and Ashley Smith, owners of the Utah Jazz. The Coyotes will begin playing there next season.

Coyotes players and staff members will be invited to visit Salt Lake City after their season finale to check out the city and facilities.

The plan is for the team to play at the Delta Center, which is owned by Smith and is also home to the NBA's Jazz. However, sources told ESPN that the NHL has made clear to the Smiths that a hockey-specific upgrade is needed at the Delta Center in order for the arena to become the team's permanent home.

Smith already has government support. A bill was passed in the Utah State Senate to help fund a renovated entertainment district downtown in anticipation of an NHL franchise. The bill already has approval from Utah governor Spencer Cox.

ORIGINAL STORY: SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Word is circulating that the Arizona Coyotes -- the professional ice hockey team based in the Phoenix metropolitan area -- is moving to Utah.

"There is word tonight the Arizona Coyotes players were informed in a meeting they are going to Utah. Players and staff may be headed to Salt Lake City right after Wednesday’s game to check out the facilities and the city," Elliotte Friedman, sports journalist with Hockey Night In Canada, posted on social media.

Friedman also said that while there is still work ahead, players were, in fact, told of the pending move.

Salt Lake City may be getting an NHL team sooner than originally thought.

Read more about the move here.

20 firefighters respond to Ogden house fire that leaves dog, cat dead https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/20-firefighters-respond-to-ogden-house-fire-that-leaves-dog-cat-dead/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 04:19:59 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807214 OGDEN, Utah (ABC4) -- Firefighters responded to a mobile home fire in Ogden Friday afternoon that killed two pets, according to Ogden Fire.

At around 4:30 p.m. on April 12, fire crews responded to reports of a structure fire on the 1000 block of Wall Avenue in Ogden. Fire units arrived on scene to find a one-story mobile home with "smoke and heavy flames" coming from the structure, according to a press release.

Officials said that flames were spreading to a neighboring home, but that fire crews were able to combat the fire and keep the neighboring home from sustaining major damage.

Those inside the mobile home had reportedly evacuated before the arrival of fire crews, however, one dog and one cat died in the blaze, officials said.

Four people and one dog were displaced, uninjured, according to Ogden Fire. They are all receiving assistance from the Red Cross.

Firefighters from Ogden Fire and Weber Fire responded to this incident, involving 20 firefighters. The Fire Marshal's Office is currently investigating the cause of the fire.

Officials said there was an estimated $80k in damage.

No further information is available at this time.

Who's excited about Salt Lake City getting an NHL team? Well, not the Canadians. https://www.abc4.com/sports/whos-excited-about-salt-lake-city-getting-an-nhl-team-well-not-the-canadians/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 03:27:12 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807203 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Speculation has swirled hard for the past couple of days about Salt Lake City being the new home to the NHL's Arizona Coyotes, but as ESPN reports, the move is actually imminent.

Sounds like a cause for celebration, right? Well, not if you're living in another city that's been lobbying for an NHL expansion team. And in particular, if that city is Canadian.

According to a report in The Hockey News, Salt Lake's victory is Quebec City's heartache. You might think that Arizonans would be first in line for that heartache, but apparently the wounds run deep regarding Canadian snubs from the NHL.

"Seriously, Salt Lake City? What does that city have that Quebec City doesn’t?" stated Michael Traikos in The Hockey News. "...That’s the only reason why a picturesque city of about 204,000 residents in Utah of all places has been chosen ahead of Quebec City, which has more than double the population, as well as an NHL-sized rink and a hockey-starved fan base that used to cheer on the Nordiques."

Putting aside the idea that the Salt Lake City metropolitan area is actually home to over 1.25 million residents, Traikos does have one point. (EDITOR'S NOTE: We choose to ignore the term "of all places.") The last time a Canadian expansion was announced was 1992, when the Ottawa Senators were re-added to the league. (They had previously played in the NHL from 1917 to 1934.) The next seven teams to be added to the roster have all been American.

It should be pointed out that Canada did regain a team it had lost when the Winnipeg Jets moved north from Atlanta, Ga., in 2011.

Currently, the NHL has 32 teams in the U.S. and Canada. Only seven are Canadian, however.

Traikos said the last time Canada was up for a team was 2016, but the “fluctuating Canadian dollar” and a “geographical imbalance” were given as reasons that Las Vegas got a team instead of Quebec City.

Stats at QuantHockey.com show that no matter the city they're playing in, 41% of the NHL's players are Canadian-born, with Americans only making up 28% of players.

Of the 23 men currently listed on the Arizona Coyotes' roster, 11 are Canadian natives.

Perhaps Salt Lake City will give Canada's sons -- and players from all nations -- a great home away from home. Of all places.

Heavy smoke fills Weber County as authorities scorch phragmites in controlled burn https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/heavy-smoke-fills-weber-county-as-authorities-scorch-phragmites-in-controlled-burn/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 02:01:58 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807156 OGDEN, Utah (ABC4) -- Smoke billowed above Ogden Bay Friday late afternoon as fire authorities instigated a 2,000-acre controlled burn.

Weber Fire District said they conducted a prescription burn in the Wildlife Management area of West Weber County in an effort to control phragmites, which they defined as "large grass found in wetlands."

Officials said in addition to managing phragmites, the fire was intended to improve forest health and wildlife habitat, encourage nesting, and mitigate fire risk moving into the summer.

Phragmites are an invasive species in Utah that can threaten native plants and take over habitats, according to the Utah Lake Authority. They also can become as "dry as tinder" during the late summer and fall months, posing a fire hazard.

During the summer months, wildfires become a concern in Utah as grasses and shrubs, such as phragmites, dry out and become more susceptible to burning. Efforts such as prescription burns can help reduce wildfire risk.

While authorities work to prevent wildfires ahead of the season and extinguish them once they start, there are some tips Utahns should keep in mind to aid in the effort.

According to Utah Fire Sense, roughly 70% of fires can be prevented if Utahns practice good "fire sense," such as parking vehicles away from vegetation, checking for worn-out brakes that can cause sparks, and ensuring campfires are completely extinguished.

Other tips to prevent wildfires include setting up shooting targets against rock backstops, avoiding starting fires or shooting firearms on windy days, and never leaving a fire unattended.

Unseasonably warm Salt Lake City day hits 88-year record https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/unseasonably-warm-salt-lake-city-day-hits-88-year-record/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 00:59:30 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806946 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Salt Lake City is running warm today, about 10-15 degrees above average, hitting an 88-year heat record for April 12.

The National Weather Service in Salt Lake City announced the airport recorded 81 degrees Fahrenheit at today's peak heat. Not only is it the hottest day of the year so far, but NWS says this also ties a temperature record for this date that was set in 1936.

Officials say the last time Salt Lake City saw 80-degree temperature was October 10 of last year, and ABC4 meteorologists say these kinds of temperatures are usually seen in mid to late May.

This unseasonably warm day, however, likely does not come as a big surprise to Utahns. This meteorological winter was the fourth warmest on record for Salt Lake City with the average temperature coming to 37.4 degrees in comparison to the usual 32.9 degree average.

While the winter started warmer and drier than in the past, by the end of the season, 2024 had seen the fifth wettest February on record and received at least two days of precipitation every week of the year. For valleys, that meant a lot of rain rather than snow due to higher temperatures.

As for what to expect moving forward, stick with ABC4's 4Warn Weather forecast both on-air and online to stay up to date on the latest weather developments.

Feeling like May with gorgeous spring weather https://www.abc4.com/utah-weather/feeling-like-may-with-gorgeous-spring-weather/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 23:52:48 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807090 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Happy Friday, Utah! We have been treated to some gorgeous weather the last few days and today won't be any exception, but there will be some subtle changes.

Southerly winds are cranking up as we become sandwiched between our high pressure slowly moving east and a low pressure to our west. Those southerly winds will result in daytime highs running about 10-20 degrees above average in most locations. Outside of the high country, we'll mainly see highs in the 70s and 80s! That's what we typically see in mid to late May! Skies will be mostly sunny to partly cloudy and a stray shower can't be ruled out in the mountains and in the northwestern corner of our area.

In Salt Lake City, there's a chance we see our first 80-degree temperature of the year. That would be well ahead of schedule, but not quite the earliest we've seen it. On the other hand, though, 81 degrees is our record today and we could challenge that! 

Saturday won't bring too many changes from what we get today, it will just be a fraction cooler as the high pressure begins to weaken and move out of the way. Daytime highs will run about 2-5 degrees cooler than what we get today under mostly sunny skies with gusty winds.

By Sunday, the low pressure to our west will begin to move in our direction. We'll see increasing clouds as temperatures ease down a little more, but we likely get through the day dry. By Sunday we'll see highs mainly in the 50s and 70s with only some down south seeing low 70s. That system moves in on Monday and will bring isolated to scattered showers across the state as temperatures drop to near or even a little below seasonal norms.

We could stay unsettled through the first half of next week with a trailing system set to arrive from the northwest. Over recent models run this system coming in between Tuesday and Wednesday unimpressive, however, we'll still likely stay somewhat unsettled and cool before we begin to really warm things back up by next weekend. Stay tuned!

The bottom line? A strong southerly wind will push up our temperatures to May like levels before we ease back down the next several days.

Stay up-to-date on our 4Warn Weather forecast both on-air and online, we are Good4Utah!

MISSING: 16-year-old out of South Salt Lake https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/missing-16-year-old-out-of-south-salt-lake/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 22:57:27 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1807011 SOUTH SALT LAKE, Utah (ABC4) -- A 16-year-old girl is missing out of South Salt Lake, according to South Salt Lake Police.

Kylie Aust, 16, ran away from Dept. of Child and Family Services workers on Thursday, April 11, at around 3:50 p.m., according to SSLPD.

Aust reportedly ran from a Chevron located at 310 East 3300 South and headed south on State St. from 3300 South.

Courtesy of South Salt Lake Police

Aust is described as 5'3", 115 lbs, with blue eyes and pink hair.

She was reportedly last seen wearing a black hooded jacket, blue jeans, and black boots.

If you have any information regarding Aust's whereabouts, please call SSLPD at 801-412-3600 and reference case number LK24-11570.

No further information is available at this time.

Salt Lake City mulling proposal to increase penalties for unauthorized work on historic buildings https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/salt-lake-city-mulling-proposal-to-increase-penalties-for-unauthorized-work-on-historic-buildings/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 20:38:42 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806846 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- As the investigation continues into the illegal partial demolition of Salt Lake City’s historic Fifth Ward Meetinghouse, city officials are mulling a proposal to better protect landmarks in the city’s historic districts.

The Salt Lake City Council says it is reviewing a proposal to change the city’s zoning laws to add penalties for work done on historic buildings without the proper permits.

The proposal to increase penalties came before the Fifth Ward Meetinghouse was partially demolished on Easter Sunday, and should the council approve it, the changes would apply only to future cases.

The partially demolished Fifth Ward Meetinghouse in Salt Lake City on April 1, 2024.

The public will have a chance to weigh in on the proposal at the council’s formal meeting on Tuesday night. Input can also be shared online.

Under the current law, the demolition of a building deemed a historic landmark by the city requires the review and approval of city officials.

Under the proposal, there’ll be increased enforcement in historic districts, and it’ll prohibit the redevelopment of a property when the principal building is demolished without approval.

Salt Lake City has roughly 150 historic landmark sites and 14 historic districts, according to its website.

The demolition of the Fifth Ward Meetinghouse was brought to a halt nearly two weeks ago. City officials said that there were no permits for the demolition and no development plan was submitted to the city.

Since then, fencing has been erected around the partially-destroyed building, which is more than a century old. It’s yet unclear what consequences the owner will face or what will happen with the rest of the historic site.

$25M pickleball facility coming to Salt Lake Valley, the first home base for the pro sport https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/25m-pickleball-facility-coming-to-salt-lake-valley-the-first-home-base-for-the-pro-sport/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 20:31:18 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806759 SOUTH JORDAN, Utah (ABC4) -- A $25 million, state-of-the art pickleball facility is coming to the Salt Lake Valley.

The Utah Black Diamonds -- a Premier Level team within Major League Pickleball -- partnered with GCTM Investments to make it happen, marking the first high-performance facility to be the dedicated home base of a professional pickleball team, a press release states.

The center, powered by The Picklr, will also reportedly serve as a high-end club for pickleball players of all levels.

The Utah Black Diamonds Pickleball Center, which will be located in South Jordan, will feature:

  • 36 pickleball courts (30 indoor, 6 outdoor)
  • A 1,500-seat Championship Court with VIP Box Seating
  • Two Grandstand Courts with 500 seats apiece
  • A full gym and recovery center with cold plunges, steam rooms, saunas, and more
  • A cafe, bar, and social centers
  • A Pickleball Central Pro Shop

Connor Pardoe, Owner of the Utah Black Diamonds and Founder and CEO of the Professional Pickleball Association, said this it a "seminal moment" in pickleball -- both for the professional and amateur levels -- to be able to construct and operate the first home base dedicated to high-performance pickleball training and competition.

"The Utah Black Diamonds are leading the charge in dedicating time and resources to grow the sport and advance the level of play for its professionals, and we cannot be more excited to bring this one-of-a-kind facility to life," Pardoe said.

Police seize illegally trafficked drugs, cash from popular SLC trail https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/police-seize-illegally-trafficked-drugs-cash-from-popular-slc-trail/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 20:08:18 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806352 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Thousands of dollars in cash and hundreds of illegally trafficked fentanyl pills were seized Friday from Salt Lake City's Jordan River Trail.

This was part of the Salt Lake City Police Department's ongoing efforts to address criminal activity along that route.

Investigations began around 12:30 a.m. Friday, April 12, when two SLCPD bike squad officers said they saw a group of people illegally trespassing on the Jordan River Trail near 1240 West North Temple.

The officers conducted a traffic stop and found 231 fentanyl pills, more than $2,000 in cash, and nearly three grams of cocaine. Everyone in the car was arrested on charges of being in unlawful possession of a controlled substance with the intent to distribute, SLCPD said.

Courtesy Salt Lake City Police Department

The names and ages of these suspects are not available at this time.

The police department said illegal fentanyl trafficking continues to be a major concern.

According to the DEA, fentanyl has saturated the drug market in Utah. It is cheaper, more potent, and more widely available than ever before.

UTA: Ski Bus service ending for all seven resorts, other changes https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/uta-ski-bus-service-ending-for-all-seven-resorts-other-changes/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 19:32:23 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806628 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- The Utah Transit Authority has announced that its Ski Bus service will end on Saturday, April 13.

The end of service will apply to all seven of UTA's partner resorts -- Snowbasin, Powder Mountain, Solitude, Brighton, Snowbird, Alta, and Sundance.

According to UTA, passenger trip data for the 2023-2024 season through March shows an 8% jump in Ski Bus usage in Salt Lake County and a 4.3% overall increase from the previous ski season.

"Our resort partners, operators, and UTA ambassadors worked hard this year to make Ski Bus service a valuable resource to thousands of guests and reduce congestion in the canyon for other drivers," said Andres Colman, regional general manager for UTA’s Salt Lake Service Unit. "These numbers will help us plan for increased riders next year and continue to improve wait times, route efficiency, and a positive experience."

The uptick in Ski Bus riders is also due to the 95 Vanpool shuttles added this year for the employees of Alta, Brighton, Snowbird, and Solitude.

"Ski Bus operators are some of our most experienced drivers who stay safe through challenging weather delays and difficult canyon driving. They love creating a positive experience for the riders enjoying the greatest snow on earth," said Colman. "In addition, 52 UTA employees across the agency volunteered 1,350 hours as Ski Bus Ambassadors, helping riders navigate using the bus at route stops."

For details on April 2024 Change Day on Sunday, April 14 -- the day when schedules for TRAX lines and bus routes change -- visit UTA's site here.

The changes reportedly include the addition of service on Sundays on Route 470 to Lagoon and other minor route adjustments.

Utah turns radioactive wasteland in new Amazon TV series https://www.abc4.com/news/entertainment-news/utah-turns-radioactive-wasteland-in-new-amazon-tv-series/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 19:32:22 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806142 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Utah has been the stage for several of Hollywood's greatest hits. Now it can add "radioactive wasteland" to its list of titles.

The highly anticipated live-action adaptation of "Fallout" — a hit video game series with more than 20 years of history — was released on Amazon Prime Video on Friday, April 12, and part of it was filmed in Utah.

The series tells the stories of the world's citizens stuck in a 1950s-esque steampunk setting after an apocalyptic nuclear fallout. Those who survived the blasts on the surface scrape by day-to-day in the wastelands above while the more luxurious residents who escaped before the fallout live sheltered lives in underground "Vaults." Much like any post-apocalyptic story, survivors form different government-like factions, such as the militaristic armored-suit-wielding Brotherhood of Steel.

Utahns watching the Fallout TV series may recognize the Brotherhood of Steel base as the expansive and flat western portion of Utah. According to the Utah Film Commission, Wendover Airfield in Utah provided the backdrop for the base of the Brotherhood of Steel through the first three episodes.

Fallout (2024) / Amazon Studios Courtesy of the Utah Film Commission

The Wendover Airfield was built in the late 1930s and was used during World War II for bombing and gunnery ranges. The site was once hailed as the "largest bombing and gunnery range in the world" spanning over 1.8 million acres of uninhabited desert and salt flats. The airbase serves as the perfect backdrop for the Fallout series and not just because of its military connections.

In 1944, the airfield became a building and testing range for what would eventually become the "Fat Man" - or atomic - bomb. It was chosen for its isolation and ability for discretion and security.

In the series, Maximus, one of the show's main characters played by Aaron Moten, is seen training with the Brotherhood of Steel at the Wendover airbase. According to Amazon, Maximus will "do anything to further the Brotherhood's goals of bringing law and order to the wasteland."

This isn't the first time the Wendover airbase has been used as the setting for a movie. The historic site also made appearances in Will Smith's "Independence Day" released in 1996 as well as 1997's "Con Air" starring Nicolas Cage and 2003's "Hulk" starring Eric Bana.

The Fallout series is just the latest release to be filmed in the Beehive State with more being released later this year. The show has a TV-MA rating but has so far scored favorably with critics, holding a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes as of Friday morning.

The Utah Film Commission told ABC4 that the filming was done in the fall of 2022 and generated over $5 million in economic spending for the Beehive State for cast, crew, background actors, catering, equipment and more.

