Community advocates are good things for all of us. Help us recognize people doing good things for others by nominating them today for the monthly community advocate honor on Good Things Utah sponsored by the Advocates at Driggs, Bills & Day law firm.

‘The Advocates’ Honoring Utah advocates
Since 1994, the Advocates at Driggs, Bills & Day have taken pride in helping fellow Utahans get back on their feet after they were injured in an accident. The Advocates do this by serving their clients with honesty, thoroughness, and dedication.
Many of the clients who have worked with the Advocates don’t hesitate to contact our office whenever they need help with a legal matter. Anyone who has worked with our law firm knows that when you have an Advocate on your side, your recovery is always our first priority.
In return, we here at the Advocates would like to recognize others who have made a difference in the lives of those around them.
Nominating Utah advocates
The Advocates at Driggs, Bills & Day want to shine the spotlight on people throughout Utah who have gone the extra mile to do the right thing. Whether these people have saved the lives of others, helped those in financial need, or simply acted as a friend for someone who needed to be cared for, the Advocates would like to hear from you. Do you know a person who has helped someone in need?

The Advocates at Driggs, Bills & Day want to shine the spotlight on people throughout Utah who have gone the extra mile to do the right thing. Whether these people have saved the lives of others, helped those in financial need, or simply acted as a friend for someone who needed to be cared for, the Advocates would like to hear from you. Do you know a person who has helped someone in need?
If you have, please fill out the form below to nominate a good Samaritan you know. The most generous nominee will be selected and announced on Good Things Utah weekly. Each month, a new winner will be featured on Good Things Utah as a recognition for their service. They will also receive a gift certificate for dinner and a movie.
This program is run by the Advocates at Driggs, Bills & Day. ABC4 is a promotional partner in the community advocacy program.
For additional information about recovering from a personal injury make sure to visit UtahAdvocates.com