Utah National Guard battery ranked No. 1 in the U.S. https://www.abc4.com/news/utah-national-guard-battery-ranked-no-1-in-the-u-s/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 18:58:16 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806597 DRAPER, Utah (ABC4) -- The Utah National Guard's field artillery battery has been recognized as the best in the country.

The 1st Battalion 145th Field Artillery Regiment -- the Utah National Guard's "Alpha Battery" -- will receive the 2023 Alexander Hamilton Award during a ceremony at Camp Williams this weekend.

The Alexander Hamilton Award was created in 2002 and named after the American statesman and Continental Army artilleryman.

Hamilton was an "outstanding artillery battery commander and an aide to General George Washington during the Revolutionary War," the Utah National Guard said. "He shaped the Constitution and served as the nation's first treasury secretary."

The annual award reportedly evaluates soldiers on mission execution, training, deployment service, equipment maintenance, logistics programs, fitness, family readiness, and community service.

Soldiers from the regiment will be shooting live rounds from M109A6 Paladin howitzers as part of the award ceremony, the Utah National Guard said, so nearby residents can expect to hear artillery fire sporadically from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

SUU reported shooter likely 'swatting' prank, college president says https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/suu-reported-shooter-likely-swatting-prank-college-president-says/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 18:54:20 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806559 CEDAR CITY, Utah (ABC4) -- Classes and activities on the Southern Utah University campus in Cedar City were brought to a sudden halt on Thursday when the school received reports of an active shooter.

Now, SUU President Mindy Benson is saying the calls were most likely swatting calls.

Benson explained in a Friday morning post to social media that swatting is a prank call to emergency services in an attempt to bring a large number of armed police officers to a particular address. In 2023, the FBI launched a national swatting database saying the form of prank call has become more common nationwide.

The call shut down SUU and sent a scare throughout campus as police responded to the scene. After hours of sweeping the campus, and clearing the college building-by-building, SUU Police confirmed there was no sign of a shooter and no shots fired.

Classes were then canceled for the remainder of the day.

"As I sat in the Command Center and watched the many different agencies work together, I was struck by the dedication and goodness of everyone who answered the call to help," Benson said. "Thank you isn't enough to cover our gratitude to each agency who responded and in particular, SUU Police Chief Carlos Medina. Thanks to his leadership and the entire team in bringing about a successful resolution."

Activity and classes resumed on campus on Friday, April 12. Mental health resources were made available on campus for the students and faculty affected by the stress of the events.

"Yesterday was impactful, and it's important each of us address what that impact is and resolve it in healthy ways," said Benson. "Check on each other, reach out to friends, and campus community members and be sure to connect with needed resources."

Benson said the SUU Police Department is still continuing its investigation. There has been no update regarding a potential suspect.

Earlier this year, Utah lawmakers enhanced the penalties for threatening or falsely reporting an emergency at a school. The new law, which goes into effect on May 1, makes it a second-degree felony, up from a third-degree felony. A second-degree felony is punishable by up to 15 years in state prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

If the culprit is found to be a student, that student will be suspended or expelled from the public school.

How you can see great blue herons in the wild this month https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/how-you-can-see-great-blue-herons-in-the-wild-this-month/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 18:19:09 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806445 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Bird enthusiasts, an opportunity to spot great blue herons in the wild is coming up. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is hosting a viewing event this month to give Utahns a chance to see this unique bird.

The event is free and scheduled for Saturday, April 20. It runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Eccles Wildlife Education Center at 1157 S. Waterfowl Way in Farmington.

Great blue heron (Courtesy Utah Division of Wildlife Resources)

DWR biologists will be onsite to answer questions and help participants find herons. Spotting scopes and binoculars will also be available for use, but guests are encouraged to bring their own if they have them.

DWR is requesting that guests register online ahead of time.

“We are excited to host this viewing event for the first time to provide an opportunity for visitors to see these birds fairly close,” Eccles Wildlife Education Center Manager Ashley Kijowski said.

According to DWR, great blue herons are the most widespread heron in North America. The birds can be found from Alaska to northern South America.

In Utah, they are the state's most commonly seen heron species, most often spotted along shorelines of lakes, rivers and marshes.

DWR said that great blue herons nest yearly in a rookery near their George S. And Dolores Eccles Wildlife Education Center.

Herons mostly feed on fish and amphibians, so they build their nests in tree-top colonies near water. Males will gather all the material needed for a nest, typically sticks of various sizes, and females will build the nest.

These nests can sometimes reach 3 and-a-half feet in diameter. Once these nests are built, herons will often reuse them in the following years — which is why the rookery at the Eccles Wildlife Education Center is a great spot to find them.

Herons lay between one and seven eggs each year. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs for 25 to 29 days. DWR said that usually, young can fly after two months, but sometimes will remain in the nest for up to five months.

“It’s so fun to see the baby birds interacting with their parents, so we hope people and their families will take advantage of this viewing opportunity," Kijowski said.

Closures on Redwood Road over I-80 to last through weekend https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/closures-on-redwood-road-over-i-80-to-last-through-weekend/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 18:10:58 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806563 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Expect closures on Redwood Road over I-80 this weekend as crews work on the bridge.

Sidewalks will remain open for pedestrians, the Utah Department of Transportation said, and all other users should use the detour pictured below.

Courtesy Utah Department of Transportation

The road is anticipated to open back up on Monday morning, April 15.

"Plan ahead and use an alt route if possible," UDOT said.

Evacuation notice lifted around Panguitch Lake as dam conditions improve https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/water-level-has-dropped-six-inches-at-panguitch-dam-crews-encouraged/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 17:33:51 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806481 PANGUITCH, Utah (ABC4) -- Once threatening residents of southeast Utah, the water levels at Panguitch Dam are greatly encouraged by their progress.

In an update provided Friday afternoon, the Utah Department of Public Services said the measures taken to address a crack in the dam have so far been effective. Over the last two days, the water levels at the dam have dropped close to six inches and authorities are planning to lower it by another several feet over the next week.

DPS officials said crews completed work to extend the rock supports across the affected section of the dam and ice chunks pushing against the wall have been removed. As of Friday morning, water levels dropped eight inches and crews continue to release as much water as possible.

Overall, the work has helped bring the dam's eight-degree tilt back to a title of just over one-degree. DPS said that the work "greatly improved the dam's stability until permanent modifications can be made."

Aside from the crack that appeared in the expanded portion of the dam, DPS said no infrastructure has been damaged or lost. The increased flow into Panguitch Creek did cause some minor washouts but those issues were managed and controlled. Officials said there is no reason to believe there will be any catastrophic problems.

As concerns over a potential breach and flooding ease, the evacuation notice for Panguitch City and its surrounding areas has been lifted. In addition, SR-143 has been reopened to regular traffic, though certain areas, such as North Shore Road and the area around Panguitch Lake remain closed.

Marilyn Bulkley Park will also be closed until further notice and crews are not allowing for ice fishing on Panguitch Lake.

"I am confident with the result of our mitigation efforts to effectively reduce the pressure on the Panguitch Lake dam and the potential for an uncontrolled release," said Garfield County Sheriff Eric Houston. "That work allows us to lift the evacuation notice, but I do urge people to stay prepared for this and other types of hazards."

Authorities still urge community members to stay informed and stay ready. For anyone who still wishes to be prepared, sand and sandbags are available at the local LDS church house at 550 South 100 West.

Emergency crews will remain on scene and continue monitoring the dam as the spring runoff begins. Once the runoff starts to slow down, engineering and plans will be developed for permanent repairs to the cracked areas of the Panguitch Lake Damn.

Bad Bunny dismisses lawsuit over videos posted from Salt Lake City show https://www.abc4.com/news/bad-bunny-dismisses-lawsuit-over-videos-posted-from-salt-lake-city-show/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 17:29:29 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806493 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Bad Bunny has dismissed the lawsuit against a Spanish YouTube channel owner after accusing him of illegally posting bootlegged videos of songs the artist performed in Salt Lake City.

The reason for the dismissal, court documents state, is because the videos were removed and will not be reinstated.

In March, Bad Bunny, whose real name is Benito Antonio Martinez Ocasio, accused Eric Guillermo Madronal Garrone, of Madrid, Spain, of copyright infringement, violating anti-bootlegging statutes, and false endorsement.

Ocasio alleged Garrone publicly posted 10 videos of songs the artist performed to Garrone’s YouTube channel, “MADforliveMUSIC.” Neither Bad Bunny nor any person on his behalf authorized or consented to the videos, the lawsuit stated.

Additionally, the lawsuit stated the videos from the show “negatively impacts the market for authorized uses of the Bad Bunny works by, among other things, luring YouTube viewers and associated advertising revenue away from authorized videos of the Bad Bunny works and the official Bad Bunny YouTube channel.”

Bad Bunny originally sought damages of $150,000 per video, or damages and Garrone’s profits from the posted videos.

The lawsuit stated YouTube took down the videos and gave notice to Garrone, who then submitted a counter-notification contesting the removal.

In his message to YouTube, Garrone said the videos are “collectively 100% original content and my own creation, thus not constituting infringement or violation regarding the use of third-party content.”

He also said that the Salt Lake City concert — the first date of the 47 planned across North America — constitutes “in itself a newsworthy event of high public interest.”

“In my opinion, the artist also benefits from the dissemination of the content in his own promotion, as his show is carefully captured, conveying the reality of the moment without alterations or post-production in the content,” Garrone said in the message.

Following the receipt of Garrone’s counter-notification, the lawsuit stated YouTube informed Ocasio (by way of his representatives) that it would repost the videos unless he sued, leading to the lawsuit.

Goodbye late fees! Salt Lake County removes late fees for children and teen materials https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/goodbye-late-fees-salt-lake-county-removes-late-fees-for-children-and-teen-materials/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 16:09:16 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806261 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Starting this week, books, music, and movies for children and teens will no longer have late fees at Salt Lake County libraries.

Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson proposed the idea in her 2024 budget, which was approved by the Salt Lake County Council in December 2023. The program was put to the test in pilot over the summer, which Councilmember Ann Granato said was very successful.

"This was a huge group effort to make this work and it's so important that kids have open access to libraries and all the things that libraries offer," Granato told ABC4.

In 2023, books, music and movies for kids and teens were checked out more than five million times at the Salt Lake County Library. Still, Salt Lake County Council Chair Laura Stringham said that late fees were a big barrier preventing children and families from coming to the library and using its resources.

"We don't want those barriers," said Stringham. "We want people to have access to the resources that are available especially when they need them."

Stringham and Granato both explained that the Salt Lake County Library has become much more of a resource center rather than a traditional library. They still offer countless books, music and movies but there is so much more available.

"Kids can come and use a green screen to make a video, people can come to take classes, they can come to check out all types of media -- maps, books, CDs, videos -- everything is available," said Granato. "And they can use the internet here. There are a lot of people that do not have access to internet in their homes. The library offers that to them."

Stringham added, "This is where you can learn skills that are vital to the jobs we have now. All of our jobs now are technologically tied to skills that didn't exist when I was a kid, to be honest. We have those things here at the library. Most people have to know how to do a social media site, do some filming on their own, and be able to record some sound. That's what we teach and train in the library."

Stringham said while she was a young mother, the late fees prevented her from using library resources. By eliminating the fees, she and other Salt Lake County officials hope more people will take advantage of everything the Salt Lake County network of libraries has to offer.

"We value children, we value their experiences, we value family life, what can we do to enhance it?" said Granato

Critically endangered gorilla to give birth at Utah's Hogle Zoo https://www.abc4.com/news/critically-endangered-gorilla-to-give-birth-at-utahs-hogle-zoo/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 16:05:13 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806387 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Utah Hogle Zoo's western lowland gorilla Pele is expecting an infant this summer -- which comes as big news, as gorilla populations are rapidly declining across the world. Specifically, western lowland gorillas are critically endangered.

The zoo said Pele is about six months along, and both the baby and mother are doing well.

In 2022, Pele, 22, and her mother, Mary, 37, came to Utah from Busch Gardens in Florida on a breeding recommendation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' Gorilla Species Survival Plan.

The plan paired Pele with current Hogle Zoo resident Husani, a 32-year-old silverback, as part of a zoo program to "provide a healthy, genetically diverse, and self-sustaining population," the zoo said.

Hogle Zoo's animal care and health teams will closely monitor Pele as she progresses through her eight-and-a-half-month pregnancy.  

Clair Hallyburton, Associate Director of animal care, said the zoo has a voluntary animal training that resident animals can participate in.

In addition to building relationships with the zoo's care team, Hallyburton said this training enables Pele to participate actively in her healthcare, training her for necessary health checks and veterinary procedures.

"These training opportunities strengthen Pele's maternal behaviors and build trust with the animal care team, helping us to prepare for all outcomes," Hallyburton said. "The first major milestone our veterinary and animal care teams look for is seeing the baby through an ultrasound, which we can now monitor regularly."    

About western lowland gorillas

Western lowland gorillas are critically endangered, the zoo said, threatened by illegal poaching, habitat loss, and mining.

They are found in Angola, Gabon, Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, and Equatorial Guinea, and are the smallest of the four subspecies.

Because of poaching and disease, the zoo said the gorilla's numbers have declined by more than 60% over the last 20 to 25 years.

"Even if all threats to western lowland gorillas were removed, scientists calculate that the population would require 75 years to recover," the zoo said.

Mark Pope officially heads to Kentucky as new head coach https://www.abc4.com/sports/college-sports/byu/mark-pope-officially-heads-to-kentucky-as-new-head-coach/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 14:32:13 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1806272 PROVO, Utah (ABC4) -- It's official. Mark Pope, who has served as BYU's Men's Basketball Head Coach for the last five years, is joining his alma mater in Kentucky.

The University of Kentucky athletics announced Pope would be returning to be the 23rd head coach of Kentucky's men's basketball program.

"We want to thank Coach Pope for all that he has given to the BYU men's basketball program in his nine years here as an assistant and head coach," said BYU Athletic Director Tom Holmoe in a statement. "His unique combination of passion, dedication, creativity, and excitement has inspired our BYU community. He led our team to a very successful inaugural Big 12 season and left the program in a position of strength moving forward."

Pope is a nine-year head coaching veteran amassing a 187-108 career record at both BYU and Utah Valley. In his last five years with BYU, he has taken the Cougars to two NCAA tournaments including a 21-11 record with unexpected success in their year as part of the Big 12 Conference.

Pope previously played for the Kentucky Wildcats in 1995 and 1996. In his two-year career the Wildcats won the regular-season Southwestern Conference championships, the '95 SEC Tournament title and the 1996 NCAA tournament. Pope captained the team through the NCAA tournament victory and was named to the All-SEC Tournament Team in 1995.

"The University of Kentucky is the pinnacle of coaching in college basketball," Pope said in a Kentucky press release. "Equally as important, UK changed my life forever as a human being. The love and passion I have for this program, this University and the people of the commonwealth goes to the depth of my soul."

Holmoe said there is a lot of reason for the Cougar Nation to be excited as the athletics department wished Pope the best in his new coaching position at his alma mater.

"He will always be part of our BYU family," said Holmoe.

Beautiful spring weather https://www.abc4.com/news/top-stories/beautiful-spring-weather/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 03:13:07 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1805916 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Happy Thursday, or happy Friday eve Utah! We've been on a warming trend this week and it ramps up even more as we close out the workweek!

Today will bring mostly sunny skies with daytime highs that reach the 60s and 70s for most outside of the high country! Even Park City will reach the upper 50s this afternoon. In St. George, we're likely to see our first 80° day of the year. That's a little behind average, but still well ahead of the latest on record. If you can, get outside and enjoy today.

Tonight, will bring clear skies with cool, but not cold overnight lows.

If you thought today was warm, just wait until tomorrow. In some cases, daytime highs will run about 20 degrees above average which will be good enough to see highs along the Wasatch Front reach the mid to upper 70s! Park City will even see 60s tomorrow. There will be some subtle changes though as high pressure begins moving to the east. Winds will increase and there will be a few more clouds with a slight chance we see a few stray showers in the high country. 

There won't be many changes to our weather to begin the weekend, however, as the high pressure moves away, temperatures will begin to ease down. Highs will still run about 10-15 degrees above average under partly cloudy skies with a breezy southerly wind. By Sunday, a storm will start to approach from the west. At this point, any moisture looks to hold off until Monday which means the weather through the weekend looks pretty good outside of the breezy conditions.

On Monday there will be a chance of isolated showers across the state as temperatures drop to near or even below seasonal norms. A trailing system will bring even cooler temperatures and likely a better chance of wet weather to northern Utah Tuesday into Wednesday before we start to warm things back up by the second half of the week. The Utah Spring weather roller coaster continues!

Stay up-to-date on our 4Warn Weather forecast both on-air and online, we are Good4Utah!

Competency in question: Will federal evaluators make a difference? https://www.abc4.com/news/justice-files/competency-in-question-will-federal-evaluators-make-a-difference/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 02:21:03 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1805878 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Jonathan Soberanis has been charged several times for crimes involving children, but never convicted because of his competency. Now, he faces federal charges – which has one mother wondering if federal evaluators will make a difference.

Over the past 10 years, every time Soberanis has been deemed not competent to stand trial, a judge has dismissed his case – including assault and sex abuse allegations.

Soberanis’s forensic evaluators have listed several potential disabilities including ADHD, depressive disorder, autism, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, and unspecified neurodevelopmental disorder.

The federal investigation

For the first time, Soberanis is now facing federal charges – accused of obtaining and distributing child pornography. According to federal investigators, Soberanis used a New Zealand storage platform to download and distribute the pornography, using end-to-end encryption to conceal his tracks. 

This information was used to reopen past cases in which Soberanis was found not competent to stand trial, including an instance where Soberanis was accused of sexually assaulting a 5-year-old in a bathroom and urinating on the boy’s feet. Additionally, a new case has been brought up in which Soberanis was accused of peeking in a boy’s window and trying to get into his home when he was alone. 

"He wanted to hurt my son … he wanted to take my son's innocence,” said the boy’s mother, Stefani Davis. 

Despite this new information, state evaluators again found Soberanis not competent to stand trial and the judge dismissed the charges. 

“I was screaming at my computer. I couldn’t believe it,” Davis said, describing the virtual hearing.

Federal vs. state

Defense attorney Mark Moffat would not comment specifically on Soberanis’s case but said while competency is complicated, it is crucial to our justice system. 

"If they don't have that fundamental level of understanding, it's not fair. It violates due process to prosecute them under those circumstances,” Moffat said.

Moffat said there are many misconceptions about federal vs. state competency standards. 

"Competency standard is the same, whether or not you're charged in federal court or state court,” he said.

When determining competency, an evaluator must answer two questions:

  1. Can they understand basic courtroom proceedings?
  2. Can they work with their attorney to defend themselves?

And while the standard is the same, Moffat said disagreements usually stem from whether someone can adequately assist in their own defense. 

If there is only one evaluator or both evaluators agree, more often than not the judge will support their finding in court. 

That said, Davis still believes an out-of-state evaluator could make all the difference – as, according to her, “the evaluators in Utah are not qualified.”

Davis said she lost her faith in Utah’s legal system the moment she met Soberanis and all she can do now is hope he will soon have his day in court. 

“I hope he never gets out,” she said. 

'Absolutely a criminal case': Utah deputies investigate shooting of dog found in ditch https://www.abc4.com/news/central-utah/absolutely-a-criminal-case-utah-deputies-investigate-shooting-of-dog-found-in-ditch/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 02:06:20 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1803751 CARBON COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- A dog with multiple gunshot wounds to the head was rescued in Carbon County nearly two weeks ago and nurtured back to life. County authorities say they are working to track down the person who shot and abandoned him.

Carbon County Sheriff Jeff Wood told ABC4.com that the incident is "absolutely a criminal case" and officers are actively searching for the suspect.

The woman who rescued the dog, Tanner Tamllos, called authorities after finding him wounded on the side of the road. Wood said investigators then contacted the last known owner of the dog who allegedly said he had given the dog to an unknown person in a Walmart parking lot and he was no longer in his possession.

Wood said they are now following a few leads. He said it is unknown at this time why or how the owner previously transferred the dog to the person in the parking lot.

When Tamllos found the dog, now named "BluJay," she said he appeared malnourished and wounded. She later learned from doctors that he had been shot through his head and the two bullets were still lodged inside him. Thanks to medical professionals and donations from people in the community and worldwide, BluJay received several surgeries and is now staying with a family in Carbon County.

While he survived the shooting, his injuries left him fully blind. Tamllos said he is eating and recovering well, but it is still too soon to know whether his health will decline in the future.

According to Utah Code, abandoning, injuring or neglecting an animal is considered animal cruelty and ranges in degrees of severity.

If an individual intentionally or knowingly abandons, injures or neglects an animal, it is considered a class B misdemeanor. If a person tortures, poisons or kills an animal, it is considered aggravated animal cruelty and can be prosecuted as a class A misdemeanor.

Knowingly or intentionally torturing an animal is the only case in which animal cruelty could be considered a third-degree felony. Torture is defined as "inflicting extreme physical pain to an animal in an especially heinous, atrocious, cruel, or exceptionally depraved manner."

In Utah, a class B misdemeanor can be punished by jail time, a fine, or both. Those convicted of a class B misdemeanor could face up to six months in jail and up to $1,000 in fines.

A third-degree felony, on the other hand, can be punished with imprisonment, a fine, or both. Imprisonment can be anywhere between zero and five years and fines can be up to $5,000.

Utah student with possible gang connections brings gun, ammunition to school https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/utah-student-with-possible-gang-connections-brings-gun-ammunition-to-school/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 01:59:45 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1805779 ROY, Utah (ABC4) -- A Roy High School student was taken into custody and booked into Weber Valley Detention on Thursday after bringing a handgun and ammunition to school on his waist.

At approximately 12:30 p.m. Thursday, the high school's resource officer received an anonymous tip that the student had brought a gun, a press release states. The high school was placed into a "HOLD" status while the officer and school administration responded to that student's classroom.

The student was removed from the classroom and was found to be in possession of the gun and ammunition in his waistband.

In an interview with the student and his parents, the officer reportedly learned the firearm belonged to the student's father. The student informed the officer that without his parent's knowledge, he obtained the gun from a locked safe.

Additionally, there was information that the incident may have gang connections. The student said he brought the gun for protection, the release states.

The student was taken into custody and booked into Weber Valley Detention on gun-related charges. The officer said that there is no information that the suspect was in possession of the weapon for any other reason than protection.

"Our top priority is the safety of your children, teachers and staff and maintaining a safe environment to learn and educate," the Roy City Police Department said.

Ruby Franke's husband sues Jodi Hildebrandt, citing emotional distress and negligence https://www.abc4.com/news/local-news/ruby-frankes-husband-sues-jodi-hildebrandt-citing-emotional-distress-and-negligence/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:25:06 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1805620 NOTE: A lawsuit represents only one side of a story.

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Ruby Franke's husband, Kevin Franke, filed a lawsuit against Jodi Hildebrandt Thursday, April 11, citing emotional distress and negligence for him and his children.

Based on the facts outlined in the complaint, the three causes of action are "intentional infliction of emotional distress," "negligent infliction of emotional distress," and "negligence."

Kevin Franke is seeking judgment for past, present, and future special damages, along with pain and suffering; for losses and harms; and for all other general damages as well as pre/post-judgment interest, costs, and attorney fees.

According to the lawsuit, Kevin Franke's minor children were moved to Hildebrandt's home in Ivins, Utah, while he was living in Utah County.

While those children were in her home, the lawsuit states they were confined and were not allowed to leave, under the threat of increased punishment or "going to jail."

Kevin Franke alleges Hildebrandt physically tortured the children, forcing them, in part, to perform labor, stand in direct sunlight for several days, run barefoot on dirt roads, and jump into a cactus "multiple times," to name a few.

One of the children, called "R," was forced to remain outside in isolation at all hours of the day and night with little food or water, the lawsuit states.

In July 2023, R attempted to run away from the compound. He was ultimately caught by Hildebrandt and Ruby, who reportedly bound his hands and feet and tied them to weights.

"Many times, the binding included two sets of handcuffs, on his wrists and ankles," the lawsuit states. "At times, while he was laying on his stomach, ropes were used to tie the two sets of handcuffs together so that his arms and lower legs were lifted off the ground in a hogtied fashion."

When the handcuffs cut through his skin and damaged muscle and tissue, they were treated with cayenne and honey and covered in duct tape, the lawsuit states.

The other child, called "E," was treated similarly, forced into isolation and extreme and demanding physical tasks, as well as denied adequate food and water.

Both R and E were regularly indoctrinated, the lawsuit states, being convinced that they were evil and possessed, that the punishments were necessary for their repentance, and that the abusive behavior was "acts of love."

On Aug. 30, 2023, R reportedly escaped from Hildebrandt's home and contacted a neighbor, requesting food and water and that law enforcement be called "so he could be taken to jail."

"The latter request was because he had been so indoctrinated by [Hildebrandt] that if he escaped, he would go to jail," the lawsuit states.

Instead of jail, R was cared for by first responders and admitted to a hospital.

That same day, Hildebrandt was arrested and E was found sitting in a closet in Hildebrandt's home.

After hours of reassurance from law enforcement, she, too, was admitted to a hospital, according to the lawsuit.

The Department of Child Services then took custody of all four of Hildebrandt's children, "who had been so seriously and adversely manipulated and indoctrinated," the lawsuit states.

"The children's personalities, emotions and psyches were so damaged and altered that it was beyond [Kevin Franke's] capability to restore them without professional intervention," the lawsuit states.

PHOTOS: One hospitalized after 3-vehicle Hurricane crash https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/photos-one-hospitalized-after-3-vehicle-hurricane-crash/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 22:55:56 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1805567 HURRICANE, Utah (ABC4) -- One person was hospitalized Thursday after a three-vehicle, four-person crash on state street in Hurricane.

One person was originally thought to be trapped, but got themselves out, Hurricane Valley Fire and Rescue said.

Hurricane Valley Fire and Rescue responded to the incident, along with Hurricane City Police and the Utah Department of Transportation.

There is no further information available at this time.

85-year-old Idaho woman justified in fatally shooting intruder, prosecutor says https://www.abc4.com/news/85-year-old-idaho-woman-justified-in-fatally-shooting-intruder-prosecutor-says/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 22:01:14 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1805509 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- An 85-year-old Idaho woman is being called a hero after local prosecutors say she justifiably gunned down a man who broke into her home, handcuffed her to a chair, and told her repeatedly that he was going to kill her.

Using a pistol she kept under her pillow, Christine Jenneiahn turned the tables on the 39-year-old intruder and killed him in a gunfight in which she herself was shot several times. In the bloody aftermath, the octogenarian spent 10 hours on the floor, still handcuffed, until her disabled son could bring her a phone to call 911.

“This case presents an easy analysis of self-defense and justifiable homicide,” Bingham County Prosecuting Attorney Ryan Jolley said in a statement. He added: “It also presents one of the most heroic acts of self-preservation I have heard of.”

Jolley released a review of the case on Wednesday based on Jenneiahn’s statements, video footage, photographs and search warrant evidence. The prosecuting attorney noted that “any reasonable person would believe it necessary to defend themselves or their disabled child under such circumstances.”

The home invasion happened in the early morning hours of March 13 in Jenneiahn’s residence north of Blackfoot, Idaho. Officials identified the intruder as Derek Condon, of Blackfoot. EastIdahoNews reports the two were known to each other, and officials said the attack was not believed to be random.

According to investigators, Jenneiahn was sleeping when she was woken up around 2 a.m. by a man dressed in a military jacket and black ski mask pointing a flashlight and a gun in her face.

Condon struck Jenneiahn in the head, investigators believe, as blood was found on her pillow. He then ordered her out of bed and handcuffed her to a wooden chair in the living room, where he demanded to know if any valuables were in the house.

Condon left Jenneiahn to search the basement for safes, and there he discovered that Jenneiahn’s son was in the home. Condon became enraged that Jenneiahn didn’t make him aware of this, prosecutors said, adding that he told her repeatedly that he was going to kill her.

When Condon was in the basement, Jenneiahn dragged the chair to her bedroom, where she kept a .357 Magnum revolver under her pillow. She returned to the living room and hid the pistol between the couch cushions. She waited to see what Condon would do next.

Jenneiahn reported to investigators that Condon told her several times he was going to kill her as he rummaged through the house. At one point, she decided that it was “now or never,” drew her gun from the couch and shot Condon, the prosecutor wrote.

“Condon was still in the act of this violent home invasion when Christine chose to engage him with deadly force,” Jolley said, noting that Idaho law makes it clear that no person should be placed in legal jeopardy when protecting themselves.

Jenneiahn shot at Condon twice, hitting him with both shots. Condon returned fire, emptying a 9mm pistol and striking Jenneiahn in the abdomen, leg, arm, and chest. Condon died in the kitchen while Jenneiahn waited for hours for her son to bring her a phone. Emergency crews responded and provided life-saving help.

“That Christine survived this encounter is truly incredible,” Jolley wrote. “Her grit, determination, and will to live appeared to be what saved her that night.”

The prosecutor added that if Condon would have survived, he would have charged him with attempted murder, kidnapping, burglary, and aggravated battery, among other felonies.

The Bingham County Sheriff’s Office said in a social media post that it was not the department’s intention to defame Condon or make the tragedy for his family worse with the information made public on Wednesday.

“We are simply releasing the facts of the case, and explaining that there was a victim involved that displayed heroism, fortitude, and a will to live that we’d be remiss not to share,” the department said.

According to EastIdahoNews, Jenneiahn has been released from Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center and is still recovering.

Man now faces nine attempted murder charges in connection to Salt Lake County auto-peds https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/man-now-faces-nine-attempted-murder-charges-in-connection-to-salt-lake-county-auto-peds/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 20:32:28 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1805384 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- A man charged with six attempted murder charges in March is now facing three more as investigators continue to look into pedestrian crashes throughout Salt Lake County, according to Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill.

Anh Duy Pham was initially charged with 10 felony charges, including six attempted murder charges, for his connection to "targeted auto pedestrian crashes" over the span of several months. Gill announced Thursday the filing of three more attempted murder charges related to two additional pedestrian crashes.

The new charges bring the total to nine first-degree felony attempted murder charges, six counts of third-degree felony failure to stop at a serious injury accident, and three misdemeanor counts of failure to stop at an injury accident, according to a press release.

Gill previously said the auto-pedestrian incidents traced back to Pham were “shrouded in the shadow of accidents.” Court documents say Pham did not know the victims involved and targeted random women in the area.

Authorities say Pham's charges are in connection to six auto-pedestrian crashes, some of which had more than one victim. The two incidents that Gill says were recently connected to Pham occurred on March 2 and March 12 near 900 South 1300 East and 160 North T Street, respectively.

“We thank Salt Lake City Police Department detectives and our prosecutors for their continual work on this case to help ensure justice for our community,” Gill said. “All persons accused of wrongdoing are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.”

Charges are allegations only. All arrested persons are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

$10K reward offered for information on bald eagle shot in Cedar City https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/10k-reward-offered-for-information-on-bald-eagle-shot-in-cedar-city/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 20:00:15 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1805348 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- A $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading to a conviction of the person who fatally shot a bald eagle earlier this year in southern Utah.

The Center for Biological Diversity, an Arizona-based nonprofit that works to protect endangered species, announced the award on Thursday, days after Utah wildlife officials said they were seeking information in the case.

"It’s a tragedy that this majestic bald eagle was senselessly gunned down, and the perpetrator needs to be brought to justice," said Patrick Donnelly, Great Basin director at the center, in a statement. "I hope someone does the right thing and comes forward with information."

On Tuesday, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources said the bird was found injured on Feb. 29 in Cedar City. The raptor had suffered a bullet wound through its wing from what appeared to be a rifle shot.

“Unfortunately, the injuries were severe,” said DWR in a press release. “It was determined that the eagle would not recover, resulting in it needing to be euthanized.”

Those with information on the eagle were asked to contact the UTiP Hotline by calling 1-800-662-3337, by texting 847411, or through the DWR website or app.

According to the Center for Biological Diversity, Utah is home to one of the largest wintering populations of bald eagles in the country. Up to a third of the bald eagles this side of the Mississippi River overwinter in Utah.

Bald eagles have long been a symbol of the U.S., and they are federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Violations can carry penalties over $100,000 in fines and a year in federal prison.

Former Salt Lake City mayor Ted Wilson dies at 84 https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/former-salt-lake-city-mayor-ted-wilson-dies-at-84/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 18:02:58 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804979 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Former Salt Lake City Mayor Ted Wilson died on Thursday, April 11, according to his family. Wilson was 84 years old. His family said he died due to congestive heart failure and Parkinson's disease.

The Wilson family sent a statement to ABC4, which reads:

"Ted Wilson passed today surrounded by family. As the eternal optimist, he loved people and they loved him back. We are honored that his memory will live on in the legacy he built as Salt Lake City Mayor, through the countless people he has taught and mentored, his decades of humanitarian service, and his mountaineering accomplishments. Ted’s lifetime priorities were his family and public service. He built and nurtured many deep and meaningful friendships and would remind us all to 'never sweat the small stuff'.”

Utah officials responded to Wilson's passing online, including Utah Governor Spencer Cox.

"Ted Wilson devoted most of his life to public services. As a Utah National Guardsman, Salt Lake City's mayor, director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics and a trusted advisor to Gov. Gary Herbert, Ted always put people over politics. Abby and I are grateful for his devotion to our state and we express our deepest sympathies to his family," he wrote.

Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall shared her memories of Wilson online, writing that he was her mentor and a cherished friend.

"To this City, he was a giant and a champion. His legacy is a permanent thread in our City's story. He was a committed leader, a driver of progress and someone willing to listen, learn, and evolve," she wrote.

Mendenhall went on to describe Wilson as a driver of progress, saying her heart is with Wilson's family.

"Ted Wilson made Salt Lake City better in more ways than we’ll ever be able to count. I look forward to the day when thinking of Ted again brings more smiles than tears. Until then, I will miss my friend, and Salt Lake City will miss a true legend," she wrote.

Wilson was born on May 18, 1939 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Utah in 1964, a master's from the University of Washington in 1969 and an honorary Doctorate of Laws from Westminster College in 1983.

He served in the Utah Army National Guard from 1957 to 1963. Wilson later started his political career in 1973 as he was appointed Chief of Staff to Utah Congressman Wayne Owens. In 1975, Wilson was appointed to direct the Department of Social Services in Salt Lake County.

He was elected to three terms as the mayor of Salt Lake City, serving from 1976 - 1985, before he later became the Director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics at the University of Utah. Wilson ran for U.S. Senate in 1982 against Orrin Hatch and in 1988 was the Democratic candidate for Governor of the State of Utah.

Wilson was known for overseeing the city's response to the floods of 1983, working to reconstruct the Salt Lake City International Airport and his community and environmental efforts.

Wilson worked as the director of the Utah Clean Air Partnership and the director of the Utah Rivers Council, as well as serving as the environmental advisor to Gov. Gary Herbert.

The Hinckley Institute writes that outside of politics, Wilson had a great love for mountaineering.

"He has climbed peaks around the world from the Alps to the Andes, established three climbing schools, and he received the Department of the Interior Valor Award in 1967 for his role in a rescue on the North Face of the Grand Teton," their website said.

Wilson and his first wife Kathryn Carling had five children together, including current Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson. He was later married to former Salt Lake Tribune columnist Holly Mullen and was stepfather to her two children.

'No shots fired': SUU lifts lockdown following reported active shooter scare https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/southern-utah-university-alerts-students-of-possible-active-shooter/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 15:40:13 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804938 CEDAR CITY, Utah (ABC4) -- Southern Utah University confirmed there were "no shots fired" on campus after receiving a suspicious phone call reporting noises that sounded like gunfire early Thursday morning, April 11.

The campus went on full lockdown around 9:30 a.m. following reports of the possibility of an active shooter near the Science Buildings. At the same time, the Iron County School District placed a lockdown for several schools in the Cedar City area where Southern Utah University is located.

Officers with Southern Utah University and the surrounding agencies who responded to assist spent the morning searching and clearing several buildings on campus, including the Science Buildings. Law enforcement determined by 10:30 a.m. that no shots had been fired on campus.

"It takes a lot of man hours. It takes so much effort, so much cooperation," said SUU Chief of Police Carlos Medina about clearing the campus. "We have such a good working relationship with other agencies that it makes it pretty fluid and easy, given the circumstances, to really do our job effectively and not only help our SUU community but also the citizens of Cedar City."

Throughout the afternoon, the Southern Utah University officials lifted the lockdown building by building as law enforcement completed their sweep of the campus. The lockdown was fully lifted by 1:10 p.m.

"Thank you for your cooperation. We take the safety of our campus very seriously," University officials said through social media.

The University canceled classes and activities on campus for the rest of the day. Classes are expected to resume a normal schedule on Friday, April 12.

Medina did not disclose the source of the reported gunfire-like noise but did confirm that SUU police are working with the FBI as they continue their investigation. Medina refused to say if authorities believe the threat was a hoax, saying that will be determined through the investigation.

"We're taking it seriously until we find out through our investigation that it was a hoax, then we will call it that," said Medina. "But, as of right now, it's an active investigation and we are treating it like an active shooter."

Shortly after the lockdown began, the University released details of a suspect but officials later said it was "highly unlikely" the suspect was actually involved in the threat.

"We are grateful to SUU Police and the many local law enforcement agencies for their swift response and superb coordination, prioritizing safety on our campus in our community," said SUU President Mindy Benson. "Thank you to all who were an important part of the successful resolution of the situation."

The university said students and employees can contact SUU's Counseling and Psychological Services at 435-865-8621 or access support online at suu.edu/mentalhealth and suu.edu/hr/benefits/eap.

Work continues to relieve Panguitch dam pressure https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/work-continues-to-relieve-panguitch-dam-pressure/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 15:22:34 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804853 PANGUITCH, Utah (ABC4) -- Work continues to alleviate pressure on the damaged dam threatening residents in Southern Utah.

On Monday, April 8, crews found a crack in the upper portion of the Panguitch Lake Dam, forcing a "Level 2 Emergency Situation," closing highways, limiting lake access and flood watches for the area.

Late Wednesday night, April 10, the Utah Department of Public Safety provided an update saying crews cut across the ice to help relieve some of the pressure pushing against the dam.

"They have also added rock to the downstream side to support the dam wall," said Utah DPS in a statement. "These measures have helped to change the tilt of the expanded section from eight degrees to two degrees."

The Utah DPS previously said the damage only affected a two to five-foot expansion of the Panguitch Lake Dam that was installed about 80 to 90 years ago. The main portion of the dam is still intact, leading officials to believe a complete dam breach is not likely or anticipated.

Still, a flash flood warning issued by the National Weather Service remains in effect for a large portion of Southwest Utah as of Thursday morning.

"A Level 2 Emergency Situation indicates that there is a potential for dam failure," the flash flood warning said. "While there is no immediate threat to public safety, the situation could rapidly evolve. Officials are closely monitoring the dam and are prepared to escalate their response if necessary."

The National Weather Service said Panguitch Creek is running high, fast and cold due to the releases to lower the lake level. Residents are advised to keep children and pets away from the creek as a precaution.

Chad Daybell Trial Liveblog Day 2: Detective describes finding children's bodies https://www.abc4.com/news/national/vallow-daybell-trial/chad-daybell-trial-liveblog-day-2-detective-to-continue-testimony/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 14:26:44 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804423 BOISE, Idaho (ABC4) -- The second day of the Chad Daybell murder trial brought more grisly testimony from an Idaho detective who found the bodies of 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 16-year-old Tylee Ryan.

Rexburg Detective Ray Hermosillo again took the stand Thursday, describing to the court in graphic detail how the children’s bodies were dug up from Daybell’s property in east Idaho. He had begun his testimony on Wednesday as the state’s first witness.

Hermosillo told the court that JJ Vallow was found under a burn pit, in a trash bag, wrapped in layers of duct tape, wearing pajamas and a nighttime diaper. Tylee was found in what was supposed to be a pet cemetery. Her dismembered remains were discovered burned and charred inside of a melted plastic bucket.

Hermosillo said the stench of the decomposing bodies was so odious that excavation crews had to take turns digging out the bodies. “The smell was so bad we could only work for a few minutes,” he said.

The detective noted that he recognized JJ Vallow for the first time when he saw him on the autopsy table. However, when Tylee's charred remains were brought in, he said the medical examiner said there was nothing to be done with what remained of the teenager.

While the trial is being live streamed by the court in Ada County, Idaho, the images of the children’s bodies were not broadcast due to their graphic nature.

In Thursday's afternoon session, John Prior, Daybell’s attorney, cross-examined Hermosillo, looking for holes in his testimony.

Prior questioned him about an incident where Tammy Daybell called police after someone attempted to fire what she believed to be a paintball gun toward her. However, Hermosillo said he believed that it was not a paintball gun and Chad Daybell was connected to the incident.

Hermosillo spoke about online searches made by Alex Cox, Lori Vallow Daybell's brother.

"The night that Tammy Daybell was shot, it was a cold evening, and Google searches were how to make an AR-15 in cold weather," he said.

Judge Boyce said jury selection moved faster than anticipated and the next witness was not present. Court was dismissed for the week to begin again on Monday at 8:30 a.m.

Daybell, 55, is facing charges of murder, fraud, and conspiracy to commit murder in connection with the deaths of JJ Vallow, Tylee Ryan, and his former wife, Tammy Daybell. Last year, the mother of the two children, Lori Vallow Daybell, received a life sentence without parole for the killings.

During the opening statements, prosecutors said that Chad Daybell and Vallow Daybell justified the three killings with doomsday religious beliefs, part of an elaborate scheme to eliminate any obstacles to their relationship and to obtain money from survivor benefits and life insurance. Vallow Daybell referred to her two youngest kids as zombies, one friend testified during her trial.

Chad Daybell has pleaded not guilty to the charges, and the trial is expected to take more than two months. Prosecutors said they will seek the death penalty if Daybell is convicted.

In the defense's opening statements, Chad Daybell's attorney tried to paint Lori Vallow as a manipulator pulling the strings, adding that her brother, Alex Cox, was her “protector,” willing to do anything in her defense. Daybell’s attorney said that before his client met Lori Vallow the only infractions on his record were traffic tickets.

The Associated Press has contributed to this story.

As we will throughout the trial, a liveblog of the day's events will be found below, and a live stream from the courtroom will be found at the top of this post:

Provo Airport adds American Airlines to fleet of carriers with flights to Arizona, Texas https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/provo-airport-adds-american-airlines-to-fleet-of-carriers-with-flights-to-arizona-texas/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 13:32:05 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804762 PROVO, Utah (ABC4) -- American Airlines is coming to the Provo Airport.

The airline announced on Thursday, April 11, that it would be adding three daily flights out of the Provo Municipal Airport. Two of the flights will go to Dallas/Fort Worth in Texas and one flight will head toward Phoenix, Ariz.

Provo will become American Airline's third destination city in the Beehive State after Salt Lake City and St. George.

The addition of American Airlines to the Provo Municipal Airport list of carriers comes less than a year after the airport announced its goals to bring a major carrier and international flights to Utah County. The airport already offers flights from Allegiant Air and Breeze Airways.

"We had a forward-looking vision when we built the Provo Airport. The monumental announcement of the arrival of American Airlines proves we were on their radar as much as our airport tower will soon be on theirs," said Provo Mayor Michelle Kaufusi. "With year-round, daily service, American Airlines is showing their commitment to Provo and we couldn't be happier to welcome them home with this game-changing service."

American Airlines said customers flying out of Provo will be able to connect "with just one stop" across American's global network. The flights include connections to more than 30 destinations in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America.

Director of Domestic Network Planning for American Airlines Joe Sottile said the addition of the airlines will give Utah County residents "more ways to visit the places they want to visit most."

Flights will begin flying out of Provo on October 7, 2024. All flights will have room for 65 passengers, including nine first-class seats.

Provo's new terminal for commercial travel was completed in 2022 and has since grown to serve over 116,000 passengers annually, according to the airport's website. In 2023, Provo city officials recognized a need to expand the Provo Airport as research showed the airport was only serving a fraction of its estimated passengers.

Provo City indicated it hoped expanding the airport would help bring tourism dollars into Utah County, with easier, quicker access to BYU Big 12 games and the Sundance Mountain Resort. To that end, Provo Airport Director Brian Torgersen said adding network service by a major carrier has been a focus for the airport, even before the opening of the new terminal.

"We have been telling our story to all who would listen, and American Airlines has stepped up to provide exceptional service to exceptional major hub airports," said Torgensen. "We couldn't be more thrilled to welcome American Airlines and the entire world to Provo."

Tickets for the new American Airlines flights will be available for sale starting April 22 through American Airlines' website and mobile app.

Abandoned horses seized, taken to market by Duchesne Co. deputies https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/abandoned-horses-seized-duchesne-co/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 03:36:55 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804480 DUCHESNE COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- Duchesne County deputies seized two horses Wednesday after they were abandoned in the Myton City area.

The horses were taken to Basin Livestock Market in Ballard, Utah, where they will be taken care of until their owner reclaims them -- or they will be sold, county officials said.

The Duchesne County Sheriff's Office said if you are the owner of these horses to please contact the Basin Livestock Market sales barn at (435)722-5043.

There is no further information available at this time.

Utah weather continues to warm up https://www.abc4.com/utah-weather/utah-weather-continues-to-warm-up/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 23:55:37 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804281 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Happy Wednesday, Utah! We are halfway through the workweek. It's going to be a bea-Utah-ful day across the state with mostly sunny skies as temperatures warm to near or slightly above average.

That will mean most outside of the high terrain reach the 50s and 60s and several spots down south hit or exceed the 70-degree mark! By tonight, it's clear skies with lows similar to what we had last night.

The warmup we're on will ramp up to close the workweek with the introduction of a southerly wind. Daytime highs tomorrow will run about five to 10 degrees above average, which will be good enough to see the Wasatch Front reach the low 70s while Park City climbs in the 50s.

It's also likely we see our first 80s of the year down in St. George. Friday will likely be the warmest day this week as the southerly flow cranks up.

Highs will be about 10 to 15 degrees above average and, in some cases, could be closer to 20 degrees above average! Salt Lake could sneak into the upper 70s while St. George climbs into the mid 80s.

Saturday won't bring many changes from what we get on Friday -- however, it will be a fraction cooler as high pressure begins to move away. From Sunday into next week, we'll be entering a more active pattern.

Our next storm will approach from the west and will bring a chance of isolated showers both Sunday and Monday with highs easing down by about 10 to 15 degrees in most locations compared to what we get on Friday.

Even as that storm clears, a trailing storm dropping in from the northwest could bring even cooler temperatures and a better chance of wet weather Tuesday into midweek. We'll continue to fine the tune the forecast as we get closer. Stay tuned!

Stay up-to-date on our 4Warn Weather forecast both on-air and online. We are Good4Utah!

WATCH: Officials answer questions, outline evacuation plan after damage to Panguitch dam https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/6-p-m-officials-answer-questions-outline-evacuation-plan-after-damage-to-panguitch-dam/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 23:54:03 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804266 PANGUITCH, Utah (ABC4) -- "We're gonna get through this," Panguitch Mayor Kim Soper said.

After a crack was found in the Panguitch Lake dam, officials held a town hall meeting -- answering questions and discussing topics like mitigation measures, evacuation plans, and preparedness information.

The damage was found on Monday, April 8, and since then, highways closed, flood watches were issued, and a "Level 2 Emergency Situation" was declared.

"Two or three days ago we got a notice of a 'little leak' at the dam, and things have really started happening since then," Soper said.

Soper thanked the community for the outpour of help and reminded everyone to be prepared and follow the city's emergency plan.

Additionally, he said sandbags are available "in truckloads" to those who need them.

Right now, according to the city, top priorities are life safety, property preservation, and scene stabilization.

If an evacuation were to take place, sirens will sound and officials will go door to door. Additionally, those signed up for the city's alert system will be notified.

Evacuation plan

Sargent Cox with Utah Highway Patrol outlined evacuation plans in the event of a breach.

For elementary school students, 100 South eastbound from 300 South will become a one-way street. The road will filter around to 300 West and then to 100 South in front of the elementary school, through the pickup lane.

Every child attending the elementary school will need to follow that, Cox said.

An image of the Panguitch City and school evacuation plan. The plan was handed out to residents at a town hall meeting on April 10, 2024. (Courtesy: Department of Public Safety)
An image of the Panguitch City and school evacuation plan. The plan was handed out to residents at a town hall meeting on April 10, 2024. (Courtesy: Department of Public Safety)

At the high school, 100 South will continue as a one-way eastbound street in front of the high school. The students that drive are permitted to drive themselves away from the school, with siblings only.

As they travel eastbound, Cox asked they turn at the intersection at 400 east and 100 south and go north toward center street, to return home.

"This is something we have time to do," he said. "This does not need to be rushed."

If the dam is breached, there is roughly two hours before the water hits the city, Cox said, asking the community to remain orderly.

He also asked people choose to go southbound on Highway 89, should the situation require evacuation.

What is the county doing?

The Garfield County Commissioner said they have road crews on scene, placing rock on the top two feet that are areas of concern on the dam. If it moves, he said, there is support.

Additionally, he said an emergency declaration was issued today, meaning funding sources from the state and federal government can be opened up if needed.

While he said no plan is perfect, the city of Panguitch is prepared.

"We'll be there to help each other get through it. I trust the plan," he said.

For more information, including dam updates, the full town hall meeting can be viewed via the video below.

Evermore Park permanently shuts its gates, new attraction in the works https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/evermore-park-permanently-shuts-its-gates-new-attraction-in-the-works/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 23:39:27 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1803394 PLEASANT GROVE, Utah (ABC4) -- Evermore Park, an immersive fantasy-themed attraction in Utah County, has now closed its gates for good.

Evermore Park's website is updated to reflect that — with a page titled "End of An Era."

In a statement to ABC4, founder Ken Bretschneider said after careful consideration by the park's management team and board of directors, they made the difficult decision to close the park indefinitely.

"It is with deep sadness and gratitude that we formally announce the closing of Evermore Park in 2024," he said. "The past decade has been filled with its share of trials and tribulations, but also many moments of magic and imagination."

Photo of Evermore Park during the "Lore" season in 2023. (Kayla Baggerly)

Brandon Fugal, the property owner of the 12.75 acres where the attraction sat, said the closure comes after years of struggle, where Evermore Park failed "to make their business and operating model work."

"After months of not paying rent or expenses, they ceased operations and have moved out. I personally acquired the property over two years ago and settled millions of dollars in liens in an effort to save Evermore Park and preserve the vision - even structuring a new, very friendly lease. They have unfortunately failed and defaulted," Fugal said.

In Bretschneider's statement, he described the ongoing difficulties the park has experienced.

"Evermore Park faced significant challenges from the beginning, which intensified in 2020 with the COVID pandemic closures, followed by reduced consumer spending in 2021 and even more so in 2023, coupled with inflation, gave us little to work with," Bretschneider said. "Coming out of the new year, we had a few promising opportunities that would have provided needed bridge capital and potential to grow revenue in 2024. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, things changed and as a result we are unable to continue."

A ProPublica loan database shows that Evermore Park took out two loans totaling over $1 million in 2020 and 2021. Both were forgiven.

What's next?

Going forward, Fugal said, there are already plans for the land that Evermore Park occupied.

"I have my Evermore property under contract with a very well-capitalized group who is not only keeping the 27 existing old world structures intact, but finishing everything with new improvements," he said.

At this time, Fugal said he is unable to share more, but details should be available in the coming weeks. He said he purchased the real estate of Evermore Park wanting to preserve its inspiring vision and the special place it holds in the community.

"I look forward to unveiling the next chapter and a bright future ahead," he said.

The end of an era

The park was open on weekends for different seasonal experiences throughout the year, such as "Lore" during the fall, "Aurora" in the winter, and "Mythos" in the spring and summer months.

Its last run was "Aurora" in December 2023. Bretschneider said since the park is seasonal, the majority of its workforce is contracted. He said at the end of 2023's Aurora, staff were informed of upcoming events and tryouts, but also that Evermore Park faced many challenges and they were working on possible solutions to keep it going.

He explained that a small number of full-time employees continued in early 2024 to maintain the park as management and the board focused on trying to save it.

Photo of Evermore Park during the "Lore" season in 2023. (Kayla Baggerly)

"In January and February, we informed our team leaders of our continued challenges and notified them and our seasonal staff immediately once it was known/decided to close the park towards the end of March. We also notified our investors/partners and park vendors once the final decision was made," he said.

Bretschneider went on to thank those that made Evermore Park what it was.

"Evermore Park forged new ground in immersive and interactive entertainment, which presented many challenges as it’s never easy to do something new. We are grateful for the many amazing experiences that happened in our little park and hope that it made a positive impact on the people who visited," he said.

History behind Evermore

In 2014, the concept of Evermore Park first made its debut at the comic convention FanX in Salt Lake City. A booth detailed what was planned for the attraction, including sets, costumes, and a model of the park. Design and construction for Evermore Park started in 2016 and it officially opened in 2018.

At the park, guests could join in a variety of activities, such as interacting with actors who portrayed fantasy characters, watching a bird and reptile show, trying their hand at axe throwing and archery, or riding the small train "The Evermore Express".

According to the website, the idea for Evermore Park grew from a haunted adventure that Bretschneider, his family, and friends created at his home during the Halloween season.

"To us Evermore Park was an amazing place where artists/creatives from all walks of life came together to deliver a Magical Story and an escape from reality," it says. "We have seen many miracles happen in Evermore Park with hundreds of thousands of people visiting throughout the years. Some visitors just came to stroll the village and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere and entertainment, while others visited the park in elaborate costumes developing their own characters and fully immersed themselves in the story and events."

The website says that although Evermore Park will no longer be operating, they hope that the "magical moments at Evermore Park continue on through the memories of all the people who made it such a special place."

Utah's Hogle Zoo adopts adorable orphaned cougar cubs — Here's how you can see them https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/utahs-hogle-zoo-adopts-adorable-orphaned-cougar-cubs-heres-how-you-can-see-them/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 23:22:37 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804116 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Hogle Zoo's newest exhibit, "Wild Utah," is taking in three orphaned and rescued cougar cubs.

The cubs were orphaned at a young age and were not fully equipped with the necessary skills to survive in the wild, the zoo said.

"We're so happy to give them a fur-ever home!" the zoo posted to social media.

The three cubs, Liam, Mara, and Rafael, are moving to the Wild Utah exhibit this spring.

Hogle Zoo's vet and animal care teams reportedly brought siblings Liam and Mara back to full strength after they experienced extreme weather and frostbite in their home state of Nebraska.

Shortly after those two arrived, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources rescued another orphaned cub, Rafael, to be raised with the siblings at the zoo.

The trio is easy to tell apart -- Liam and Mara have shorter tails and ears from frostbite, while Rafael has a full-length tail and big, pointy ears.

"While Mara is typically a bit shy and marches to the beat of her own drum, the boys are curious and inquisitive, especially when using the buddy system," the zoo said.

What is Wild Utah?

A $22 million, three-acre exhibit is coming soon to Utah’s Hogle Zoo.

The new Aline W. Skaggs Wild Utah exhibit will feature species like cougars, badgers, and bighorn sheep — all to “experience Utah wildlife like never before,” the zoo said.

The exhibit will include up-close and personal experiences with the various species, teaching guests how to sight and care for Utah’s native wildlife.

For more information, you can read about it here.

Weber County Animal Services parvo quarantine is over, open for dog adoptions again https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/weber-county-animal-services-parvo-quarantine-is-over-open-for-dog-adoptions-again/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 23:21:28 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1803888 WEBER COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- Weber County Animal Service's quarantine is now over following an outbreak of canine parvovirus at the facility.

On Facebook, the shelter announced they are open for dog adoptions again.

"We have lots of anxious dogs waiting for homes! Please come in and adopt or foster!" the post said.

(Weber County Animal Services)

What happened?

On April 1, the shelter confirmed there were three cases of the highly contagious disease.

April 2, they gave an update that four dogs were infected, saying three passed away. The lone survivor was Oliver, a 15-month-old mix-breed dog.

Lisa Weiss, an animal care specialist at the shelter, said Oliver has been there since January.

“When he first arrived, he was so scared he didn’t want anything to do with any of us. Through the help of our volunteers, Oliver has made strides here at the shelter and has become a favorite amongst the shelter staff and volunteers,” Weiss said.

A photo of Oliver as he undergoes treatment for parvovirus. (Weber County Animal Services)

On April 4, the shelter posted that Oliver's expenses were paid off due to generous donations from the community, but since then, he has accrued more charges and needs a longer hospital stay.

Weiss said all donations are appreciated and can be made directly to Mountain West Veterinary Specialists by calling 801-683-6201, pressing option 2, and asking them to put the donation toward Oliver from the Weber Shelter.

April 8, she gave an update on Oliver, saying he has been doing better as he was starting to keep his food down and give vet staff tail wags.

Weiss added that they are looking for a foster that can help Oliver fully recover when he gets discharged from the hospital, with more details to be posted on their Facebook page.

For information on what supplies and donations the shelter needs, visit their website.

The American Veterinary Medical Association says that canine parvovirus is a highly contagious disease caused by canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) that attacks white blood cells and the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. In puppies, it can also damage the heart muscle.

Signs of parvovirus can be lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea fever or low body temperature.

According to the AVMA, it can be spread through direct contact with infected dogs, contact with feces from infected dogs, or contact with virus-contaminated surfaces.

Weiss said that when the virus broke out, no new dogs stayed in the room where it was found. She said that shelter workers would use special protection equipment when they went in the room, which was cleaned daily with heavy-duty supplies.

Will solar panels on canals help the West save water? Project in Weber Co. aims to find out https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/will-solar-panels-on-canals-help-the-west-save-water-project-in-weber-co-aims-to-find-out/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 22:51:06 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1804044 WEBER COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- Could installing solar panels on irrigation canals boost the water supply while simultaneously providing a fresh source of clean energy? A water district in northern Utah is set to find out.

Earlier this month, the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District (WBWCD) was awarded a chunk of $19 million in federal funding to test the idea, which could be rolled out on a massive scale across the American West to improve the region’s resilience to drought and climate change.

According to the U.S. Department of Interior, WBWCD will get $1.5 million to install solar panels in the upper portion of the Layton Canal, which is located in Weber County. The project will be a five-year demonstration, collecting data on the feasibility of the novel concept to conserve water and generate renewable energy.

“We love the implementation of new technologies,” said Jonathan Parry, assistant general manager for the water district. “We’re excited to see how this can play a role in our energy portfolio.”

How is this supposed to work?

According to Parry, the water district is aiming to install solar panels on a 1,400-foot section of the Layton Canal, shading what is currently an exposed area of open water.

This is expected to reduce evaporation from solar radiation, meaning there’ll be more water in the irrigation system. The shade should also limit toxic algal blooms, thereby improving water quality.

Additionally, studies suggest that any evaporation that does happen off the water will act as a coolant on the solar panels, making them more productive in energy generation, Parry said.

A section of the Layton Canal where the solar panels could be placed. (credit: Weber Basin Water Conservancy District)

These potential benefits are all things the WBWCD will look to monitor over the course of the project. Should it play out as expected, more solar panels could be installed in the district, which supplies water to parts of Davis, Weber, Morgan, and Summit counties.

“We’ve got a lot of canals that have the potential for these types of installations,” Parry said.

When will the project be up and running?

The WBWCD expects the Layton Canal project to be up and running in the next two to two-and-a-half years. But before construction gets underway, details need to be finalized and all the equipment needs to be gathered.

According to Parry, in the next six months, the WBWCD will get a consultant on board to help with designing the project and equipment selection.

Other projects in the West

Two other water districts in California and Oregon also received federal funding this month to test floating solar panels in canals, and last year, $5.6 million went to fund a solar panel project at the Casa Blanca Canal in Arizona.

According to the U.S. Department of Interior, the money for these projects came from the Inflation Reduction Act, which carved out $25 million to design, study and implement solar projects on water facilities connected to the Bureau of Reclamation.

The WBWCD has a close relationship with the bureau, Parry said, adding that the original Weber Basin water project was a federal undertaking in the 1950s and '60s. Parry said the bureau often works with the WBWCD to provide grants and alerted the water district about this particular opportunity.

“We want to be providing as much value as we can to our communities and doing it as efficiently as possible,” Parry said. “We’re hopeful that this is another tool and resource to do exactly that.”

New U of U program helps students pay for college through community service https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/new-u-of-u-program-helps-students-pay-for-college-through-community-service/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 22:34:10 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1803897 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- The University of Utah launched a new, $1 million project Wednesday that intends to help students graduate on time, with less debt, and with increased career readiness.

The initiative, which launches this fall, is for students who have demonstrated a need and who have not earned merit-based scholarships, a press release from the university states. Students selected will have the opportunity to earn $5,000 in scholarships and wages by performing 120 hours of community service.

The internship is designed to complement the Beehive State's One Utah Service Fellowship Program, a bill Gov. Spencer Cox recently signed that provides stipends and scholarships to young adults who participate in service.

Additionally, the initiative joins a suite of internship and service programs offered by the Hinckley Institute of Politics, the Bennion Center, and U Career Success to "support students and serve the community," the release states.

The new program will be based at the Hinckley Institute, with an initial group of 200 students throughout its first year. Morgan Lyon Cotty, associate director at the Hinckley Institute, is set to oversee the program.

With the support of state, federal, and other sources, the University of Utah anticipates expanding the program over the next three years to include 1,000 students engaging in more than 120,000 service hours annually, the release states.

"We’re thrilled to partner with the State and the Governor’s Office on this initiative," University President Taylor Randall said. "What's exciting about this is it allows us to attract students that care about our community, that want to serve, that want to get engaged in building what we have here in Utah, and we just want to make sure we support that and hopefully partner with our other sister institutions to roll this out statewide to all."

Damage to Panguitch Dam seems less dire, but officials say evacuation is still on the table https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/utah-officials-update-public-on-emergency-state-of-damaged-panguitch-dam/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 21:31:12 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1803970 PANGUITCH, Utah (ABC4) -- The damage to the Panguitch Lake Dam, which includes a large crack that prompted city officials to announce a "Level 2 Emergency Situation," appears to have taken a positive turn.

Wednesday afternoon, Department of Public Safety officials said "a complete dam breach is not likely or anticipated," and listed several measures they are taking to mitigate the risk of a breach.

A Level 3 Emergency Situation would call for evacuation of the city of Panguitch as it means there is an imminent risk of dam failure. Fortunately, authorities say they have hope it will change to a Level 1 risk rather than progress to Level 3.

A large crack was found in the dam Monday, prompting an “urgent public safety announcement” on Tuesday night. The crack was caused by the lake's 2-5 foot expansion due to the freezing and expanding of the already high water pressure, according to officials.

The expansion caused cracking and tilting of the top portion of the dam, which was constructed as an addition to the dam in the 1930s and 40s. This leads officials to believe that should a breach occur, it would likely only break the top few feet of the dam.

For that reason, officials are releasing water to lower the level of the lake to rest below the start of the crack. They believe it could take 8-10 days to get the water below the compromised section.

Officials are also working at cracking the ice within the reservoir to release pressure and adding material to the dam to fortify it.

While the update is good news for the approximately 1,700 people living in the Panguitch area, officials say there still is a risk of dam failure and evacuation.

Officials say the city is still under evacuation notice, meaning residents should be prepared to leave if the time comes. They also are hosting a community gathering on Wednesday, April 10, to answer questions, provide resources, and outline the evacuation plan should a breach occur.

The community gathering will take place at 6 p.m. at the Panguitch High School Gymnasium located at 390 E 100 S. They also will be streaming the meeting live on Zoom.

Deidre Henderson takes Gov. Cox place at Olympic kick-off meeting https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/a-rough-few-weeks-deidre-henderson-takes-gov-cox-place-at-olympic-kick-off-meeting/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 20:54:45 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1803717 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- The International Olympic Committee is in town this week, but Gov. Cox was not able to attend the kick-off meeting Wednesday due to First Lady Abby Cox's health.

The Utah Governor's Office announced First Lady Abby Cox underwent surgery on her spine Wednesday morning, saying she has been in "debilitating pain" for weeks.

The statement said the surgery was to remove degenerative discs in her neck. Due to her health complications, Gov. Spencer Cox said they missed some important events.

"It's been a rough few weeks at our house. Abby and I feel terrible that we’ve had to miss some important events, but we feel so blessed for your prayers and support. We are lucky to have such skilled surgeons and amazing staff here at the U," Cox posted on Twitter/X.

The IOC Future Host Commission kicked off its visit in Salt Lake City Wednesday morning and Lt. Gov Deidre Henderson attended the welcome meeting in Cox's place.

This is the committee's final visit to Salt Lake City before deciding what city will host the 2030 and 2034 Winter Games.

The IOC visit will extend into Saturday as committee members visit Utah's venues and evaluate the state's public transportation. It is not confirmed at this time if Cox will be attending other IOC meetings this week.

"The first family is grateful to the surgeons, doctors and staff at the University of Utah for their attention and care, and appreciates the prayers and support from so many Utahns. The first lady looks forward to a speedy recovery and resuming her duties soon," the Governor's Office said.

Amid dam crack concerns, emergency fishing closure issued for Panguitch Lake https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/amid-dam-crack-concerns-emergency-fishing-closure-issued-for-panguitch-lake-dam/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 17:38:08 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1803502 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Citing safety concerns over a large crack in Panguitch Lake Dam, Utah wildlife officials issued an emergency fishing closure Wednesday for the high-mountain reservoir in southern Utah.

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Director J. Shirley made the emergency change to the Utah Fishing Guidebook, immediately closing the reservoir to anglers, according to a news release from the agency. The reservoir will remain closed for fishing until further notice.

"Public safety is a top priority for us, and we want to deter anglers and others from visiting the area at this time," Shirley said.

The emergency fishing closure comes less than a day after officials in Garfield County posted an “urgent public safety announcement” concerning damage on the dam.

Panguitch Lake Dam suffered damage resulting in a crack in its upper portion (Courtesy: Dave Dodds / Garfield Co. Public Works)

The sheriff’s office said the situation is being monitored as a Level 2 Emergency, meaning that there’s “potential risks identified with the dam’s integrity.” However, there is currently no immediate risk to public safety.

Still, officials are prepared to respond should the dam burst and send water rushing toward the southern Utah city, which is home to around 1,700 people. They assured the public that there'd be plenty of time for an orderly evacuation.

Should the dam fail, residents were advised to evacuate the city heading east on Highway 89, a map posted by the sheriff’s office showed. The map noted that the highest impact for flood damage would be areas along Panguitch Creek through the north side of town.

As a precaution, officials also closed Highway 143 on Tuesday, as the byway leads to the mountain lake. However, access to the road above the lake remains open.

According to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Panguitch Lake offers anglers boat and shoreline fishing access for rainbow trout, Bear Lake cutthroat, and tiger trout. The agency notes that Panguitch, a word in the Piute language, means "big fish."

Moab road caked with mud, homes without water for up to 12 hours https://www.abc4.com/news/central-utah/moab-road-caked-with-mud-homes-without-water-for-up-to-12-hours/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 17:10:07 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1803482

This is a developing story. Stay tuned as ABC4 will update this article as more information becomes available.

MOAB, Utah (ABC4) -- A road is covered in water and mud and several homes are without water Wednesday due to a water main line break at the intersection of 400 North and Taylor Avenue in Moab.

City officials announced Wednesday morning that some homes on Tusher and 400 North may have their water shut off as the Moab City Water Department works to repair a 6-inch water main break. Officials estimate the repairs could take anywhere from eight to 12 hours to complete due to the amount of water damage on the roadway.

"Please drive carefully in this area while crews work to complete the repairs," officials wrote in the post.

The cause of the water main break is unknown at this time.

Chad Daybell Trial Day 1 Recap: Opening statements, detective takes stand https://www.abc4.com/news/national/vallow-daybell-trial/chad-daybell-trial-liveblog-day-1-opening-statements-expected/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 13:21:15 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1803162 BOISE, Idaho (ABC4) — Opening statements kicked off Wednesday's trial of an Idaho man charged with killing his wife and his then-girlfriend’s two youngest children in an unusual case rooted in extremist religious beliefs.

Chad Daybell, 55, is facing charges of first-degree murder, insurance fraud, and conspiracy to commit murder and grand theft in connection with the deaths of Tammy Daybell, 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 16-year-old Tylee Ryan. Last year, their mother, Lori Vallow Daybell, received a life sentence without parole for the killings.

Prosecutors say the couple justified the three killings with doomsday beliefs, part of an elaborate scheme to eliminate any obstacles to their relationship and to obtain money from survivor benefits and life insurance. Vallow Daybell referred to her two youngest kids as zombies, one friend testified during her trial.

Chad Daybell was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and he self-published fiction loosely based on its teachings.

In fall 2019, he tried to fraudulently collect on his late wife’s life insurance policy, and Vallow Daybell continued to collect both children’s social security benefits after they died.

Chad Daybell has pleaded not guilty to the charges, and the trial is expected to take more than two months. Prosecutors said they will seek the death penalty if Daybell is convicted.

While the prosecution's opening statement leaned heavily on the timeline of the murders and their proximity to Lori and Chad's marriage, the defense team attempted to paint Lori as a manipulator pulling his strings. They also positioned Lori's brother, Alex Cox, as a "protector" who would defend her no matter what.

Courtroom recap: Day 1

The state began its case against Daybell by calling a Rexburg, Idaho police detective to the stand.

Det. Ray Hermosillo testified that he was asked to investigate the apartment complex where several of the case's main people lived. Originally, Hermosillo said he was asked to surveil the Daybells by officials from a police department in Gilbert, Arizona. Specifically, he was asked to do a welfare check on JJ Vallow and to seize and impound a Jeep owned by Charles Vallow, Lori's late husband.

He noted that when he first went to perform a welfare check on JJ Vallow, he met Chad Daybell and Alex Cox. Both of them initially claimed they had no mobile phone number for Lori, though Chad eventually did give Hermosillo the number. Hermosillo testified that Chad had initially refused to give Lori's phone number because he felt he was being accused of something.

Hermosillo said Chad later provided Lori's phone number after it was requested again. Hermosillo said he called the lieutenant and said that he felt there was more going on with JJ because of the lies and apparent deception. Hermosillo also said he asked the lieutenant to gather detectives and report to the scene.

Detectives learned that Lori's niece, Melanie Pawloski, lived in the same apartment complex, but no one answered her door when officials knocked at her apartment.

Hermosillo said detectives called and left a voicemail for Lori at the number provided by Chad. When she called back, police advised her to open the door. Detectives entered the residence wearing a body camera, and even though Hermosillo was not there, he said he watched the video.

Search warrants were obtained for three apartments in the complex -- 175, 174 and 107 -- and, while executing search warrants, Hermosillo said everything looked "ordinary" in apartment 175. Then detectives saw there were no clothes on any hangers in the closet and no sign of JJ.

In a crawl space in apartment 175, Hermosillo said there was a child's suitcase and a prescription bottle of Risperidone (used to treat symptoms of schizophrenia) belonging to JJ. Investigators seized the suitcase and the prescription bottle.

Hermosillo said apartment 107 was vacant. In apartment 174, investigators seized a large amount of cash. In both of those apartments, Hermosillo said there was no evidence of JJ.

In apartment 175, Hermosillo said investigators found several weapons -- including guns, rifles and Army knives -- and seized the weapons for safekeeping. Investigators also found a contract for a Rexburg storage unit in the name of Lori Ryan.

In the storage unit, Hermosillo said investigators found some photos with JJ and Tylee in them, along with some photos of Lori. He said there was nothing of importance.

When asked if investigators were looking for Tylee at that time, Hermosillo said no.

The defense asked Hermosillo questions about the photographs taken at the residence, and asked why he wouldn't know the name of the photographer despite being there when the photos were taken. Hermosillo said there were a lot of people at the scene.

Photos from the residence were shown to the courtroom on a screen, which showed the suitcase and various pictures of the interior of the residence. Hermosillo referred to the suitcase as a "72-hour kit."

Other photos showed a bedroom said to be used by Alex Cox, some of Cox's belongings and the empty hangers in JJ's closet.

Another series of exhibits was shown to the courtroom depicting what was in the garage of apartment 175, from Nov. 27 and Nov. 28, according to Hermosillo. He said some of the items were moved, but the photos properly represented what was in the garage.

Some of those photos showed ammunition, rifles, suppressors and knives. Another photo showed a Halloween mask and duct tape, along with rope. Alex Cox's passport was also found in the garage.

The prosecution objected to some items being staged for photos outside of the scene, as some photos were taken at the police department, and some items were removed from tubs for the photos.

Hermosillo was later asked if the search expanded to include the search for Tylee Ryan, and Hermosillo said yes. Birth certificates for both children were presented as evidence. Both Tylee and JJ were entered into a national database for missing children in December 2019.

Hermosillo said neither Chad nor Lori had reported Tylee and JJ as missing. Hermosillo said he received tips on the missing kids, and while most were anonymous, investigators would follow up on the tips.

In January 2020, eyewitnesses reported seeing Chad and Lori in Hawaii, and Hermosillo said he went to Hawaii to assist local police. Hermosillo said there was no sign of JJ or Tylee.

Lori and Chad got married in Hawaii 17 days after the death of Chad's ex-wife, Tammy, and Lori was said to be shopping for wedding rings while Tammy was still alive. Hermosillo said he was aware of a suspicious death investigation into Tammy Daybell dating back to October 2019.

Based on timestamps for photos seized from Lori's online cloud accounts, the last photo of JJ and Tylee together was taken on Sept. 8, 2019 at 2:49 p.m. at what appeared to be Yellowstone National Park. The last known photo of JJ was of him sitting on a sofa in Lori's apartment on Sept. 22, 2019 at 11:46 a.m.

On Jan. 3, 2020, Hermosillo said the first search warrant was executed on Chad Daybell's residence. He then confirmed officials executed another search warrant on June 9, 2020, beginning around 7 a.m.

Hermosillo said that, at the execution of the June 9 search warrant, Fremont County and Rexburg City Police were involved. There were also individuals from the Attorney General's Office, the FBI and the FBI's Evidence Recovery Team, or ERT.

When they arrived on the scene to execute the warrant, officials were told that Chad was still asleep. Hermosillo said they eventually made contact with him and showed him the warrant before Daybell asked to speak to his attorney.

Chad later asked to make a phone call. He went outside to make the call and Hermosillo said he went outside as well. Chad made the call in a vehicle on the property, and Hermosillo said he stood next to the vehicle.

Hermosillo said he was observing Chad's behavior during the call. As the call progressed, Hermosillo said Daybell was "intently" looking over his shoulder, which Hermosillo said he thought was "odd."

Hermosillo said he looked in the same direction as Chad and saw investigators marking an area under a tree.

Hermosillo said that he was tasked with looking through a fire pit in the backyard, and was sifting dirt from the pit with other investigators around 9 a.m., which he said he did for about 35 to 45 minutes.

Hermosillo said he later moved to a different area to search and said the ERT marked off a section of grass. Hermosillo said ERT was excavating that site and said, "We could start to smell the odor...."

Hermosillo said there were large white rocks, and underneath those rocks was different layers of dirt. Some of the dirt was dry and some of it was wet, according to Hermosillo.

Hermosillo said a “black-brown object” began to “protrude” through the dirt, and when asked to describe it, he said "it appeared to take shape" of the crown of a human head.

Hermosillo said the FBI’s ERT team cut through a layer of black plastic before cutting through a layer of white plastic. Under that plastic, Hermosillo said there was “brown human hair." He later said a small body was removed from the plastic that appeared to have duct tape around it.

The court adjourned after Hermosillo described the removal of the body.

The Associated Press has contributed to this story.

Utah dams were given a C+. Here's what else you should know. https://www.abc4.com/news/local-news/what-to-know-utah-dams/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 03:39:16 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802422 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- The Utah Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers ranked Utah's infrastructure in a 2020 report card -- and the state got an average grade of C+.

Dams were examined and graded in the report card -- and the ASCE gave Utah's dams a C+.

On Monday night, the Garfield County Sheriff's Office posted on social media to inform the public of damage to the Panguitch Lake Dam. On Tuesday night, the situation was declared to be a "Level 2 Emergency Situation."

Officials said several teams were monitoring the conditions of the dam after the damage was found, but closed Highway 143 and limited access to Panguitch Lake as a precaution after the initial reports of damage.

“While there is no immediate threat to public safety, the situation could rapidly evolve,” the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release on Tuesday night.

But with a low letter grade -- and now a nearly 60-foot crack in the Panguitch Lake Dam prompting an emergency situation -- what does that mean for Utah?

What is a Level 2 Emergency Situation?

According to the sheriff's office, a Level 2 Emergency Situation means that there is potential for dam failure.

Officials said they are prepared to "escalate" their response if the situation calls for it.

A Level 3 situation would indicate "imminent dam failure" and prompt evacuations, the sheriff's office said.

How to prepare for possible dam failure

The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office urged residents to stay informed, have an evacuation plan, have emergency kits and inform others.

The Department of Public Safety released a 32-page hazard mitigation plan in 2019 to prepare for and respond to possible dam failures. According to that mitigation plan, the Panguitch Lake Dam was not classified as "high hazard."

At the time the plan was released, it said there were 145 uninspected dams in Garfield County, zero federally inspected dams and 18 dams that were inspected by the state.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has a fact sheet about potential dam failures online. FEMA said the most important step is to know your risk, and contact local government officials to see if there is an emergency action plan, or EAP, in place.

There is an EAP in place for the Panguitch Lake Dam -- however, it has not been updated in 10 years.

FEMA also suggested protecting yourself with flood insurance and being aware that no dam is flood-proof.

Officials said they will communicate "through all available resources," including social media and local news outlets for Panguitch residents.

The sheriff's office said it is continuing to monitor the situation and urged residents to follow instructions and be prepared.

Why did Utah dams get a C+?

According to the report card breakdown, a C grade means that part of Utah's infrastructure is "mediocre" or "requires attention." Across all infrastructure that was examined, grades were based on capacity, condition, funding, future need, operation and maintenance, public safety, resilience and innovation.

Some dams -- which were initially constructed with "less stringent design criteria" -- are now upstream from population centers after increasing development, the team of civil engineers said.

"There are seismic risks associated with dams near major population centers," the report card said.

The report card also said that, in the future, dams will be even more critical to preserving public health and quality of life in Utah.

While the report card did not provide specific point tallies granted in each category, the biggest reason the grade may have been lowered is because of public safety, given the increasing development downstream.

Why does Utah have so many dams?

"The purpose of a dam is to store water, or other liquid borne materials for any of several reasons, such as human water supply, irrigation, livestock water supply, energy generation, containment of mine tailings, recreation, pollution or flood control," the 2019 hazard mitigation plan said.

According to the Utah Department of Natural Resources, dams in Utah also help with spring runoff from melting snow, which allows the water to be used throughout the year. Dams can also help with flood control.

According to Utah Hazard Mitigation, there are more than 6,000 dams in Utah. Of those thousands of dams, nearly 260 are classified as "high hazard."

The ranking for dams in Utah accounts for the size, height and volume of the dams, as well as how close they are to development and people.

"Over 200 high hazard dams are regulated by the state; approximately 100 of these do not
meet current dam safety standards," the DNR said.

An interactive map of all the dams inspected by the Utah Division of Water Rights -- which also shows the risk levels associated with each dam -- is available online.

Dams in Utah serve many purposes, but officials warn that there are consequences as developments are constructed downstream from dams.

Time to go fishing? Rainbow trout fill Utah waters in 'higher abundance than normal' https://www.abc4.com/news/rainbow-trout-fill-ut-waters-in-higher-abundance-than-normal/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 03:05:45 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802770 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Thanks to the past two seasons of heavy snowfall, rainbow trout populations are thriving.

In 2023, three batches of rainbow trout were restocked at Nine Mile Reservoir in Sterling, Utah -- and recent sampling shows these fish are in "higher abundance than normal" for this time of year, according to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

These fish have already exceeded 16 inches and weigh over two pounds.

"This means they have grown over six inches in less than a year," the DWR said.

Additionally, DWR biologists recently sampled Yuba Reservoir, which has been experiencing "astonishingly low" water levels over the last few years, raising concerns for some about the survival and abundance of specific species, such as walleye.

Despite this, the biologists were "excited to find an abundance of walleye that were 16-19 inches," the DWR said.

Of the 37 walleye caught, 27 were reportedly in this size range.

According to the DWR, these walleye could be from a large fish stocking event in 2018 or successful natural recruitment over the past few years.

Utah ranks 3rd in nation for most fatal crashes near construction zones https://www.abc4.com/news/local-news/utah-3rd-most-fatal-crashes-near-construction-zones/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 02:25:02 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802296 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Utah ranked near the top of the list for the most deadly construction zone crashes in the United States.

Utah had a total of 2,399 fatal crashes between 2012 and 2021 -- 79 of which were fatal work zone crashes, according to a recent report by Lending Tree, a popular lender for homes and cars.

According to Lending Tree, fatal work zone crashes have been increasing nationally -- going up nearly 60% from 2012 to 2021.

"Work zones aren't immune from dangerous driving practices," the report states.

A break down of the numbers

Work zones where crews perform construction, maintenance, or utility tasks can be dangerous if drivers aren't careful. Fatal work zone crashes rose 57.1% over the 10 years Lending Tree analyzed, jumping from 555 in 2012 to 872 in 2021 (2021's number was a 10-year high).

The western area of the U.S. saw the highest increase from 2012-2021, rising 76.9%, the report states. This region also had the second-largest population increase between the 2010 and 2020 census -- making it possible that population growth could explain the increase in deadly work zone crashes.

In the 10 years analyzed, Texas had the highest percentage of deadly crashes that occurred in work zones, followed by Nebraska and Utah.

From 2012 to 2021, 4.3% of the 33,436 fatal crashes in Texas happened in work zones, ahead of Nebraska at 3.6% and Utah at 3.3%. The state with the lowest rate of fatal crashes in work zones was New York at 0.7%, the report states.

These numbers align with a rise in recent years in fatalities related to distracted driving and speeding, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data.

According to Lending Tree, Utah is a state "taking action" despite these high percentages. In the state, highway maintenance vehicles display flashing amber lights.

Additionally, the report notes most work zone fatalities in Utah are drivers and passengers, according to statistics from the Utah Department of Transportation.

3 work zone safety tips, according to Lending Tree

  • Minimize distractions: Distracted driving habits, such as texting, aren't just dangerous, they're deadly -- they were responsible for more than 3,500 deaths in 2021.
  • Slow down: Slowing down or moving over to the next lane to give road workers space is important. It helps provide those workers with a larger physical buffer and ensures that any accidents that occur do so at a lower speed.
  • Keep your eyes open: Since work zones can be dangerous, it is important to keep alert and look for instructions from flaggers or potential hazards.

For more information, you can view the full report here.

Dam damage prompts 'Level 2 Emergency Situation' for residents -- Here's what it means https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/dam-damage-prompts-level-2-emergency-situation-for-residents-heres-what-it-means/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 01:51:25 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802714 UPDATE 10:16 p.m. -- The National Weather Service of Salt Lake City posted on social media Tuesday night to say a flash flood watch was issued "for the potential failure of Panguitch Lake Dam in southern Utah."

NWS said low-lying areas along Panguitch Creek are affected, in addition to reminding residents to keep informed and be prepared.

ORIGINAL STORY: PANGUITCH, Utah (ABC4) -- The Garfield County Sheriff's Office posted an "urgent public safety announcement" on Tuesday night after the Panguitch Lake Dam was discovered to have a large crack in it.

The sheriff's office said its monitoring of the situation was updated to a Level 2 Emergency Situation around 6 p.m. on Tuesday "due to potential risks identified with the dam's integrity."

Officials said the emergency designation was precautionary, and was aimed to ensure the safety of nearby residents.

What is a Level 2 Emergency Situation?

According to the sheriff's office, a Level 2 Emergency Situation means that there is potential for dam failure.

"While there is no immediate threat to public safety, the situation could rapidly evolve," the Garfield County Sheriff's Office said in a press release.

Officials said they are prepared to "escalate" their response if the situation calls for it.

How to prepare for possible dam failure

"It is crucial that residents of Panguitch and surrounding areas be prepared for a possible evacuation should we reach a Level 3 situation, which would indicate dam failure," officials said.

The sheriff's office urged residents to stay informed, have an evacuation plan, have emergency kits and inform others.

Officials said they will communicate "through all available resources," including social media and local news outlets.

"Should evacuation be necessary, residents should proceed east towards Hatch as the primary evacuation route," the sheriff's office said.

The sheriff's office said it is continuing to monitor the situation and urged residents to follow instructions and be prepared.

"Please know that if a failure occurs, we feel there is plenty of time to conduct an orderly evacuation before the water reaches Panguitch," officials said.

A fact sheet from FEMA about potential dam failures is available online.

'A breathing skeleton': Utah couple exploits elderly man of multi-million dollar estate, charges say https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/ut-couple-exploits-elderly-man-estate-charges/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:39:19 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802463 PAYSON, Utah (ABC4) -- A Utah County couple was charged last week after allegedly exploiting a vulnerable, elderly man of his multi-million dollar estate -- befriending him and cutting him off from his family to do so.

Troy Lynn Lerwill, 57, and Katherine Gean Talley, 49, were charged in Fourth District Court on Thursday, April 4, with intentional aggravated abuse and financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult, both second-degree felonies.

In 2020, Lerwill reportedly became acquainted with a Payson resident, who was about 70 years old at the time. The resident had some mental health issues, according to the affidavit, including apparent hoarding tendencies, autism, and anxiety, and was "extremely private and independent," as well as "very fixed in his routines and habits," and was "frugal to the point of miserliness."

The resident had financial assets exceeding $6 million, as well as valuable collections of coins and sports cards.

In March 2021, Lerwill had the resident's landline phone disconnected, despite the resident's regular assertion to family members that he did not want a cell phone because his home phone was "just fine," the affidavit states. This was the resident's only means of communication.

Additionally, Lerwill reportedly told financial advisors to contact him if they wanted to reach the resident, the affidavit states.

A few days later, the resident reportedly created a will -- leaving his Beanie Baby collection to Lerwill's girlfriend, Talley, and everything else (including his Payson home) to Lerwill. The affidavit states this was contrary to what the resident had always told his financial advisors.

In April 2021, a Power of Attorney in favor of Lerwill was executed, although improperly notarized. That same day, the affidavit states Lerwill and Talley "recorded themselves bathing [the resident], and sent the video to a few people, apparently to show that they were caring for [the resident]."

A few days later, Lerwill reportedly contacted the resident's financial advisors, saying the resident was dying and refused medical treatment, and that Lerwill was his beneficiary.

"Lerwill wanted to know what forms he needed to get 'his' money," the affidavit states.

Suspicious, the financial advisors insisted on a face-to-face meeting with the resident. When they arrived, they said Talley was sitting on the front porch. She told the advisors "what a blessing [the resident] had been in their lives," and that being a caretaker was "the hardest thing in the world," the affidavit states.

Additionally, she and Lerwill reportedly told the advisors that they were the resident's best friends, and that they had been taking good care of him.

However, when the advisors entered the home, they said it smelled foul and discovered Lerwill had turned the water off. The advisors called for an ambulance despite Lerwill's rejection.

According to the affidavit, EMS responders noticed the resident was in a bed that was covered with "a few days worth" of urine and excrement, wearing only an adult diaper.

He was "a breathing skeleton and in the midst of a heart attack," the affidavit states.

Lerwill and Talley told the advisors that the resident had given them a verbal DNR (do not resuscitate), and that "it was a spiritual experience watching him die the way he wanted to," the affidavit states.

Officials said no written DNR was ever located, and family members believe the resident would have wanted palliative care, pain relief, and a more dignified end of his life.

The resident was taken to a hospital, where Lerwill claimed to be his caregiver. Additionally, Lerwill said the resident was "estranged" from his family members, although the resident's family later said that was not true, the affidavit states.

The resident died of cancer on April 12, 2021. He was also malnourished and dehydrated, the affidavit states.

Lerwill and Talley reportedly tried to have the resident cremated immediately, but the affidavit states a hospital staff member recognized the resident and contacted his family.

"The nephew and nieces responded immediately to the hospital, but [the resident] died a half hour before they arrived," the affidavit states.

Those family members went to the resident's home and found that his coin collection, estimated to be worth more than $1 million, was missing. Additionally, his safe had been completely emptied, the affidavit states.

Skeletal remains confirmed to be Dylan Rounds, his mother speaks out https://www.abc4.com/news/missing-in-utah/dylan-rounds/skeletal-remains-believed-dylan-rounds/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:35:00 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802644 BOX ELDER COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- On Tuesday, the Box Elder County Sheriff's Office said it recovered skeletal remains in a remote part of the county that are believed to be Dylan Rounds.

On Wednesday evening, the sheriff's office said the Utah Office of the Medical Examiner has confirmed that the remains belonged to Rounds.

Rounds first went missing in May 2022 at the age of 19, and was reportedly living in an RV-camper near the Nevada-Utah border. In March 2023, James Brenner was formally charged with Rounds' murder.

On April 9, 2024, remains that were believed to be Rounds were "recovered in the remote western Box Elder County area of Lucin," officials said.

The Box Elder County Sheriff's Office said the FBI assisted with the investigation and processed the area for evidence, in addition to recovering the remains.

Rounds' mother, Candice Cooley, confirmed with ABC4.com that Brenner led authorities to the location of Rounds' body as part of a plea agreement.

Officials said the remains were taken to the Utah Office of the Medical Examiner for confirmation of the identity. The next day, the remains were identified as belonging to Rounds.

"Our hearts go out to the family of Dylan Rounds," the sheriff's office said. "We offer our sincerest condolences for the loss of their family member."

The sheriff's office said the investigation and search took 23 months, and expressed its gratitude to everyone who has assisted with the investigation.

'Life taken too soon': Dylan's mother speaks out

"To us, this is not a shock," Cooley told ABC4.com.

Cooley said her family has fought hard and screamed loudly. She said she knew her son's remains would be found, but she didn't know when.

"Everybody tells me, 'I'm sorry.' And I tell them don't. Don't tell me you're sorry," Cooley said. "Don't be sorry that we brought Dylan home. It doesn't make any sense to me to be sorry for that."

Cooley said the office of the prosecuting attorney had been a great help throughout the process. She said she and her family were able to be involved at every step of the plea deal.

"It's crazy how it feels like it's taken an eternity," Cooley said. "But I blink, and I'm like, 'Where did the last 700 days go?'"

Cooley said she learned about the discovery of Rounds' remains when she got a call from the attorney's office. She said she still hasn't finished processing the news.

"It's so relieving to have him, it's so much stress off shoulders," Cooley said. "Every day we were waiting for that phone call."

Cooley said one book has closed, and Dylan can now be laid to rest. But, she said the next step is working to change the laws in Utah, saying it's "one ending to a new beginning." She also said she hopes Dylan knows that his family didn't lie, and that they were never going to give up.

"Life taken too soon," Cooley said. "What he did accomplish in his 19 years -- almost 20 years -- was more than most grown adults do in their whole life."

She said he was a hard worker and a good farmer who owned more equipment than most people would even think about.

"We'll make it so the next Dylan Rounds gets to stick around longer," Cooley said.

Dylan Rounds' disappearance

Around May 30, 2022, Rounds' mother first discovered no one had seen her son in a few days. His family reportedly traveled to Utah after not hearing from Rounds and becoming concerned.

"We knew our son," Cooley said. "Dylan would never walk away from that farm. Ever."

In June 2022, it was confirmed that a pair of boots belonging to Rounds was found on the property where he was living in a camping trailer.

In July of 2022, a suspect was named in connection to the disappearance of Dylan Rounds. That suspect was James Brenner, who was being held on unrelated federal firearm charges.

Previous reports indicated Brenner was reportedly "squatting" on Rounds' property. He was also said to have a violent past.

In August 2022, Nevada authorities executed a search warrant on Brenner's home.

In October 2022, the case was declared a homicide investigation by Box Elder County officials.

In March 2023, Brenner was formally charged with aggravated murder and abuse or desecration of a human body. According to documents, digital forensics revealed a time-lapse video allegedly showing Brenner cleaning a gun with blood on his arms and shirt.

Officials say they obtained Brenner's shirt, analyzed it and discovered DNA belonging to Rounds.

Latter-day Saint Taylorsville Utah Temple to open for public tours https://www.abc4.com/news/religion/latter-day-saint-taylorsville-utah-temple-to-open-for-public-tours/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:15:55 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802381 TAYLORSVILLE, Utah (ABC4) -- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced on Tuesday that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13.

The free public tours are scheduled to run from April 13 through May 18, except on Sundays. The church recommended that visitors reserve a timeslot in advance online.

The temple was first announced in October of 2019 and ground was first broken at the site in October of 2020. The temple is scheduled to be dedicated later this year, on June 2, according to Church Newsroom.

  • An undated photo of the exterior of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, and continue through May 18, 2024.
  • An undated photo of the interior of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, and continue through May 18, 2024.
  • An undated photo of the interior of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, and continue through May 18, 2024.
  • An undated photo of the exterior of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, and continue through May 18, 2024.
  • An undated photo of the interior of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, and continue through May 18, 2024.
  • An undated photo of the interior of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, and continue through May 18, 2024.
  • An undated photo of the exterior of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, and continue through May 18, 2024.
  • An undated photo of the interior of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, and continue through May 18, 2024.
  • An undated photo of the interior of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that public tours of the Taylorsville Utah Temple would begin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, and continue through May 18, 2024.

"A temple is considered a house of the Lord, where the teachings of Jesus Christ are reaffirmed through marriage, baptism and other sacred agreements that unite families for eternity," the church said in a press release.

The church said the architectural style of the temple was "inspired by local pioneer tabernacles." Inside the temple, the colors used were intended to reflect the colors of the valley and the surrounding area of the temple.

The church said the new Taylorsville temple is one of 30 temples throughout the state of Utah that was officially dedicated, or otherwise under construction or renovation.

Public tours at the Taylorsville Temple are scheduled to begin exactly one week after the church's annual general conference that was broadcast around the world. On the second day of the conference, the church's president announced 15 new temples the church plans to build.

Of the 15 new temples most recently announced by the church, two more are expected to come to Utah -- with a Latter-day Saint temple planned to be built in Lehi and another expected in West Jordan.

Seasonal temperatures today as warming trend continues https://www.abc4.com/utah-weather/seasonal-temperatures-today-as-warming-trend-continues/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:07:09 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802350 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Happy Tuesday, Utah! After a stretch of unsettled weather, we're settling into a calmer pattern as high pressure builds in!

Today will bring mostly sunny to partly cloudy skies as daytime highs climb within a few degrees of seasonal norms. That will result in northern Utah seeing mainly 40s and 50s while central Utah will see 50s and 60s.

The exception will be St. George that gets into the low 70s. Tonight will be clear and chilly, although it won't be quiet as chilly compared to last night.

With the ridge of high pressure strengthening across the region, we'll continue to see sunny skies with warming temperatures for the next couple of days. Tomorrow will bring highs slightly above average. That will take the Wasatch Front into the low 60s.

By Thursday, it will be feeling a bit more like spring as highs climb into the low 70s along the Wasatch Front, 50s and 60s in the Wasatch Back, and 80s for the first time this year in Lower Washington County. Spring will be in the air -- but so will the pollen.

Friday will likely be the warmest day of this week. That's thanks to a southerly flow as high pressure begins to move away to the east. It will likely be the warmest day of the year so far, with most spots across the state outside of the mountains seeing 60s and 70s while St. George tops out at least in the mid 80s!

Not only will we see the warmth of Friday, but we'll see a few more clouds and wind as our high pressure begins to move away. As we move into the weekend, we won't see too many big changes on Saturday with above average warmth, breezy winds, and partly cloudy skies.

By Sunday into Monday though, our next storm will start to approach from the west and will bring an increasing chance of showers with our next cool down.

We'll fine-tune the details of that as we get a little closer. In the meantime, we'll enjoy our sunshine and spring warmth!

House fire in Hurricane kills cat, partially collapses roof of home https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/house-fire-hurricane-kills-cat/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:53:15 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802561 HURRICANE, Utah (ABC4) -- A house fire in Hurricane just after 10:30 p.m. on Monday caused part of the roof to collapse, killed a cat that was inside the home, and caused some damage to a neighboring structure, according to Hurricane Valley Fire & Rescue.

According to officials, crews responded to a structure fire, with initial reports saying a large fire was in the backyard of a home.

  • A house fire in Hurricane just after 10:30 p.m. on April 8, 2024, caused part of the roof to collapse, killed a cat that was inside the home and caused some damage to a neighboring structure, according to Hurricane Valley Fire & Rescue. (Courtesy: Hurricane Valley Fire & Rescue)
  • A house fire in Hurricane just after 10:30 p.m. on April 8, 2024, caused part of the roof to collapse, killed a cat that was inside the home and caused some damage to a neighboring structure, according to Hurricane Valley Fire & Rescue. (Courtesy: Hurricane Valley Fire & Rescue)
  • A house fire in Hurricane just after 10:30 p.m. on April 8, 2024, caused part of the roof to collapse, killed a cat that was inside the home and caused some damage to a neighboring structure, according to Hurricane Valley Fire & Rescue. (Courtesy: Hurricane Valley Fire & Rescue)

Officials said four individuals were inside the home at the time the fire broke out, but were alerted by smoke alarms and made it out safely.

In addition to the four people, officials said there were two dogs and one cat. The dogs were able to make it out unscathed, but the cat was later found dead in the home.

"First arriving crews encountered heavy fire on the exterior of the home, and the fire had also extended into the attic, causing a part of the roof to collapse," officials posted on social media.

Hurricane Valley Fire & Rescue said the first engine arrived at the scene within five minutes and began fighting the fire. Winds were blowing south at a speed of about 12 miles per hour, which prompted officials to call for more resources.

Fire crews were able to extinguish the fire inside the home, and a nearby structure received damage to an exterior wall, but there was no damage to the interior of that structure, officials said.

Hurricane Valley Fire & Rescue said the fire is being investigated, but there were no reported injuries.

Five different agencies responded to the incident, as well as 14 different units, according to officials.

Nonprofit aims to spur advocacy for Great Salt Lake by providing unique aerial views https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/nonprofit-aims-to-spur-advocacy-for-great-salt-lake-by-providing-unique-aerial-views/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:51:00 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802540 OGDEN, Utah (ABC4) -- As the spring runoff is about to get underway, a small nonprofit is giving Utah officials, scientists and reporters a valuable perspective on the Great Salt Lake: a bird’s-eye view.

EcoFlight, a Colorado-based company, uses small aircraft to boost conservation efforts across the Western United States. This week, their focus returned to the Wasatch Front.

Bruce Gordon, the founder and chief pilot for EcoFlight, said that years ago his passengers were shocked when they saw that water from the Bear River wasn’t reaching the Great Salt Lake.

“You can look at statistics all you want, you can look at lines on a map all you want, but when you get up there, all of a sudden it gives the land a voice,” he said. “It really shows you what is going on. It translates those lines into reality.”

Bruce Gordon, the founder of EcoFlight, stands before a small aircraft in Ogden on April 9, 2024. (credit: Kade Garner/KTVX)

In November of 2022, when the Great Salt Lake shrunk to a record low, EcoFlight helped provide some of the first aerial images of the struggling saline lake, which scientists said was on the brink of ecological collapse.

Since then, the nonprofit has returned each year to see the lake begin filling up with water after back-to-back years where snow dumped on northern Utah’s mountains.

“We’re thrilled to see the lake filling up, and I hope it can continue,” said Jane Pargiter, executive director of EcoFlight.

This week, the nonprofit again took to the air over the Great Salt Lake, and ABC4 reporter Kade Garner was onboard, as was Soren Simonsen, executive director of the Jordan River Commission.

While the EcoFlight planes only seat five, the company says it aims to create diverse passenger lists to help key decision-makers come to important management decisions over the lake’s future. Among Utahns chosen for flights are politicians, local officials, filmmakers, and wildlife biologists.

From the plane’s windows on Tuesday, the passengers could see rivers flowing into the lake, the variation in water color from red to green, the wetlands harboring wildlife, swaths of dry lakebed, and the berm that separates the lake’s north and south arms.

“To be up above the lake but close enough in a small aircraft to see what’s happening is pretty amazing, it’s a really unique experience,” Simonsen said.

An aerial view of the Great Salt Lake as seen from an EcoFlight plane. (credit: Kade Garner/KTVX)

He added that it filled him with joy to see water filling up Farmington Bay, something he’d seen dry from the ground.

But while he applauded the Utah Legislature’s recent efforts to pass laws aimed at getting more water into the lake, he said that climate change and other factors still pose a serious threat for the lake’s future.

“We have to be vigilant,” he said, “because there’s a lot more work that has to happen to put those policies into practice to really create long term health and sustainability for the lake.”

Until that happens, EcoFlight will be returning to Utah to give more people an overhead view of what’s happening to the lake, on which communities, ecosystems and businesses along the Wasatch Front depend.

Gordon hopes his passengers absorb what they see and strive to get involved in the lake’s future.

“We hope to inspire you to be an activist and advocate what you care about in these situations," he said.

WATCH: Provo witnesses catch an intense crash, suspect escape on video https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/car-flips-crashes-provo-house/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:30:33 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1802148 PROVO, Utah (ABC4) -- Two suspects allegedly involved in a police chase fled the scene unharmed after their vehicle flipped several times, crashed into a house and landed on top of two other cars in Provo. Witnesses caught the entire incident on video.

The Provo Police Department said the incident took place just minutes after midnight Sunday morning after they attempted to stop a vehicle for "driver license and moving violations." They say the driver fled eastbound on 500 N and officers lost sight of the vehicle.

When they located the vehicle, it had crashed into a home near 130 E 500 N and landed on top of two cars.

Lexi Nelson, a Provo resident, said she was in the basement getting ready for bed when she heard a crash and her roommates yelling upstairs.

"It really was the loudest crash I had ever heard in my life," Nelson said. "I looked out the window and I saw the female running into our backyard to go jump our fence or running into the neighbor's yard somewhere back there."

According to witnesses and video footage, the involved vehicle flipped in the air before landing on the cars and crashing into the stairs and porch railing of Nelson's home. Witnesses report seeing both the male and female occupants climbing out the window and running away, with one witness catching the alleged escape on video.

Two suspects allegedly involved in a police chase fled the scene unharmed after their vehicle flipped several times and landed on top of two cars in Provo. (Courtesy of Alyse Frogley)

When police arrived, they said they found the car empty.

"The car was completely smashed," Nelson said. "It's honestly really incredible that anyone made it out alive of that car, and to see them just hop out of the window and run away was crazy."

Once the occupants had left, she and her roommates walked outside to scope out the damage. She said the suspects' vehicle and her neighbor's car were totaled. Her roommate's car, while technically drivable, was also towed to a mechanic.

They found glass shards, shoes, clothes and a car seat "sprawled out around [their] house and on the road," she said.

Nelson said it was lucky no one else was hurt in the crash, as the car could have hit further into their home or hurt someone walking on their usually busy street.

As of Monday afternoon, police said they are still searching for the suspects but are not in need of public assistance at this time. They say the suspects could face several charges including fleeing or eluding officers, criminal mischief, reckless driving, leaving the scene of a crash and driving on a denied license.

ABC4 Utah partners with Black Desert Resort to open state's 1st Southern Utah news and weather studio https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/abc4-utah-partners-with-black-desert-resort-to-open-states-1st-southern-utah-news-and-weather-bureau/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 18:57:26 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801943 IVINS, Utah (ABC4) -- In our continuing quest to become the most indispensable news outlet for the State of Utah, ABC4.com is thrilled to announce the construction of our new Southern Utah Bureau in partnership with Black Desert Resort in Ivins, Utah.

Starting this month, ABC4 will build a full-time news bureau — the Black Desert Newsroom — for one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic areas in the Beehive State. The new facility, which will become a permanent fixture at the resort, will be ABC4 Utah's second newsroom, in addition to our main studios in Salt Lake City.

Keeping in the tradition of being Utah's oldest television station and a national broadcasting pioneer, the ABC4 Black Desert Newsroom will be the first and only television studio in Southern Utah.

The full-service newsroom will not only include a broadcast center, but a weather studio and stunning views from a new 360-degree weather cam to give Southern Utahns a clear view of what the skies look like in their neighborhoods.

"We couldn't be more excited to partner with Black Desert on this project," said ABC4 News Director Nancy Bauer. "Having a 360-degree Weather Cam at Black Desert will allow us to forecast year-round from the St. George metro area. Our Southern Utah reporter will be headquartered at Black Desert, a central location in Southern Utah, and they will be able to quickly travel anywhere for breaking news.  What this is, is a real benefit for our viewers — more coverage of Southern Utah, 365 days of the year."

"We could not be more thrilled working with Black Desert," said ABC4 General Manager/Vice-President Mark Danielson. "We're going to be expanding and growing and investing in Southern Utah like never before, and Black Desert really makes all this possible."

Black Desert Newsroom

While ABC4 has had a presence in Southern Utah for some time now, the expansion of a studio at Black Desert will not only bolster our coverage of the southern part of the state, but it will cement our station's commitment to leaving no part of the Beehive State without coverage.

"We've installed and established a new fiber connection, connecting our facilities in Northern Utah with our new transmission site," said Danielson. "In fact, we're building a new transmitter up on Webb Hill out here, which is going on right now, just to expand and increase and improve the coverage. It is a true investment, because we know how important Southern Utah is to the entire state."

Bauer said additional hires are being made now in anticipation of the bureau's opening, adding a robust layer of coverage to what ABC4 already does in St. George. As the year progresses, the studio will undergo several changes before the final location is fully equipped in the autumn of 2024.

Black Desert 4Warn Weather Center

ABC4 Chief Meteorologist Alana Brophy will do her first forecast from the new ABC4 Black Desert 4Warn Weather Center by the end of April. Currently, the 4Warn Weather team broadcasts a daily forecast from St. George, but Brophy said the new studio will give ABC4 viewers a bird's-eye view of the skies in Southern Utah

“As a weather team, we have always remained committed to delivering your 4Warn forecast statewide, and with two different, defined climates in our major metropolitan areas, an equal focus in Northern and Southern Utah has been a priority," said Brophy. "This expansion with the Black Desert Weather Center in Southern Utah amplifies our commitment to the growing southwestern corner of the state and gives our 4Warn Forecast a home in an area we already know and love.”

Brophy said the Weather Center will bring a level of accuracy and precision to Southern Utah forecasts that viewers deserve.

"We are not only forecasting your weather, we are living in it, watching how storms interact with the surrounding mountains and valleys, and delivering the information you need the most from where you live," she said.

Black Desert Skycam

Danielson said one of the primary reasons Black Desert made such an appealing partner is that the resort is located on one of the most picturesque properties in America. The Black Desert Skycam, which will be installed on the highest point of the resort's hotel, will allow locals to see the weather and people outside of Utah to see what they're missing.

About Black Desert Resort

Black Desert Managing Partner Patrick Manning said the partnership with ABC4 is a win for everyone in Southern Utah.

"Black Desert's a huge resort, but really it's about the impact it can make," said Manning. "It's leveraging its size to do good for the community, and partnerships like this with ABC4 are just at the forefront of what's important. We want to be synergistic, we want to be collaborative, and we want to show up where there's hurt and we want to be able to help."

The final iteration of the new Black Desert Newsroom will coincide with October 2024's PGA Tour stop, highlighting the resort's world-class golf course. The Tom Weiskopf-designed, 19-hole championship course spans 7,200 yards. Beyond being a golf legend, the late Weiskopf, who died in 2022, was chosen to design the course due to his previous work designing courses among Hawaii's lava fields — a geographic quirk Southern Utah shares with the Aloha State.

"I love that ABC4 is showing up for Southern Utah," said Manning. "I love the focus that the state is starting to give Southern Utah, because we deserve it."

Manning said by the time the PGA Tour rolls into town, the resort will boast 450 hotel rooms, five restaurants, a convention center, a spa, and more. He said he expects the opening to happen around two weeks before the PGA Tour.

The golf course, however, is already open for players looking to take to the links in one of the most beautiful courses in the world.

Watch ABC4 in the coming months for more information on this exciting partnership!

How lawsuits seeking to restore protections for wolves in the northern Rockies could affect Utah https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/how-lawsuits-seeking-to-restore-protections-for-wolves-in-the-northern-rockies-could-affect-utah/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 18:50:11 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801992 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Coalitions of conservation groups sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Land Management this week seeking to restore protections to gray wolves in several Western states, including a portion of northern Utah.

The two similar lawsuits were filed Monday in federal district court in Montana, and both argue that newly loosened hunting policies in northern Rocky Mountain states, specifically Montana and Idaho, threaten to decimate wolf populations across the region.

“We’ve invested decades in recovering wolves to this region, and that all could be lost unless federal protections are restored,” said Colette Adkins, carnivore conservation director at the Center for Biological Diversity, the leading plaintiff in one of the lawsuits.

The lawsuits come following a 2022 ruling in which Endangered Species Act protections were restored to wolves across most of the continental United States, except for in the northern Rocky Mountain region. This area includes Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, as well as parts of Washington, Oregon and a corner of northern Utah.

(credit: Sina Schuldt/picture alliance via Getty Images)

In this region, wolf management is done by the states, where many ranchers feel they bear the cost of wolves being reintroduced to the landscape. In Montana, for instance, local laws currently allow a single hunter to kill up to 20 wolves each year. In Idaho, hunters can get an unlimited number of wolf tags, and in most of Wyoming, wolves can be killed without a license and basically at any time.

Conservation groups argue that these kinds of policies are leading to hundreds of wolves being killed each year through hunting, trapping or conflict with humans. They say that this will lead to increasingly isolated wolf populations that won’t be sustainable as the packs will fall victim to genetic diseases.

ABC4 reached out to the FWS and the BLM for comment, and the BLM responded saying that it doesn’t respond to pending litigation. However, earlier this year, the FWS denied a petition from conservation groups to restore protections to gray wolves in the northern Rockies and other Western states, instead proposing a national recovery plan for wolves that will take shape in the coming years.

‘A culture of hostility’

Recently, the death of a wolf from the northern Rocky Mountain region made headlines, sparking outrage across the country.

According to the Cowboy State Daily, a Wyoming hunter hit a wolf with a snowmobile in February, disabling the animal. He then taped its mouth shut and paraded it around a bar before killing the animal outside. Photos of the hunter posing with the captured wolf were published this month.

According to the news site, the hunter was cited for possessing a live wolf, a $250 fine. He was not charged with cruelty toward the animal, as it was killed in one of the state’s “predator zones.” In Wyoming, animal cruelty laws only apply to domestic animals and pets, not predators.

To Adkins, this episode is a byproduct of Wyoming’s policy toward wolves, which, in her words, boils down to viewing “any good wolf as a dead wolf.”

“It creates a culture of hostility and hate there towards these really important animals,” she said. “It’s heartbreaking.”

If the wolf was protected under the Endangered Species Act, as it is across most of the U.S., the hunter would face steep penalties, perhaps even jail time.

What do these lawsuits mean for Utah?

Only a small corner of northeastern Utah is considered part of the northern Rocky Mountain region, where federal protections don’t apply to wolves.

Still, wolves aren’t allowed to be hunted in the Beehive State, said Faith Heaton Jolly, spokesperson for the Utah Department of Natural Resources.

(credit: JASON CONNOLLY/AFP via Getty Images)

Should the conservation groups get their way, it would simply mean that wolves would be federally protected across all of Utah.

It should be noted that Utah has no established wolf packs. According to Heaton Jolly, wolves occasionally wander into the Beehive state, and there are rare instances of cattle depredation.

What are wolves good for?

According to Adkins wolves are “terribly important pieces of the ecosystem.”

She said that wolves make elk and deer herds more resistant to disease by taking out weak and sick individuals. Additionally, she noted the predators also improve riverbanks and shorelines by keeping ungulates from grazing too long in a single place.

Wolves once roamed across most of North America, from the Arctic tundra to Mexico. But extermination programs and loss of habitat led to their disappearing from the landscape across almost all the Western U.S.

In 1973, the northern Rocky Mountain wolf was federally listed as an endangered species, and in the 1900s, wild wolves were released in Yellowstone National Park, a designated recovery region. The wolves grew in population and expanded outside of the park’s boundaries.

In the lawsuit filed by the Center for Biological Diversity, the document cites figures from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, noting that in 2022, 422 wolves were killed in Idaho, 302 wolves were killed in Montana, and 77 wolves were killed in Wyoming. Similar figures were reported the year before.

Killing at such rates, the lawsuit argues, not only harms wolves in the northern Rocky Mountain region, but it also hurts wolves in areas where recovery efforts are underway, such as Colorado. These fledgling populations will depend on wolves from the northern Rocky Mountain region to join their packs and enhance their genetic diversity.

Earlier this year, 10 wolves were released into Colorado’s high country. According to Heaton Jolly, if those wolves wander into Utah, the Division of Wildlife Resources will try to capture them and return them across the border.

Glass Animals performing in Utah as part of world tour https://www.abc4.com/news/entertainment-news/glass-animals-performing-in-utah-as-part-of-world-tour/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 18:39:14 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801944 WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah (ABC4) — Glass Animals are soon embarking on their 2024 "Tour of the Earth," and are planning a stop at the Utah First Credit Union Amphitheatre, formerly known as USANA, on Thursday, Sept. 5.

Special guests Kevin Abstract, Eyedress, and Blondshell will join them throughout the North American leg of the tour, with Eyedress set to play at the Utah show. The Big Moon will open for Glass Animals in Europe and the UK.

Tickets for North American dates went on presale Tuesday, April 9. Additional presales will run throughout the week ahead of the general sale beginning Thursday, April 11 at 10 a.m. local time.

Tour poster (Courtesy Live Nation)

According to a press release from Live Nation, the Grammy-nominated and Brit-nominated group will be playing at some of their biggest stages yet, with shows at iconic venues like Madison Square Garden in New York, Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, 3Arena in Dublin, The O2 in London, and many more.

Along with the 41-date tour, Glass Animals are preparing for the release of their fourth studio album, out on July 19th. Last week, the band released "Creatures in Heaven," giving fans a taste of the upcoming album, which can be pre-ordered online.

The band's last album Dreamland, contained the popular single "Heat Waves," which hit number five on the UK Singles Chart and topped the Billboard Hot 100 for five weeks in the United States. The album itself sold over 12 million copies worldwide.


  • Wed Aug 07 – Charlotte, NC – PNC Music Pavilion +
  • Thu Aug 08 – Alpharetta, GA – Ameris Bank Amphitheatre +
  • Sat Aug 10 – Philadelphia, PA – TD Pavilion at the Mann +
  • Sun Aug 11 – Mansfield, MA – Xfinity Center +
  • Tue Aug 13 – New York, NY – Madison Square Garden +
  • Fri Aug 16 – Raleigh, NC – Coastal Credit Union Music Park +
  • Sat Aug 17 – Columbia, MD – Merriweather Post Pavilion +
  • Tue Aug 20 – Toronto, ON – Budweiser Stage +
  • Wed Aug 21 – Cuyahoga Falls, OH – Blossom Music Center +
  • Fri Aug 23 – Noblesville, IN – Ruoff Music Center +
  • Sat Aug 24 – Clarkston, MI – Pine Knob Music Theatre +
  • Sun Aug 25 – Cincinnati, OH – Riverbend Music Center +
  • Tue Aug 27 – Nashville, TN – Bridgestone Arena +
  • Wed Aug 28 – Chicago, IL – Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island +
  • Sat Aug 31 – Kansas City, KS – Azura Amphitheater ~^
  • Tue Sep 03 – Morrison, CO – Red Rocks Amphitheatre ~
  • Wed Sep 04 – Morrison, CO – Red Rocks Amphitheatre ~
  • Thu Sep 05 – Salt Lake City, UT – Utah First Credit Union Amphitheatre ~
  • Sat Sep 07 – Seattle, WA – The Gorge Amphitheatre ~^
  • Sun Sep 08 – Vancouver, BC – Pepsi Live at Rogers Arena ~
  • Wed Sep 11 – Mountain View, CA – Shoreline Amphitheatre ~
  • Fri Sep 13 – Chula Vista, CA – North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre ~
  • Sat Sep 14 – Inglewood, CA – Kia Forum ~^
  • Tue Sep 17 – Phoenix, AZ – Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre ~
  • Fri Sep 20 – Dallas, TX – Dos Equis Pavilion ~
  • Sat Sep 21 – The Woodlands, TX – The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion ~
  • Sun Sep 22 – Austin, TX – Moody Center ~


  • Tue Oct 15 – Paris, France – Zenith =
  • Wed Oct 16 – Brussels, Belgium – Forest National =
  • Thu Oct 17 – Dusseldorf, Germany – Mitsubishi Electric Halle =
  • Sat Oct 19 – Warsaw, Poland – Expo XXI =
  • Sun Oct 20 – Berlin, Germany – Max-Schmeling-Halle =
  • Tue Oct 22 – Milan, Italy – Alcatraz =
  • Wed Oct 23 – Zurich, Switzerland – The Hall =
  • Thu Oct 24 – Munich, Germany – Zenith =
  • Sat Oct 26 – Amsterdam, Netherlands – AFAS Live =
  • Wed Oct 30 – Dublin, Ireland – 3Arena =
  • Fri Nov 01 – Glasgow, United Kingdom – OVO Hydro =
  • Sat Nov 02 – Manchester, United Kingdom – Co-op Live =
  • Sun Nov 03 – Nottingham, United Kingdom – Motorpoint Arena =
  • Tue Nov 05 – Cardiff, United Kingdom – Utilita Arena =
  • Thu Nov 07 – London, United Kingdom – The O2 =

Support Key

+ Kevin Abstract

~ Eyedress

^ Blondshell

= The Big Moon

Utah Valley to break ground on $20 million soccer stadium https://www.abc4.com/sports/local-sports/utah-valley-to-break-ground-on-20-million-soccer-stadium/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 16:46:14 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801816 OREM, Utah (ABC4) -- Officials with Utah Valley University will break ground on its new $20 million soccer-specific stadium on Tuesday, April 9, kicking off a new era for both men's and women's soccer athletics at the university.

The new stadium, sponsored by Utah Community Credit Union (UCCU), will be situated on the west side of the existing Clyde Field and will provide an "unparalleled experience" for players, fans and the community.

Once completed the stadium will be able to hold 3,000 fans and include covered plaza seating, a Major League Soccer-style press box complete with broadcast capabilities and 10 luxury seats. The University previously announced the new stadium would include improved concessions, restrooms and a team shop as well as dedicated student sections.

The players will have dedicated locker rooms a team lounge and locker rooms specifically built for visiting teams and officials. Once finished, UVU said the stadium will be one of the top facilities in NCAA Division I Soccer.

"This groundbreaking is a testament to our vision for UVU Athletics and our partnership with UCCU," said Utah Valley Director of Athletics Dr. Jared Sumsion. "The new stadium will not only enhance our competitive edge but also create a vibrant hub for community interaction and support."

The groundbreaking will happen at 12:45 p.m. in a ceremony open to the public. UVU officials plan on announcing a timeline for construction as well as other stadium features during the event.

Bald eagle shot near Cedar City, DWR seeks answers https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/bald-eagle-shot-near-cedar-city-dwr-seeks-answers/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 16:28:22 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801871 CEDAR CITY, Utah (ABC4) -- A bald eagle was found injured with a gunshot wound through its wing earlier this year near Cedar City, leading to an investigation by conservation officers to find the culprit.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources said the injured bird was found near 4500 West in Cedar City on Feb. 29. Conservation officers found the eagle had been shot through its wing with what appeared to be a rifle.

"Unfortunately, the injuries were severe," said DWR in a press release. "It was determined that the eagle would not recover, resulting in it needing to be euthanized."

The Bald Eagle, a symbol of the United States since 1782, has been federally protected from hunting since 1940. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act prohibits anyone from killing bald or golden eagles and taking their parts, including feathers, nests or eggs - unless they have a special permit issued by the Secretary of the Interior.

DWR said the person responsible for shooting the bald eagle near Cedar City will face a third-degree felony charge. According to the Protection Act, violations can result in a fine of $100,000 and one-year imprisonment.

Anyone with information regarding the injured bald eagle found near Cedar City is asked to contact DWR. Tips can be left with the UTiP Hotline by calling 1-800-662-3337, by texting 847411, or through the DWR website or app. You may also contact Officer Jeremy Butler at 435-310-0238.

A reward may be available for information leading to the successful prosecution of those responsible. Tips can be left anonymously as requests for confidentiality will be respected, according to DWR.

Utah highway closed after crack found in Panguitch Lake dam https://www.abc4.com/news/southern-utah/utah-highway-closed-after-crack-found-in-panguitch-lake-dam/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 16:00:46 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801849

PANGUITCH, Utah (ABC4) -- A crack found in the Panguitch Lake Dam has led to officials limiting access to one Utah highway and Panguitch Lake.

The Garfield County Sheriff's Office said the damage to the dam was found Monday, April 8. The damage reportedly resulted in a cracking on the upper portion of the dam. GCSO along with Panguitch City officials, emergency management and the West Panguitch Irrigation Company are "monitoring the conditions."

The Sheriff's Office said the damage is not severe enough for authorities to issue any evacuation notice, but access to the lake and Highway 143 will be limited.

"As a precaution, Garfield County Sheriff's Office has closed Highway 143 and will limit all access to Panguitch Lake," said the Sheriff's Office in a press release. "Highway 143 will remain open above Panguitch Lake."

Emergency personnel stationed at the dam will closely monitor the structure's conditions. If the conditions worsen, the Sheriff's Office said an emergency notification will be made through "all available resources."

Officials did not disclose what may have caused the damage to the dam.

This is a developing story. Stay tuned as ABC4 will update this article as more information becomes available.

Downtown Salt Lake City 'going gold' for Olympic support https://www.abc4.com/sports/olympics-2034/downtown-salt-lake-city-going-gold-for-olympic-support/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 14:25:26 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801759 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- Salt Lake City will be lit up in "Olympic gold" this week during a visit from the International Olympic Committee, which runs from Tuesday, April 9 to Saturday, April 13.

Several towers and businesses throughout the city will be illuminating their buildings and properties in Olympic gold lighting as a show of support for Salt Lake City's bid to host the 2034 Winter Olympics.

The Delta Center, City Creek Center, The Gateway, The 95 State Building, 222 Building, The Grand America Hotel, Walker Center and more will be participating.

"The business community is wholeheartedly in support of hosting the 2034 Winter Games and this is a great way to demonstrate that resolve," said Salt Lake Chamber and Downtown Alliance President and CEO Derek Miller.

The International Olympic Committee will be in Utah for a final visit ahead of the IOC's final decision on who will host the 2030 and 2034 Winter Games. During their visit, the committee will meet with Salt Lake City-Utah Olympic Games organizers to discuss their proposal, including transit readiness, venues, and overall readiness of the state to host the Winter Games.

The SLC-UT Olympic Committee recently unveiled 13 venues across the Wasatch Front and potential spots for Olympic sports. Many venues, such as the Maverik Center, Park City ski resorts, and the Peaks Ice Arena also hosted the games in 2002.

Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games President and CEO Fraser Bullock praised the Salt Lake community for rallying behind the IOC's visit and hopes the enthusiasm spreads throughout the state.

"We want everyone in our entire state to feel the energy of bringing the Winter Games back to Utah," said Bullock.

The Salt Lake Downtown Alliance is inviting community members to join in showing support by illuminating their homes and businesses in Olympic gold.

What was it like watching an eclipse in the 70s? https://www.abc4.com/news/wirth/what-was-it-like-watching-an-eclipse-in-the-70s/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 04:22:42 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801447 SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -- On Monday, millions of people watched the total solar eclipse -- whether in-person, on the internet, or on television. 45 years ago, Americans watched an eclipse live on TV for one of the very first times.

News anchors were breathless and reporters waxed poetic. Of course, ABC4's Craig Wirth was right there, covering the 1979 event from Montana.

Back then, the technology used to stream the eclipse was the best of the best. This eclipse was not seen all over the country -- just the northern part -- so the livestream was really something special.

1979 was one of the first years live TV could cover an event like this, allowing the world to get its own breathtaking glimpse.

"People are hushed in what almost seems like a ritual thing that mankind has been silenced by in awe since the beginning of civilization," ABC's science reporter Jules Bergman said of the event.

People in the 70s did not have animated maps or graphics like we do today, but they made great strides in another area -- selling "canned dark" and, of course, T-shirts.

Viewers were excited, and it was a moment they'll likely never forget.

"Oh there you can see it the roar of the crowd is going up," one said. "This is just the most exciting thing I've ever participated in."

23-year-old saved by search and rescue after 'wandering off' mountain in snowstorm https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/mountain-snowstorm-wandering-off-searc-and-rescue/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 04:14:05 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801419 WEBER COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- Weber County Search and Rescue saved a 23-year-old snowboarder after he reportedly wandered off Powder Mountain during Saturday's snowstorm.

The Search and Rescue team said the man ended up in the Middle Fork drainage area, where he ran out of snow as the elevation dropped.

The team reportedly followed the snowboarder's tracks in snowmobiles until they also ran out of snow, and then discarded their machines and continued on foot until they located the man.

There was a "lucky small break in the weather" that allowed Department of Public Safety Aero Bureau to get the snowboarder out to safety, the SAR team said. "The Snowmobile Team hiked back to recover their snowmobiles and headed home to their families."

Four hospitalized after multi-vehicle crash on Highway 6 https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/four-hospitalized-after-multi-vehicle-crash-on-highway-6/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 04:13:40 +0000 https://www.abc4.com/?p=1801459 UTAH COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) -- Four people were hospitalized Monday evening after several vehicles got into a crash on U.S. 6, according to officials with the Utah Highway Patrol.

According to Sergeant Cameron Roden with UHP, a semi truck and three other cars were involved in the crash. The crash is said to have taken place near mile marker 202 on Route 6 in Utah County.

UHP said the driver of the semi truck was taken to the hospital in serious condition. The semi truck that was involved in the crash reportedly ended up overturned.

The other people involved suffered injuries ranging from minor to moderate, and three others were taken to the hospital.

The crash was said to have blocked two lanes of traffic, but the lanes were able to reopen after a couple hours.

Officials are urging drivers to be careful when driving and to plan trips ahead of time. Officials also recommend drivers keep their eyes on the road at all times and be mindful of what is in the car.

"We respond to crashes on a daily basis where we find things that should have been in the back of the vehicle that are now in the front seat," Sergeant Kristopher Cope said. "And those are just projectiles that can hit you in the head or cause serious damage."

There is no further information at this time.
